Sfoglia per Autore
Telelavoro possibile e telelavoro mancato. Cinque aziende a confronto
2000-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
"Narrare l'organizzazione. La costruzione sociale dell'identità istituzionale". Di Barbara Czarniawska
2002-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Calling technology: interpretations and discourses on/of the Intranet in a comparative case-study
2003-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Collaboration and Knowledge Management through Intranet technology. Learning practices and contexts in an Italian and a UK company
2003-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Communities of Practice / Cultivating Communities of Practice. A guide to managing knowledge. Di Wenger, E. / Wenger, E. McDermott, R., Snyder, W.M
2003-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Routine comunicative e nuove tecnologie: Intranet come accesso alla vita quotidiana delle organizzazioni
2003-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Representations and uses of the Intranet: a comparative case study
2003-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Theorizing the artefact: Understanding IT-dependent renewal projects
2004-01-01 Linderoth, H. J; Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Tecnologia come processo: decostruire artefatti nella vita quotidiana delle organizzazioni
2004-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Il cantiere e la bussola. Le reti Intranet fra innovazione e routine
2004-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Misunderstandings around the artifact: a KMS failure story
2004-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Intranet-based internal communication: routines, knowledge transfer and learning strategies
2004-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Face-to-face and distant learning as emo-rational microprocesses. Understanding learning through collective learning from within
2005-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina; Villardi, Quiroz
Frames and inscriptions: tracing a way to understand IT-dependent change projects
2005-01-01 Linderoth, H. C; Pellegrino, Giuseppina
La sfida dell’ipermediatizzazione. Tecnologie per il Knowledge Management tra rappresentazioni e non-uso
2005-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Misunderstandings around the artifact: a KMS failure story
2005-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Thickening the frame: Cross-theoretical accounts of contexts inside and around technology
2005-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Classificazioni, vita quotidiana ed etica dell'ambiguità nell'approccio ecologico di Bowker e Star
2006-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Geoffrey Bowker & Susan Leigh Star, Intervista su società dell'informazione e disuguaglianze
2006-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Ubiquity and pervasivity: on the technological mediation of (mobile) everyday life
2006-01-01 Pellegrino, Giuseppina
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