The essay, through an overview of some moments of greek philosophy, aims to demonstrate the lack of historical reliability of the idea that, already in the ancient world, there was the so-called theory of two worlds: the sensible world, always uncertain and deceptive , and the intelligible world, always true and reliable. The paper shows instead of duplicating appearance / reality was alien to the main pre-Platonic thinkers, who took seriously the world of sensible appearances as a place where ideas are formed and, in general, the intelligible world.
Il saggio, attraverso una rivisitazione di alcuni momenti del pensiero filosofico greco, si propone di dimostrare la scarsa attendibilità storica dell'idea secondo cui, già nel mondo antico, si delineasse la cosiddetta teoria dei due mondi: il mondo sensibile, sempre incerto e ingannevole, ed il mondo intelligibile, sempre vero ed affidabile. Il saggio mostra invece che la duplicazione apparenza/realtà era estranea ai principali pensatori pre-platonici, i quali prendevano in seria considerazione il mondo delle apparenze sensibili come luogo in cui si formano i concetti ed, in genere, il mondo intelligibile.
Opsis ton adelon ta phainomena. (Anassagora, Fr. 21A
BUFALO, Romeo Salvatore
The essay, through an overview of some moments of greek philosophy, aims to demonstrate the lack of historical reliability of the idea that, already in the ancient world, there was the so-called theory of two worlds: the sensible world, always uncertain and deceptive , and the intelligible world, always true and reliable. The paper shows instead of duplicating appearance / reality was alien to the main pre-Platonic thinkers, who took seriously the world of sensible appearances as a place where ideas are formed and, in general, the intelligible world.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.