A close reading, carried out from an "investigative" point of view, of some sample texts taken by Ibsen, Pirandello and Eduardo, becomes in this book an opportunity to x-ray the ghosts of the bourgeois, or petit-bourgeois family, circulating on the Italian stages and Europeans between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and to highlight the criminal implications of the plots and environments assigned to their staging. In the presence of rascals and unhealthy thoughts, left-handed tricks played by unsuspected relatives, hypocrisies that etymologically refer to acting, unspeakable impulses and obsessions, real monsters of the private, violence and sulphurous secrets, neurosis and cruelty, endogamic disorders and revenants, we feel in the middle of the heart of darkness of a nightmare house, suspended on the edge of a chasm.
Una lettura ravvicinata, compiuta in un'ottica "investigativa", di alcuni testi-campione tratti da Ibsen, Pirandello ed Eduardo, diventa in questo libro un'occasione per radiografare i fantasmi della famiglia borghese, o piccolo-borghese, circolanti sui palcoscenici italiani ed europei tra Otto e Novecento, e per mettere in evidenza il risvolto delittuoso delle trame e degli ambienti deputati alla loro messa in scena. In presenza di mascalzonate e malsani pensieri, tiri mancini giocati da consanguinei insospettabili, ipocrisie che etimologicamente rinviano alla recita, pulsioni e ossessioni indicibili, veri e propri mostri del privato, violenze e segreti sulfurei, nevrosi e crudeltà, disordini endogamici e revenants, ci sentiamo nel bel mezzo del cuore di tenebra di una casa da incubo, sospesa sull'orlo di un baratro.
Crimini familiari e scena teatrale. Ibsen, Pirandello, De Filippo
PUPO, Ivan
A close reading, carried out from an "investigative" point of view, of some sample texts taken by Ibsen, Pirandello and Eduardo, becomes in this book an opportunity to x-ray the ghosts of the bourgeois, or petit-bourgeois family, circulating on the Italian stages and Europeans between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and to highlight the criminal implications of the plots and environments assigned to their staging. In the presence of rascals and unhealthy thoughts, left-handed tricks played by unsuspected relatives, hypocrisies that etymologically refer to acting, unspeakable impulses and obsessions, real monsters of the private, violence and sulphurous secrets, neurosis and cruelty, endogamic disorders and revenants, we feel in the middle of the heart of darkness of a nightmare house, suspended on the edge of a chasm.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.