This study demonstrates that the requirements for allowing that a promise is legally-binding must be determined bearing in mind the conflict between the codice civile and the lex mercatoria. The statute-book laws will be always applied when the issue concerns a “common” relationship (Chap. I). In these circumstances the promise is only considered to be lawful if the economic operation is “named” by a provision of Italian law. On the contrary, the lex mercatoria must be invoked in reference to market relationships (Chap. II). In such cases the promise is deemed to be immediately binding, even when the economic operation is unknown to Italian law (ad ex.: letters of patronage; surety bonds; commercial papers; etc.). After having defined this theoretical framework, the Author analyzes the single types of promise that are deemed to be fit to provide coercible services and carry out patrimonial transfers without the beneficiary’s expressed or implicit acceptance (Chap. III). In particular, the examination concerns two matters: verifying that there are the necessary requirements for guaranteeing that the promise is immediately binding; identifying the balance of interests which justify the duty of accomplishing the enunciated performance. During the course of the analysis it appears that the declarations which are able to produce immediate obligatory effects without the beneficiary’s consent are many more as opposed to the traditional point of view. The promises acknowledged by Italian law and deemed to be immediately binding in conformity with article 1987 of the codice civile are: «promessa di pagamento e ricognizione di debito» (§ 22); «promessa al pubblico» (§ 26); «promessa del fatto del terzo» (§ 29); «fideiussione senza oneri per il creditore garantito» (§ 30); acts aimed at the drafting of «garanzie “imposte”» (§ 31); «concessione d’ipoteca» (§ 32); «atti di assunzione nella delegazione senza beneficium ordinis e nell’espromissione» (§ 33); certificates guaranteeing the proper functioning of purchased goods and the promise of additional repairs concerning the sale of consumer goods (§ 34); acts of spontaneous fulfillment of a legal obligation to renegotiate (§ 35). Concerning the nature of the promises – known or totally unknown to Italian law – which are guaranteed by means of the lex mercatoria to provide immediate legal coverage without requiring the beneficiary's explicit or implicit acceptance the following acts should be considered: «lettere di credito» (§ 36); letters of patronage (§ 37); surety bonds (bid bonds, performance bonds, repayment bonds, etc.) (§ 38); commercial papers (39); spontaneous offer of negotion for modifying a contract in compliance with an hardship clause (§ 40). The last step is to reconstruct the system concerning all the acts which are capable of creating a “self-regulation” of relationships between individuals (Chap. IV). It is essential to start by stating that the «promesse unilaterali» belong to the category of «negozi unilaterali». Along these lines there appears to be a conflict between three different types of act which are capable of “self-regulating” the interests of the individuals: «negozi unilaterali»; contracts; complex «fattispecie» not attributable to the contractual paradigm. Each one in particular circumstances coincides with a social benefit. It is right to establish the criterion that an act is deemed to be able to produce the juridical effect desired by the parties, if a different configuration should prevent the realization of higher interests. A structural variability of this kind, as it is inferred by the direct application of constitutional principles and the principle of subsidiarity, can be defined with the formula «atti di autonomia meritevoli di tutela secondo la gerarchia dei valori dell’ordinamento».
Il testo prospetta una rimodulazione delle condizioni, le quali consentono di invocare il canone dell’attitudine di una promessa a determinare la coercibilità della prestazione enunciata indipendentemente dall’accordo con il destinatario. Il risultato pratico piú evidente è costituito da un sensibile ampliamento delle dichiarazioni riconducibili al paradigma delle promesse unilaterali. Una simile rappresentazione discende, essenzialmente, da due operazioni ermeneutiche: la prima consiste nell’interpretazione dell’art. 1987 c.c. in armonia col principio di economia dei mezzi giuridici; l’altra è data dall’applicazione diretta della lex mercatoria sul fondamento e nei limiti del principio di sussidiarietà orizzontale. Stabilita la configurazione di una dichiarazione come promessa unilaterale, si determina, comunemente, la valenza delle seguenti regole eteronome: l’inesistenza di un potere di rifiuto dell’oblato; l’immediatezza della produzione dell’effetto obbligatorio; la non impugnabilità per vizi del volere o incapacità del promissario; l’invocabilità di un «giusto rimedio» a favore del promittente in caso di vizi concernenti il rapporto sottostante; l’interpretazione della dichiarazione in base alla valutazione dei rapporti collegati; la riduzione della prestazione per eccessiva onerosità sopravvenuta. A margine dell’approfondimento monografico, è prospettato un tentativo di ricostruzione sistematica dell’intera materia degli autoregolamenti di diritto civile attraverso la categoria degli «atti di autonomia meritevoli di tutela secondo la gerarchia dei valori dell’ordinamento».
Promesse unilaterali
MAISTO, Filippo
This study demonstrates that the requirements for allowing that a promise is legally-binding must be determined bearing in mind the conflict between the codice civile and the lex mercatoria. The statute-book laws will be always applied when the issue concerns a “common” relationship (Chap. I). In these circumstances the promise is only considered to be lawful if the economic operation is “named” by a provision of Italian law. On the contrary, the lex mercatoria must be invoked in reference to market relationships (Chap. II). In such cases the promise is deemed to be immediately binding, even when the economic operation is unknown to Italian law (ad ex.: letters of patronage; surety bonds; commercial papers; etc.). After having defined this theoretical framework, the Author analyzes the single types of promise that are deemed to be fit to provide coercible services and carry out patrimonial transfers without the beneficiary’s expressed or implicit acceptance (Chap. III). In particular, the examination concerns two matters: verifying that there are the necessary requirements for guaranteeing that the promise is immediately binding; identifying the balance of interests which justify the duty of accomplishing the enunciated performance. During the course of the analysis it appears that the declarations which are able to produce immediate obligatory effects without the beneficiary’s consent are many more as opposed to the traditional point of view. The promises acknowledged by Italian law and deemed to be immediately binding in conformity with article 1987 of the codice civile are: «promessa di pagamento e ricognizione di debito» (§ 22); «promessa al pubblico» (§ 26); «promessa del fatto del terzo» (§ 29); «fideiussione senza oneri per il creditore garantito» (§ 30); acts aimed at the drafting of «garanzie “imposte”» (§ 31); «concessione d’ipoteca» (§ 32); «atti di assunzione nella delegazione senza beneficium ordinis e nell’espromissione» (§ 33); certificates guaranteeing the proper functioning of purchased goods and the promise of additional repairs concerning the sale of consumer goods (§ 34); acts of spontaneous fulfillment of a legal obligation to renegotiate (§ 35). Concerning the nature of the promises – known or totally unknown to Italian law – which are guaranteed by means of the lex mercatoria to provide immediate legal coverage without requiring the beneficiary's explicit or implicit acceptance the following acts should be considered: «lettere di credito» (§ 36); letters of patronage (§ 37); surety bonds (bid bonds, performance bonds, repayment bonds, etc.) (§ 38); commercial papers (39); spontaneous offer of negotion for modifying a contract in compliance with an hardship clause (§ 40). The last step is to reconstruct the system concerning all the acts which are capable of creating a “self-regulation” of relationships between individuals (Chap. IV). It is essential to start by stating that the «promesse unilaterali» belong to the category of «negozi unilaterali». Along these lines there appears to be a conflict between three different types of act which are capable of “self-regulating” the interests of the individuals: «negozi unilaterali»; contracts; complex «fattispecie» not attributable to the contractual paradigm. Each one in particular circumstances coincides with a social benefit. It is right to establish the criterion that an act is deemed to be able to produce the juridical effect desired by the parties, if a different configuration should prevent the realization of higher interests. A structural variability of this kind, as it is inferred by the direct application of constitutional principles and the principle of subsidiarity, can be defined with the formula «atti di autonomia meritevoli di tutela secondo la gerarchia dei valori dell’ordinamento».I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.