The main aim of this book is to develop some reflections about Kant’s ethics. On the one hand, I will underline some Kant’s controversial aporias about ethics foundation domain (separation and irreconcilability between empiric I and transcendental I) and about knowledge domain (strict and incompatible separation between Verstand and Vernunft). On the other hand, I will remark that if it places side by side subject-knowledge solus ipse and pre-linguistics and the subdivision-distinction between theoretical reason and practical reason, we can observe: 1) despite the Critique of Judgment’s attempt as meeting point between the phenomenal world (Critique of Pure Reason) and noumenal world (Critique of Practical Reason), the human reason finds many difficulties to be in tune with itself (Selbsteinstimmigkeit); 2) it is impossible to carry on the Kant’s attempt about an universal foundation of ethics and also of philosophy and science. Michele Borrelli wrote six letters in order that aporias and conflicts of the Kantian Reason can be overcome and also to think about ethics foundation or about philosophy and science and/or about social sciences. The six letters in the book are addressed to Kant as alternative remarks: according to transcendental pragmatic point of view and Karl-Otto Apel’s double passage, the argumentation is developed through the passage from knowing I to the co-subject or inter-subject and from the separation-distinction between practical reason, theoretical reason and esthetical reason to unification of these three meanings of reason in the meaning of the argumentative reason. Through a deep analysis that considers lot domains of philosophy and social theory (phenomenology, hermeneutic, logic of the social science, theory of knowledge, the “end of philosophy” theory and its revival through post metaphysic key), Lettere a Kant focuses on the problems that menace the humanity. Besides, Lettere a Kant provides practical and theoretical solutions to these problems through Karl-Otto Apel’s ethics of the speech. This one, unlike Kant’s ethics, represents a clear, illuminant and upriver answer.
Le riflessioni qui sviluppate mettono, da un lato, in evidenza alcune aporie da cui Kant non è uscito sia per quanto concerne l’ambito della fondazione etica (separazione e inconciliabilità di Io empirico ed Io trascendentale) sia per quanto concerne l’ambito della conoscenza (separazione rigorosa e inconciliabile di Verstand e Vernunft); dall’altro dimostrano che se al soggetto-conoscenza solus ipse e pre-linguistico, teorizzato da Kant, affianchiamo la suddivisione-distinzione di ragione teoretica e ragione pratica, notiamo che nonostante il tentativo della Critica del giudizio intesa come anello di congiunzione tra mondo fenomenico (Critica della ragion pura) e mondo noumenico (Critica della ragion pratica), non solo la ragione umana ha difficoltà a trovare la sua autosintonia (Selbsteinstimmigkeit) a cui Kant tanto aspirava, ma diventa anche impossibile portare avanti il tentativo kantiano di voler fondare universalmente l’etica e, in ultima istanza, la filosofia e la scienza. Per superare le aporie e il conflitto creati da Kant in seno alla stessa ragione e pensare in termini di fondazione dell’etica o di filosofia e scienza e/o di scienze sociali, le sei lettere qui indirizzate a Kant sono state pensate come riflessioni alternative secondo la chiave di lettura trascendentalpragmatica, in base al doppio passaggio elaborato da Karl-Otto Apel: dall’Io conoscente al co-soggetto o intersoggetto e dalla separazione-distinzione di ragione pratica, ragione teoretica e ragione estetica all’unitarietà di queste tre accezioni di ragione nella ragione argomentativa. In tutta una serie di passaggi, in cui viene chiamata in causa la fenomenologia quanto l’ermeneutica, la logica delle scienze sociali quanto la teoria della conoscenza, la “fine della filosofia” quanto una sua riproposizione in chiave postmetafisica, le Lettere a Kant mettono a fuoco i molti problemi odierni che minacciano l’umanità e le possibili soluzioni sul piano teoretico e pratico che l’etica del discorso di Karl-Otto Apel, diversamente dall’etica formulata da Kant, ha saputo elaborare in modo chiaro, illuminante e controcorrente.
Lettere a Kant. La trasformazione apeliana dell'etica kantiana
The main aim of this book is to develop some reflections about Kant’s ethics. On the one hand, I will underline some Kant’s controversial aporias about ethics foundation domain (separation and irreconcilability between empiric I and transcendental I) and about knowledge domain (strict and incompatible separation between Verstand and Vernunft). On the other hand, I will remark that if it places side by side subject-knowledge solus ipse and pre-linguistics and the subdivision-distinction between theoretical reason and practical reason, we can observe: 1) despite the Critique of Judgment’s attempt as meeting point between the phenomenal world (Critique of Pure Reason) and noumenal world (Critique of Practical Reason), the human reason finds many difficulties to be in tune with itself (Selbsteinstimmigkeit); 2) it is impossible to carry on the Kant’s attempt about an universal foundation of ethics and also of philosophy and science. Michele Borrelli wrote six letters in order that aporias and conflicts of the Kantian Reason can be overcome and also to think about ethics foundation or about philosophy and science and/or about social sciences. The six letters in the book are addressed to Kant as alternative remarks: according to transcendental pragmatic point of view and Karl-Otto Apel’s double passage, the argumentation is developed through the passage from knowing I to the co-subject or inter-subject and from the separation-distinction between practical reason, theoretical reason and esthetical reason to unification of these three meanings of reason in the meaning of the argumentative reason. Through a deep analysis that considers lot domains of philosophy and social theory (phenomenology, hermeneutic, logic of the social science, theory of knowledge, the “end of philosophy” theory and its revival through post metaphysic key), Lettere a Kant focuses on the problems that menace the humanity. Besides, Lettere a Kant provides practical and theoretical solutions to these problems through Karl-Otto Apel’s ethics of the speech. This one, unlike Kant’s ethics, represents a clear, illuminant and upriver answer.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.