for This book subversive and ironic look at woman's body-but not only-as the protagonist of resplendent world of commercial advertising, with a new angle, the "intersectionality", crossing different analytical perspectives. Why advertising icons are mostly beautiful, tall, thin, rich, elegant, young and desirable male gaze? Otherwise, how are they represented? It is true that many advertisements are racist? What's with the "advertising" with our lives, with our behaviors? The incessant bombardment of commercial images not only requires us to buy: it acts according to rules against the social body. The prospect of political deconstruction is twofold: it induces the understanding of underlying power relationships to the social construction of such images and reveals that the market has an active function in strengthening of dominant ideologies. So is enshrined in the adult male supremacy, white, Western, "who loves women"-and the lifestyle of the upper classes as a model to be confirmed, or aspire, as values to be shared or at least to copy. Although they spend so much for advertising, today the crisis makes possible a new awareness for women, disadvantaged classes, people of color, sexual minorities, for all those who are on the margin and representing a majority emergent. Thus it becomes possible to play a game off the mirror and far from its wall, developing a microphysics of countervailing power,
Questo libro ironico e sovversivo guarda al corpo - della donna ma non solo - come protagonista del luccicante mondo delle pubblicità commerciali, con una nuova angolazione, quella "intersezionale", incrociando diverse prospettive analitiche. Perché le icone delle pubblicità sono prevalentemente belle, alte, magre, ricche, eleganti, giovani e desiderabili allo sguardo maschile? Altrimenti, come vengono rappresentate? E vero che molte pubblicità sono razziste? Cosa c'entrano le "réclame" con la nostra vita quotidiana, con i nostri comportamenti? Il bombardamento incessante di immagini commerciali non ci impone solo di comprare: esso agisce anche in funzione normativa nei confronti del corpo sociale stesso. La prospettiva di decostruzione politica è duplice: induce la comprensione dei rapporti di potere sottesi alla costruzione sociale di tali immagini e svela che il mercato ha una funzione attiva nel rafforzamento delle ideologie dominanti. Così viene sancita la supremazia del maschio adulto, bianco, occidentale, "che ama le donne" - e dello stile di vita delle classi alte come modello a cui confermarsi, o aspirare, come valori da condividere o perlomeno da copiare. Nonostante si spenda moltissimo per le pubblicità, oggi la crisi rende possibile una nuova consapevolezza per le donne, le classi svantaggiate, le persone di colore, le minoranze sessuali, per tutti coloro che si trovano al margine e che rappresentano una maggioranza emergente. Così diventa possibile giocare una partita fuori dallo specchio e lungi dalle sue brame, elaborando una microfisica del contropotere
Specchio delle sue brame. Analisi socio-politica della pubblicità: genere, classe, razza, età ed eterosessismo
Laura Corradi
for This book subversive and ironic look at woman's body-but not only-as the protagonist of resplendent world of commercial advertising, with a new angle, the "intersectionality", crossing different analytical perspectives. Why advertising icons are mostly beautiful, tall, thin, rich, elegant, young and desirable male gaze? Otherwise, how are they represented? It is true that many advertisements are racist? What's with the "advertising" with our lives, with our behaviors? The incessant bombardment of commercial images not only requires us to buy: it acts according to rules against the social body. The prospect of political deconstruction is twofold: it induces the understanding of underlying power relationships to the social construction of such images and reveals that the market has an active function in strengthening of dominant ideologies. So is enshrined in the adult male supremacy, white, Western, "who loves women"-and the lifestyle of the upper classes as a model to be confirmed, or aspire, as values to be shared or at least to copy. Although they spend so much for advertising, today the crisis makes possible a new awareness for women, disadvantaged classes, people of color, sexual minorities, for all those who are on the margin and representing a majority emergent. Thus it becomes possible to play a game off the mirror and far from its wall, developing a microphysics of countervailing power,I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.