Computers typically adopt the IEEE 754-1985 binary floating point standard to represent and work with numbers. Although computers can work with finite numbers, numerical computations that involve infinite and infinitesimal quantities are impossible due to architectural limitations. This paper is dedicated to the Infinity Computer, a new type of supercomputer that allows one to perform calculations involving finite, infinite, and infinitesimal numbers. The existent simulators of the Infinity Computer available for the Matlab/Simulink environment are already used in several research domains to solve real-world problems, where accuracy is a crucial aspect. However, the Matlab/Simulink simulators are not well suited for solving problems in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning domains, where the Python programming language is largely adopted. For this purpose, the main aim of this paper is to introduce PyGrossone, a Python library for the Infinity Computer.
PyGrossone: A Python library for the Infinity Computer
Alberto Falcone
;Alfredo Garro;Yaroslav Sergeyev
Computers typically adopt the IEEE 754-1985 binary floating point standard to represent and work with numbers. Although computers can work with finite numbers, numerical computations that involve infinite and infinitesimal quantities are impossible due to architectural limitations. This paper is dedicated to the Infinity Computer, a new type of supercomputer that allows one to perform calculations involving finite, infinite, and infinitesimal numbers. The existent simulators of the Infinity Computer available for the Matlab/Simulink environment are already used in several research domains to solve real-world problems, where accuracy is a crucial aspect. However, the Matlab/Simulink simulators are not well suited for solving problems in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning domains, where the Python programming language is largely adopted. For this purpose, the main aim of this paper is to introduce PyGrossone, a Python library for the Infinity Computer.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.