The contribution intends to reflect on the female participation in university courses in prison, institutionalized in the Italian universities belonging to the National university conference of penitentiaries. Most of the people who enter prison come from situations of social disadvantage; these are generally individuals who have low expectations of obtaining a university degree. The possibility and the propensity for female prisoners to enroll in study courses in prison also collide with low numbers of female population and short term of conviction sentences. The complex prison reality raises unavoidable questions regarding the obstacles that the female prisoners encounter to the effectiveness of the initiative of the niversity enitentiary centers, an excellent reality in the international panorama of the offer of university education in prison. For female prisoners, it is necessary to identify priorities and possible solutions to the problem of equality in the exercise of the right to study
Nel rapporto tra scuola e istituti di detenzione nel nostro Paese, prestiamo particolare attenzione all’organizzazione del sistema penitenziario italiano evidenziando limiti e criticità che ostacolano una positiva attuazione del ‘diritto allo studio’ per tutti e per tutte, sancito dall’art. 33 della Costituzione italiana. La popolazione detenuta di sesso femminile, riconosciuta in carcere nelle funzioni prettamente materne, subisce in misura maggiore rispetto al genere maschile le ristrettezze derivanti dalla situazione di emergenza in cui versa il sistema penitenziario italiano. Il contributo si basa sulle differenze di genere presenti nell’esperienza dei Poli Universitari Penitenziari (PUP) in Italia al fine di esplorare i fattori strutturali e culturali che facilitano oppure impediscono l’istruzione in carcere e, in particolare i percorsi scolastici delle detenute.
Le donne nei Poli Universitari Penitenziari: ostacoli e prospettive di sviluppo
Garreffa, Franca
;Turco, Daniela
The contribution intends to reflect on the female participation in university courses in prison, institutionalized in the Italian universities belonging to the National university conference of penitentiaries. Most of the people who enter prison come from situations of social disadvantage; these are generally individuals who have low expectations of obtaining a university degree. The possibility and the propensity for female prisoners to enroll in study courses in prison also collide with low numbers of female population and short term of conviction sentences. The complex prison reality raises unavoidable questions regarding the obstacles that the female prisoners encounter to the effectiveness of the initiative of the niversity enitentiary centers, an excellent reality in the international panorama of the offer of university education in prison. For female prisoners, it is necessary to identify priorities and possible solutions to the problem of equality in the exercise of the right to studyI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.