Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
"That Light Beyond Metaphor": Derek Walcott's Ekphrases
2024-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
A Way into Chaos: Creolization and Complex Cultural Systems
2013-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
Challenging Language: A Study of ‘Opposition’ in Five Political Essays by Arundhati Roy
2024-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
Coetzee e Beckett (e la balena)
2009-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
Coetzee e Defoe. Il ragno e gli unicorni
2009-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
Creole Britain in Hogarth and Dabydeen’s Hogarthian Books
2021-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
Creole Britain in Hogarth and David Dabydeen’s Hogarthian books
2021-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
Derek Walcott's Poetry's Hamletian Blends. A Transcultural Cognitive Stylistic Study
2024-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
Grading Cultural Imperialism in English Language Theory and Practice
2014-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
Help for the ELF world. Contributions from the Ex-Colonial World
2012-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
Le Antille e il dizionario di Derek Walcott
2015-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
Learning to Shant Well and the Art of the Good Translator
2014-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
Literacy Stories for Global Wits: Learning English Through the Literature-Language Line
2015-01-01 Cimarosti, R.
Mapping Memory. An Itinerary through Derek Walcott's Poetics
2004-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
Migratory Bird Takes Second Chance: Reading Heart of Darkness with Chinua Achebe, David Dabydeen, Derek Walcott, Caryl Phillips
2016-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
The Killer of Modern Times: Les Murray’s Fredy Neptune
2014-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
Tradurre il Middle Passage e la comunicazione transculturale: riflessioni da Notanda di M. N. Philip e alcuni testi di D. Walcott
2024-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
“joining by division”: A Portrait of Antillean Art in Derek Walcott's Tiepolo's Hound
2023-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta
“That is the Problem”: Resisting Discourse in Salman Rushdie’s East, West and Chetan Baghat’s Five Point Someone
2023-01-01 Cimarosti, Roberta