Dipartimento di Fisica
Assessing Quantum Computing Performance for Energy Optimization in a Prosumer Community
2023-01-01 Mastroianni, Carlo; Plastina, Francesco; Scarcello, Luigi; Settino, Jacopo; Vinci, Andrea
Ballistic transport through quantum point contacts of multiorbital oxides
2021-01-01 Settino, J.; Citro, R.; Romeo, F.; Cataudella, V.; Perroni, C. A.
Emergence of anomalous dynamics from the underlying singular continuous spectrum in interacting many-body systems
2020-01-01 Settino, J.; Talarico, N. W.; Cosco, F.; Plastina, F.; Maniscalco, S.; Lo Gullo, N.
Emergence of anomalous dynamics from the underlying singular continuous spectrum in interacting many-body systems
2020-01-01 Settino, J.; Talarico, N. W.; Cosco, F.; Plastina, F.; Maniscalco, S.; Lo Gullo, N.
Exact Spectral Function of a Tonks-Girardeau Gas in a Lattice
2021-01-01 Settino, J.; Lo Gullo, N.; Plastina, F.; Minguzzi, A.
Quantum Computing Approach for Energy Optimization in a Prosumer Community
2022-01-01 Mastroianni, Carlo; Scarcello, Luigi; Settino, Jacopo
Signatures of the single-particle mobility edge in the ground-state properties of Tonks-Girardeau and noninteracting Fermi gases in a bichromatic potential
2017-01-01 Settino, J; Lo Gullo, N; Sindona, Antonio; Goold, J; Plastina, F.
Signatures of the single-particle mobility edge in the ground-state properties of Tonks-Girardeau and noninteracting Fermi gases in a bichromatic potential
2017-01-01 Settino, J.; Lo Gullo, N.; Sindona, A.; Goold, J.; Plastina, F.
Spin-orbital polarization of Majorana edge states in oxide nanowires
2020-01-01 Settino, J.; Forte, F.; Perroni, C. A.; Cataudella, V.; Cuoco, M.; Citro, R.