ALGIERI, Bernardina
ALGIERI, Bernardina
Dipartimento di Economia, Statistica e Finanza "Giovanni Anania"- DESF
"Going "Green": Trade Specialisation Dynamics in the Solar Energy Sector", Advances in Business Related Scientific Research Conference (ABSRC), Venezia, 1-3 Giugno 2011
2011-01-01 Succurro, Marianna; Aquino, A; Algieri, B.
"L’industria Fotovoltaica Italiana: Caratteristiche Strutturali e Competitivita’ Internazionale". L’industria Italiana nella Divisione Europea del Lavoro, Economia e Politica Industriale (EPI), Parma, 20-21 Giugno 2011
2011-01-01 Succurro, Marianna; Aquino, A; Algieri, B.
"Sunny" Prospects: an Analysis of the Photovoltaic Industry in Italy
2012-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina; Aquino, A; Succurro, Marianna
59ma RSA SIE, Società Italiana degli Economisti, Università degli Studi di Bologna, 25-27 ottobre 2018. Lavoro presentato: “The impact of capital structure on firms’ innovative performance”
2018-01-01 Succurro, Marianna; Algieri, Bernardina; Aquino, Antonio
A Journey Through the History of Commodity Derivatives Markets and the Political Economy of (De)Regulation
2018-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina
A roller coaster ride: an empirical investigation of the main drivers of the international wheat price
2016-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina
A roller coaster ride: an empirical investigation of the main drivers of the international wheat price
2014-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina
A Roller Coaster Ride: an empirical investigation of the main drivers of wheat price
2013-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina
A roller coaster ride: An empirical investigation of the main drivers of wheat price
2016-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina
A tale of two tails: Explaining extreme events in financialized agricultural markets
2017-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina; Kalkuhl, M; Koch, N.
A Time-Varying Gerber Statistic: Application of a Novel Correlation Metric to Commodity Price Co-Movements
2021-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina; Leccadito, Arturo; Toscano, Pietro
A tourism demand analysis for Southern European Countries
2015-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina; Succurro, Marianna
A Tourism Demand Analysis for Southern European Countries,Università della Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, 3-5 Ottobre 2014
2014-01-01 Succurro, Marianna; Algieri, B.
An analysis of demand and supply for tourism in Italy
2007-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina; Succurro, M.
An Analysis of regional export patterns: the case of Calabria in Southern Italy
2015-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina
An Econometric Estimation of the Demand for Tourism: the Case of Russia
2006-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina
An empirical analysis of the nexus between external balance and government budget balance: The case of the GIIPS countries
2013-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina
An Unobserved Component Model to evaluate the determinants of demand for exports of tourism
2008-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina; Kanellopoulou, S.
Ask CARL: Forecasting Tail Probability for Energy Commodities
2019-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina; Leccadito, Arturo
Assessing contagion risk from energy and non-energy commodity markets
2017-01-01 Algieri, Bernardina; Leccadito, Arturo