VASSALLO, Christian
VASSALLO, Christian
Dipartimento di Culture, Educazione e Società - DiCES
'Kata ten tou chronou taxin'. Per una rilettura del fr. 1 DK di Anassimandro
2012-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
[Philodemi] [De rhetorica] (PHerc. 1004), coll. 32-84
2016-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
A Catalogue of the Evidence for Presocratics in the Herculaneum Papyri
2016-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
A New Philosophical Text on Friendship and Wisdom: Rereading P.Berol. Inv. 10536
2016-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Alcmaeon's Empirical Side: Unpublished Notes from the Vlastos-Nachlass
2021-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Analecta Xenophanea
2019-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Anaxagoras from Egypt to Herculaneum: A Contribution to the History of Ancient ‘Atheism’
2019-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Atomism and the Worship of Gods: On Democritus’ ‘Rational’ Attitude towards Theology
2018-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Contributi per una definizione della simmetria in Plotino
2007-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Creazione e mimesi: analogie e differenze tra l’estetica plotiniana e il libro X della Repubblica di Platone
2009-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Demades’ Natural Flair for Rhetoric: Some Notes on the Extant Herculanean Evidence
2017-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Diagoras and Philippus ‘the Atheist’ in Philodemus’ On Piety: A Suggestion
2022-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Diatriba e dialogo socratico dal punto di vista della classificazione dei generi letterari
2012-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Die Überlieferung des Fr. 18 Marcovich Heraklits (= DK 22 B 81) in PHerc. 1004 (Philodemi De rhetorica, Liber VII). Praesocratica Herculanensia II
2015-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Discussion of A. Smith, Plotinus on Beauty (Enneads 1.6 and 5.8.1–2). The Greek Text with Notes. Introduction and Commentary [by] A. Smith, Atlanta: SBL Press, 2019
2021-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Discussion of C.A. Huffman, Aristoxenus of Tarentum: The Pythagorean Precepts (How to Live a Pythagorean Life), An Edition of and Commentary on the Fragments with an Introduction by C.A. Huffman, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019
2022-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Discussione di V. Piano, Il Papiro di Derveni tra religione e filosofia (= Studi e Testi per il Corpus dei Papiri Filosofici Greci e Latini, 18), Florence: Olschki, 2016
2017-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Ein vergessenes Fragment eines sokratischen Dialogs: PSI XI 1215
2013-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Eschilo e i Presocratici: un nuovo paradigma ermeneutico
2019-01-01 Vassallo, Christian
Feuer und göttliche Dialektik bei Heraklit: Neue Lesungen in PHerc. 1428, Kol. 330 (olim Fr. 17): Praesocratica Herculanensia IX
2018-01-01 Vassallo, Christian