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Muons from cosmic-ray interactions in the atmosphere provide a high-statistics source of particles that can be used to study the performance and calibration of the ATLAS detector. Cosmic-ray muons can penetrate to the cavern and deposit energy in all detector subsystems. Such events have played an important role in the commissioning of the detector since the start of the installation phase in 2005 and were particularly important for understanding the detector performance in the time prior to the arrival of the first LHC beams. Global cosmic-ray runs were undertaken in both 2008 and 2009 and these data have been used through to the early phases of collision data-taking as a tool for calibration, alignment and detector monitoring. These large datasets have also been used for detector performance studies, including investigations that rely on the combined performance of different subsystems. This paper presents the results of performance studies related to combined tracking, lepton identification and the reconstruction of jets and missing transverse energy. Results are compared to expectations based on a cosmic-ray event generator and a full simulation of the detector response. RI valente, paolo/A-6640-2010; Rescia, Sergio/D-8604-2011; Castro, Nuno/D-5260-2011; Doyle, Anthony/C-5889-2009; Andreazza, Attilio/E-5642-2011; Jakubek, Jan/E-6530-2011; Marti-Garcia, Salvador/F-3085-2011; Conde Muino, Patricia/F-7696-2011; Stoicea, Gabriel/B-6717-2011; Robson, Aidan/G-1087-2011; Kladiva, Eduard/G-6305-2011; Losada, Marta/B-2261-2010; Bauer, Florian/G-8816-2011; Jones, Roger/H-5578-2011; Gutierrez, Phillip/C-1161-2011; Ferrando, James/A-9192-2012; collins-tooth, christopher/A-9201-2012; Perrino, Roberto/B-4633-2010; De Cecco, Sandro/B-1016-2012; branchini, paolo/A-4857-2011; Wolter, Marcin/A-7412-2012; Rotaru, Marina/A-3097-2011; O'Shea, Val/G-1279-2010; Takai, Helio/C-3301-2012; Britton, David/F-2602-2010; Pina, Joao /C-4391-2012; Li, Xuefei/C-3861-2012; Smirnova, Lidia/D-8089-2012; Smirnov, Sergei/F-1014-2011; Gladilin, Leonid/B-5226-2011; Kramarenko, Victor/E-1781-2012; Prokoshin, Fedor/E-2795-2012; Alexa, Calin/F-6345-2010; Pacheco Pages, Andres/C-5353-2011; Livan, Michele/D-7531-2012; Petrucci, Fabrizio/G-8348-2012; Fabbri, Laura/H-3442-2012; Kurashige, Hisaya/H-4916-2012; Villa, Mauro/C-9883-2009; Delmastro, Marco/I-5599-2012
Muons from cosmic-ray interactions in the atmosphere provide a high-statistics source of particles that can be used to study the performance and calibration of the ATLAS detector. Cosmic-ray muons can penetrate to the cavern and deposit energy in all detector subsystems. Such events have played an important role in the commissioning of the detector since the start of the installation phase in 2005 and were particularly important for understanding the detector performance in the time prior to the arrival of the first LHC beams. Global cosmic-ray runs were undertaken in both 2008 and 2009 and these data have been used through to the early phases of collision data-taking as a tool for calibration, alignment and detector monitoring. These large datasets have also been used for detector performance studies, including investigations that rely on the combined performance of different subsystems. This paper presents the results of performance studies related to combined tracking, lepton identification and the reconstruction of jets and missing transverse energy. Results are compared to expectations based on a cosmic-ray event generator and a full simulation of the detector response.
Muons from cosmic-ray interactions in the atmosphere provide a high-statistics source of particles that can be used to study the performance and calibration of the ATLAS detector. Cosmic-ray muons can penetrate to the cavern and deposit energy in all detector subsystems. Such events have played an important role in the commissioning of the detector since the start of the installation phase in 2005 and were particularly important for understanding the detector performance in the time prior to the arrival of the first LHC beams. Global cosmic-ray runs were undertaken in both 2008 and 2009 and these data have been used through to the early phases of collision data-taking as a tool for calibration, alignment and detector monitoring. These large datasets have also been used for detector performance studies, including investigations that rely on the combined performance of different subsystems. This paper presents the results of performance studies related to combined tracking, lepton identification and the reconstruction of jets and missing transverse energy. Results are compared to expectations based on a cosmic-ray event generator and a full simulation of the detector response.
Studies of the performance of the ATLAS detector using cosmic-ray muons
Aad G.;Abbott B.;Abdallah J.;Abdelalim A. A.;Abdesselam A.;Abdinov O.;Abi B.;Abolins M.;Abramowicz H.;Abreu H.;Acharya B. S.;Adams D. L.;Addy T. N.;Adelman J.;Adomeit S.;Adragna P.;Adye T.;Aefsky S.;Aguilar Saavedra J. A.;Aharrouche M.;Ahlen S. P.;Ahles F.;Ahmad A.;Ahsan M.;Aielli G.;Akdogan T.;Akesson T. P. A.;Akimoto G.;Akimov A. V.;Aktas A.;Alam M. S.;Alam M. A.;Albrand S.;Aleksa M.;Aleksandrov I. N.;Alexaa C.;Alexander G.;Alexandre G.;Alexopoulos T.;Alhroob M.;Aliev M.;Alimonti G.;Alison J.;Aliyev M.;Allport P. P.;Allwood Spiers S. E.;Almond J.;Aloisio A.;Alon R.;Alonso A.;Alviggi M. G.;Amako K.;Amelung C.;Amorim A.;Amoros G.;Amram N.;Anastopoulos C.;Andeen T.;Anders C. F.;Anderson K. J.;Andreazza A.;Andrei V.;Anduaga X. S.;Angerami A.;Anghinolfi F.;Anjos N.;Annovi A.;Antonaki A.;Antonelli M.;Antonelli S.;Antos J.;Antunovic B.;Anulli F.;Aoun S.;Arabidze G.;Aracena I.;Arai Y.;Arce A. T. H.;Archambault J. P.;Arfaoui S.;Arguin J. F.;Argyropoulos T.;Arik M.;Armbruster A. J.;Arnaez O.;Arnault C.;Artamonov A.;Arutinov D.;Asai M.;Asai S.;Silva J.;Asfandiyarov R.;Ask S.;Asman B.;Asner D.;Asquith L.;Assamagan K.;Astvatsatourov A.;Atoian G.;Auerbach B.;Augsten K.;Aurousseau M.;Austin N.;Avolio G.;Avramidou R.;Ay C.;Azuelos G.;Azuma Y.;Baak M. A.;Bach A. M.;Bachacou H.;Bachas K.;Backes M.;Badescua E.;Bagnaia P.;Bai Y.;Bain T.;Baines J. T.;Baker O. K.;Baker M. D.;Baker S.;Pedrosa F. Baltasar Dos Santos;Banas E.;Banerjee P.;Banerjee S.w.;Banfi D.;Bangert A.;Bansal V.;Baranov S. P.;Barashkou A.;Barber T.;Barberio E. L.;Barberis D.;Barbero M.;Bardin D. Y.;Barillari T.;Barisonzi M.;Barklow T.;Barlow N.;Barnett B. M.;Barnett R. M.;Baroncellia A.;Barr A. J.;Barreiro F.;da Costa J. Barreiro Guimaraes;Barrillon P.;Bartoldus R.;Bartsch D.;Bates R. L.;Batkova L.;Batley J. R.;Battaglia A.;Battistin M.;Bauer F.;Bawa H. S.;Beare B.;Beau T.;Beauchemin P. H.;Beccherle R.;Bechtle P.;Beck G. A.;Beck H. P.;Beckingham M.;Becks K. H.;Beddall A. J.;Beddall A.;Bednyakov V. A.;Bee C.;Begel M.;Harpaz S. Behar;Behera P. K.;Beimforde M.;Belanger Champagne C.;Bell P. J.;Bell W. H.;Bella G.;Bellagamba L.;Bellina F.;Bellomoa M.;Belloni A.;Belotskiy K.;Beltramello O.;Ben Ami S.;Benary O.;Benchekroun D.;Bendel M.;Benedict B. H.;Benekos N.;Benhammou Y.;Benjamin D. P.;Benoit M.;Bensinger J. R.;Benslama K.;Bentvelsen S.;Beretta M.;Berge D.;Kuutmann E. Bergeaas;Berger N.;Berghaus F.;Berglund E.;Beringer J.;Bernat P.;Bernhard R.;Bernius C.;Berry T.;Bertin A.;Besana M. I.;Besson N.;Bethke S.;Bianchi R. M.;Bianco M.;Biebel O.;Biesiada J.;Biglietti M.;Bilokon H.;Bindi M.;Bingul A.;Bini C.;Biscarat C.;Bitenc U.;Black K. M.;Blair R. E.;Blanchard J. B.;Blanchot G.;Blocker C.;Blondel A.;Blum W.;Blumenschein U.;Bobbink G. J.;Bocci A.;Boehler M.;Boek J.;Boelaert N.;Boeser S.;Bogaerts J. A.;Bogouch A.;Bohm C.;Boisvert V.;Bold T.;Boldea V.;Bondioli M.;Boonekamp M.;Bordoni S.;Borer C.;Borisov A.;Borissov G.;Borjanovic I.;Borroni S.;Bos K.;Boscherini D.;Bosman M.;Boterenbrood H.;Bouchami J.;Boudreau J.;Bouhova Thacker E. V.;Boulahouache C.;Bourdarios C.;Boveia A.;Boyd J.;Boyko I. R.;Bozovic Jelisavcic I.;Bracinik J.;Braem A.;Branchini P.;Brandt A.;Brandt G.;Brandt O.;Bratzler U.;Brau B.;Brau J. E.;Braun H. M.;Brelier B.;Bremer J.;Brenner R.;Bressler S.;Britton D.;Brochu F. M.;Brock I.;Brock R.;Brodet E.;Brooijmans G.;Brooks W. K.;Brown G.;de Renstrom P. A. Bruckman;Bruncko D.;Bruneliere R.;Brunet S.;Bruni A.;Bruni G.;Bruschi M.;Bucci F.;Buchanan J.;Buchholz P.;Buckley A. G.;Budagov I. A.;Budick B.;Buescher V.;Bugge L.;Bulekov O.;Bunse M.;Buran T.;Burckhart H.;Burdin S.;Burgess T.;Burke S.;Busato E.;Bussey P.;Buszello C. P.;Butin F.;Butler B.;Butler J. M.;Buttar C. M.;Butterworth J. M.;Byatt T.;Caballero J.;Urban S. Cabrera;Caforio D.;Cakir O.;Calafiura P.;Calderini G.;Calfayan P.;Calkins R.;Caloba L. P.;Calvet D.;Camarri P.;Cameron D.;Campana S.;Campanelli M.;Canale V.;Canelli F.;Canepa A.;Cantero J.;Capasso L.;Garrido M. D. M. Capeans;Caprini I.;Caprini M.;CAPUA, Marcella;Caputo R.;Caramarcu C.;Cardarelli R.;Carli T.;Carlino G.;Carminati L.;Caron B.;Caron S.;Montoya G. D. Carrillo;Montero S. Carron;Carter A. A.;Carter J. R.;Carvalho J.;Casadei D.;Casado M. P.;Cascella M.;Hernandez A. M. Castaneda;Castaneda Miranda E.;Gimenez V. Castillo;Castro N. F.;Cataldi G.;Catinaccio A.;Catmore J. R.;Cattai A.;Cattani G.;Caughron S.;Cavalleri P.;Cavalli D.;Cavalli Sforza M.;Cavasinni V.;Ceradini F.;Cerqueira A. S.;Cerri A.;Cerrito L.;Cerutti F.;Cetin S. A.;Chafaq A.;Chakraborty D.;Chan K.;Chapman J. D.;Chapman J. W.;Chareyre E.;Charlton D. G.;Chavda V.;Cheatham S.;Chekanov S.;Chekulaev S. V.;Chelkov G. A.;Chen H.;Chen S.;Chen X.;Cheplakov A.;Chepurnov V. F.;El Moursli R. Cherkaoui;Tcherniatine V.;Chesneanu D.;Cheu E.;Cheung S. L.;Chevalier L.;Chevallier F.;Chiefari G.;Chikovani L.;Childers J. T.;Chilingarov A.;Chiodini G.;Chizhov M. V.;Choudalakis G.;Chouridou S.;Christidi I. A.;Christov A.;Chromek Burckhart D.;Chu M. L.;Chudoba J.;Ciapetti G.;Ciftci A. K.;Ciftci R.;Cinca D.;Cindro V.;Ciobotaru M. D.;Ciocca C.;Ciocio A.;Cirilli M.;Clark A.;Clark P. J.;Cleland W.;Clemens J. C.;Clement B.;Clement C.;Coadou Y.;Cobal M.;Coccaro A.;Cochran J.;Coggeshall J.;Cogneras E.;Colijn A. P.;Collard C.;Collins N. J.;Collins Tooth C.;Collot J.;Colon G.;Conde Muino P.;Coniavitis E.;Conidi M. C.;Consonni M.;Constantinescu S.;Conta C.;Conventi F.;Cooke M.;Cooper B. D.;Cooper Sarkar A. M.;Cooper Smith N. J.;Copic K.;Cornelissen T.;Corradi M.;Corriveau F.;Corso Radu A.;Cortes Gonzalez A.;Cortiana G.;Costa G.;Costa M. J.;Costanzo D.;Costin T.;Cote D.;Coura Torres R.;Courneyea L.;Cowan G.;Cowden C.;Cox B. E.;Cranmer K.;Cranshaw J.;Cristinziani M.;CROSETTI, Giovanni;Crupi R.;Crepe Renaudin S.;Almenar C. Cuenca;Donszelmann T. Cuhadar;Curatolo M.;Curtis C. J.;Cwetanski P.;Czyczula Z.;D'Auria S.;D'Onofrio M.;D'Orazio A.;Da Via C.;Dabrowski W.;Dai T.;Dallapiccola C.;Dallison S. J.;Daly C. H.;Dam M.;Danielsson H. O.;Dannheim D.;Dao V.;Darbo G.;Darlea G. L.;Davey W.;Davidek T.;Davidson N.;Davidson R.;Davies M.;Davison A. R.;Dawson I.;Daya R. K.;De K.;de Asmundis R.;De Castro S.;Salgado P. E. De Castro Faria;De Cecco S.;De Graat J.;De Groot N.;De Jong P.;De Mora L.;Branco M. De Oliveira;De Pedis D.;De Salvo A.;De Sanctis U.;De Santo A.;De Regie J. B. De Vivie;Dean S.;Dedovich D. V.;Degenhardt J.;Dehchar M.;Del Papa C.;Del Peso J.;Del Prete T.;Dell'Acqua A.;Dell'Asta L.;Della Pietra M.;Della Volpe D.;Delmastro M.;Delsart P. A.;Deluca C.;Demers S.;Demichev M.;Demirkoz B.;Deng J.;Deng W.;Denisov S. P.;Derkaoui J. E.;Derue F.;Dervan P.;Desch K.;Deviveiros P. O.;Dewhurst A.;DeWilde B.;Dhaliwal S.;Dhullipudi R.;Di Ciaccio A.;Di Ciaccio L.;Di Girolamo A.;Di Girolamo B.;Di Luise S.;Di Mattia A.;Di Nardo R.;Di Simone A.;Di Sipio R.;Diaz M. A.;Diblen F.;Diehl E. B.;Dietrich J.;Dietzsch T. A.;Diglio S.;Yagci K. Dindar;Dingfelder J.;Dionisi C.;Dita P.;Dita S.;Dittus F.;Djama F.;Djilkibaev R.;Djobava T.;do Vale M. A. B.;Doan T. K. O.;Dobos D.;Dobson E.;Dobson M.;Doglioni C.;Doherty T.;Dolejsi J.;Dolenc I.;Dolezal Z.;Dolgoshein B. A.;Dohmae T.;Donega M.;Donini J.;Dopke J.;Doria A.;Dotti A.;Dova M. T.;Doxiadis A. D.;Doyle A. T.;Drasal Z.;Dris M.;Dubbert J.;Dube S.;Duchovni E.;Duckeck G.;Dudarev A.;Dudziak F.;Duehrssen M.;Duflot L.;Dufour M. A.;Dunford M.;Yildiz H. Duran;Duxfield R.;Dwuznik M.;Dueren M.;Ebke J.;Eckweiler S.;Edmonds K.;Edwards C. A.;Egorov K.;Ehrenfeld W.;Ehrich T.;Eifert T.;Eigen G.;Einsweiler K.;Eisenhandler E.;Ekelof T.;El Kacimi M.;Ellert M.;Elles S.;Ellinghaus F.;Ellis K.;Ellis N.;Elmsheuser J.;Elsing M.;Emeliyanov D.;Engelmann R.;Engl A.;Epp B.;Eppig A.;Erdmann J.;Ereditato A.;Eriksson D.;Ernst J.;Ernst M.;Ernwein J.;Errede D.;Errede S.;Ertel E.;Escalier M.;Escobar C.;Curull X. Espinal;Esposito B.;Etienvre A. I.;Etzion E.;Evans H.;Fabbri L.;Fabre C.;Facius K.;Fakhrutdinov R. M.;Falciano S.;Fang Y.;Fanti M.;Farbin A.;Farilla A.;Farley J.;Farooque T.;Farrington S. M.;Farthouat P.;Fassnacht P.;Fassouliotis D.;Fatholahzadeh B.;Fayard L.;Febbraro R.;Federic P.;Fedin O. L.;Fedorko W.;Feligioni L.;Felzmann C. U.;Feng C.;Feng E. J.;Fenyuk A. B.;Ferencei J.;Ferland J.;Fernandes B.;Fernando W.;Ferrag S.;Ferrando J.;Ferrara V.;Ferrari A.;Ferrari P.;Ferrari R.;Ferrer A.;Ferrer M. L.;Ferrere D.;Ferretti C.;Fiascaris M.;Fiedler F.;Filipcic A.;Filippas A.;Filthaut F.;Fincke Keeler M.;Fiolhais M. C. N.;Fiorini L.;Firan A.;Fischer G.;Fisher M. J.;Flechl M.;Fleck I.;Fleckner J.;Fleischmann P.;Fleischmann S.;Flick T.;Castillo L. R. Flores;Flowerdew M. J.;Martin T. Fonseca;Fopma J.;Formica A.;Forti A.;Fortin D.;Fournier D.;Fowler A. J.;Fowler K.;Fox H.;Francavilla P.;Franchino S.;Francis D.;Franklin M.;Franz S.;Fraternali M.;Fratina S.;Freestone J.;French S. T.;Froeschl R.;Froidevaux D.;Frost J. A.;Fukunaga C.;Torregrosa E. Fullana;Fuster J.;Gabaldon C.;Gabizon O.;Gadfort T.;Gadomski S.;Gagliardi G.;Gagnon P.;Galea C.;Gallas E. J.;Gallo V.;Gallop B. J.;Gallus P.;Galyaev E.;Gan K. K.;Gao Y. S.;Gaponenko A.;Garcia Sciveres M.;Garcia C.;Navarro J. E. Garca;Gardner R. W.;Garelli N.;Garitaonandia H.;Garonne V.;Gatti C.;Gaudio G.;Gauzzi P.;Gavrilenko I. L.;Gay C.;Gaycken G.;Gazis E. N.;Ge P.;Gee C. N. P.;Geich Gimbel C.h.;Gellerstedt K.;Gemme C.;Genest M. H.;Gentile S.;Georgatos F.;George S.;Gershon A.;Ghazlane H.;Ghodbane N.;Giacobbe B.;Giagu S.;Giakoumopoulou V.;Giangiobbe V.;Gianotti F.;Gibbard B.;Gibson A.;Gibson S. M.;Gilbert L. M.;Gilchriese M.;Gilewsky V.;Gingrich D. M.;Ginzburg J.;Giokaris N.;Giordani M. P.;Giordano R.;Giorgi F. M.;Giovannini P.;Giraud P. F.;Giugni D.;Giusti P.;Gjelsten B. K.;Gladilin L. K.;Glasman C.;Glazov A.;Glitza K. W.;Glonti G. L.;Godfrey J.;Godlewski J.;Goebel M.;Goepfert T.;Goeringer C.;Goessling C.;Goettfert T.;Goldfarb S.;Goldin D.;Golling T.;Gomes A.;Fajardo L. S. Gomez;Goncalo R.;Gonella L.;Gong C.;Gonzalez de la Hoz S.;Gonzalez Silva M. L.;Gonzalez Sevilla S.;Goodson J. J.;Goossens L.;Gordon H. A.;Gorelov I.;Gorfine G.;Gorini B.;Gorini E.;Gorisek A.;Gornicki E.;Gosdzik B.;Gosselink M.;Gostkin M. I.;Eschrich I. Gough;Gouighri M.;Goujdami D.;Goulette M. P.;Goussiou A. G.;Goy C.;Grabowska Bold I.;Grafstroem P.;Grahn K. J.;Grancagnolo S.;Grassi V.;Gratchev V.;Grau N.;Gray H. M.;Gray J. A.;Graziani E.;Green B.;Greenshaw T.;Greenwood Z. D.;Gregor I. M.;Grenier P.;Griesmayer E.;Griffiths J.;Grigalashvili N.;Grillo A. A.;Grimm K.;Grinstein S.;Grishkevich Y. V.;Groh M.;Groll M.;Gross E.;Grosse Knetter J.;Groth Jensen J.;Grybel K.;Guicheney C.;Guida A.;Guillemin T.;Guler H.;Gunther J.;Guo B.;Gusakov Y.;Gutierrez A.;Gutierrez P.;Guttman N.;Gutzwiller O.;Guyot C.;Gwenlan C.;Gwilliam C. B.;Haas A.;Haas S.;Haber C.;Hadavand H. K.;Hadley D. R.;Haefner P.;Haider S.;Hajduk Z.;Hakobyan H.;Haller J.;Hamacher K.;Hamilton A.;Hamilton S.;Han L.;Hanagaki K.;Hance M.;Handel C.;Hanke P.;Hansen J. R.;Hansen J. B.;Hansen J. D.;Hansen P. H.;Hansson P.;Hara K.;Hare G. A.;Harenberg T.;Harrington R. D.;Harris O. M.;Harrison K.;Hartert J.;Hartjes F.;Harvey A.;Hasegawa S.;Hasegawa Y.;Hassani S.;Haug S.;Hauschild M.;Hauser R.;Havranek M.;Hawkes C. M.;Hawkings R. J.;Hayakawa T.;Hayward H. S.;Haywood S. J.;Head S. J.;Hedberg V.;Heelan L.;Heim S.;Heinemann B.;Heisterkamp S.;Helary L.;Heller M.;Hellman S.;Helsens C.;Hemperek T.;Henderson R. C. W.;Henke M.;Henrichs A.;Correia A. M. Henriques;Henrot Versille S.;Hensel C.;Henss T.;Hernandez Jimenez Y.;Hershenhorn A. D.;Herten G.;Hertenberger R.;Hervas L.;Hessey N. P.;Higon Rodriguez E.;Hill J. C.;Hiller K. H.;Hillert S.;Hillier S. J.;Hinchliffe I.;Hines E.;Hirose M.;Hirsch F.;Hirschbuehl D.;Hobbs J.;Hod N.;Hodgkinson M. C.;Hodgson P.;Hoecker A.;Hoeferkamp M. R.;Hoffman J.;Hoffmann D.;Hohlfeld M.;Holy T.;Holzbauer J. L.;Homma Y.;Horazdovsky T.;Horn C.;Horner S.;Hostachy J. Y.;Hou S.;Hoummada A.;Howe T.;Hrivnac J.;Hryn'ova T.;Hsu P. J.;Hsu S. C.;Huang G. S.;Hubacek Z.;Hubaut F.;Huegging F.;Huffman T. B.;Hughes E. W.;Hughes G.;Huhtinen M.;Hurwitz M.;Husemann U.;Huseynov N.;Huston J.;Huth J.;Iacobucci G.;Iakovidis G.;Ibragimov I.;Iconomidou Fayard L.;Idarraga J.;Iengo P.;Igonkina O.;Ikegami Y.;Ikeno M.;Ilchenko Y.;Iliadis D.;Ince T.;Ioannou P.;Iodice M.;Irles Quiles A.;Ishikawa A.;Ishino M.;Ishmukhametov R.;Isobe T.;Issever C.;Istina S.;Itoh Y.;Ivashin A. V.;Iwanski W.;Iwasaki H.;Izen J. M.;Izzo V.;Jackson B.;Jackson J. N.;Jackson P.;Jaekel M. R.;Jain V.;Jakobs K.;Jakobsen S.;Jakubek J.;Jana D. K.;Jankowski E.;Jansen E.;Jantsch A.;Janus M.;Jarlskog G.;Jeanty L.;Jen La Plante I.;Jenni P.;Jez P.;Jezequel S.;Ji W.;Jia J.;Jiang Y.;Belenguer M. Jimenez;Jin S.;Jinnouchi O.;Joffe D.;Johansen M.;Johansson K. E.;Johansson P.;Johnert S.;Johns K. A.;Jon And K.;Jones G.;Jones R. W. L.;Jones T. J.;Jorge P. M.;Joseph J.;Juranek V.;Jussel P.;Kabachenko V. V.;Kaci M.;Kaczmarska A.;Kado M.;Kagan H.;Kagan M.;Kaiser S.;Kajomovitz E.;Kalinin S.;Kalinovskaya L. V.;Kama S.;Kanaya N.;Kaneda M.;Kantserov V. A.;Kanzaki J.;Kaplan B.;Kapliy A.;Kaplon J.;Kar D.;Karagounis M.;Karagoz M.;Karnevskiy M.;Kartvelishvili V.;Karyukhin A. N.;Kashif L.;Kasmi A.;Kass R. D.;Kastanas A.;Kataoka M.;Kataoka Y.;Katsoufis E.;Katzy J.;Kaushik V.;Kawagoe K.;Kawamoto T.;Kawamura G.;Kayl M. S.;Kazanin V. A.;Kazarinov M. Y.;Keates J. R.;Keeler R.;Kehoe R.;Keil M.;Kekelidze G. D.;Kelly M.;Kenyon M.;Kepka O.;Kerschen N.;Kersevan B. P.;Kersten S.;Kessoku K.;Khakzad M.;Khalil zada F.;Khandanyan H.;Khanov A.;Kharchenko D.;Khodinov A.;Khomich A.;Khoriauli G.;Khovanskiy N.;Khovanskiy V.;Khramov E.;Khubua J.;Kim H.;Kim M. S.;Kim P. C.;Kim S. H.;Kind O.;King B. T.;King M.;Kirk J.;Kirsch G. P.;Kirsch L. E.;Kiryunin A. E.;Kisielewska D.;Kittelmann T.;Kladiva E.;Klein M.;Klein U.;Kleinknecht K.;Klemetti M.;Klier A.;Klimentov A.;Klingenberg R.;Klinkby E. B.;Klioutchnikova T.;Klok P. F.;Klous S.;Kluge E. E.;Kluge T.;Kluit P.;Kluth S.;Knecht N. S.;Kneringer E.;Ko B. R.;Kobayashi T.;Kobel M.;Koblitz B.;Kocian M.;Kocnar A.;Kodys P.;Koeneke K.;Konig A. C.;Koenig S.;Koepke L.;Koetsveld F.;Koevesarki P.;Koffas T.;Koffeman E.;Kohn F.;Kohout Z.;Kohriki T.;Koi T.;Kolanoski H.;Kolesnikov V.;Koletsou I.;Koll J.;Kollar D.;Kolya S. D.;Komar A. A.;Komaragiri J. R.;Kondo T.;Kono T.;Konoplich R.;Konstantinidis N.;Koperny S.;Korcyl K.;Kordas K.;Korn A.;Korolkov I.;Korolkova E. V.;Korotkov V. A.;Kortner O.;Kortner S.;Kostka P.;Kostyukhin V. V.;Kotov S.;Kotov V. M.;Kourkoumelis C.;Koutsman A.;Kowalewski R.;Kowalski T. Z.;Kozanecki W.;Kozhin A. S.;Kral V.;Kramarenko V. A.;Kramberger G.;Krasny M. W.;Krasznahorkay A.;Kraus J.;Kraus J. K.;Kreisel A.;Krejci F.;Kretzschmar J.;Krieger N.;Krieger P.;Kroeninger K.;Kroha H.;Kroll J.;Kroseberg J.;Krstic J.;Kruchonak U.;Krueger H.;Krumshteyn Z. V.;Kruth A.;Kubota T.;Kuehn S.;Kugel A.;Kuhl T.;Kuhn D.;Kukhtin V.;Kulchitsky Y.;Kuleshov S.;Kummer C.;Kuna M.;Kunkle J.;Kupco A.;Kurashige H.;Kurata M.;Kurochkin Y. A.;Kus V.;Kuze M.;Kwee R.;La Rosa A.;LA ROTONDA, Laura;Labbe J.;Lacasta C.;Lacava F.;Lacker H.;Lacour D.;Lacuesta V. R.;Ladygin E.;Lafaye R.;Laforge B.;Lagouri T.;Lai S.;Lamanna M.;Lampen C. L.;Lampl W.;Lancon E.;Landgraf U.;Landon M. P. J.;Lane J. L.;Lankford A. J.;Lanni F.;Lantzsch K.;Lanza A.;Laplace S.;Lapoire C.;Laporte J. F.;Lari T.;Larner A.;Lassnig M.;Laurelli P.;Lavrijsen W.;Laycock P.;Lazarev A. B.;Lazzaro A.;Le Dortz O.;Le Guirriec E.;Le Menedeu E.;Lebedev A.;Lebel C.;LeCompte T.;Ledroit Guillon F.;Lee H.;Lee J. S. H.;Lee S. C.;Lefebvre M.;Legendre M.;LeGeyt B. C.;Legger F.;Leggett C.;Lehmacher M.;Miotto G. Lehmann;Lei X.;Leitner R.;Lellouch D.;Lellouch J.;Lendermann V.;Leney K. J. C.;Lenz T.;Lenzen G.;Lenzi B.;Leonhardt K.;Leroy C.;Lessard J. R.;Lester C. G.;Cheong A. Leung Fook;Leveque J.;Levin D.;Levinson L. J.;Leyton M.;Li H.;Li X.;Liang Z.;Liang Z.;Liberti B.;Lichard P.;Lichtnecker M.;Lie K.;Liebig W.;Lilley J. N.;Limosani A.;Limper M.;Lin S. C.;Linnemann J. T.;Lipeles E.;Lipinsky L.;Lipniacka A.;Liss T. M.;Lissauer D.;Lister A.;Litke A. M.;Liu C.;Liu D.;Liu H.;Liu B.;Liu M.;Liu Y.;Livan M.;Lleres A.;Lloyd S. L.;Lobodzinska E.;Loch P.;Lockman W. S.;Lockwitz S.;Loddenkoetter T.;Loebinger F. K.;Loginov A.;Loh C. W.;Lohse T.;Lohwasser K.;Lokajicek M.;Long R. E.;Lopes L.;Mateos D. Lopez;Losada M.;Loscutoff P.;Lou X.;Lounis A.;Loureiro K. F.;Lovas L.;Love J.;Love P. A.;Lowe A. J.;Lu F.;Lubatti H. J.;Luci C.;Lucotte A.;Ludwig A.;Ludwig D.;Ludwig I.;Luehring F.;Lumb D.;Luminari L.;Lund E.;Lund Jensen B.;Lundberg B.;Lundberg J.;Lundquist J.;Lynn D.;Lys J.;Lytken E.;Ma H.;Ma L. L.;Goia J. A. Macana;Maccarrone G.;Macchiolo A.;Macek B.;Machado Miguens J.;Mackeprang R.;Madaras R. J.;Mader W. F.;Maenner R.;Maeno T.;Maettig P.;Maettig S.;Martins P. J. Magalhaes;Magradze E.;Mahalalel Y.;Mahboubi K.;Mahmood A.;Maiani C.;Maidantchik C.;Maio A.;Majewski S.;Makida Y.;Makouski M.;Makovec N.;Mal P.;Malecki P.a.;Malecki P.;Maleev V. P.;Malek F.;Mallik U.;Malon D.;Maltezos S.;Malyshev V.;Malyukov S.;Mameghani R.;Mamuzic J.;Mandelli L.;Mandic I.;Mandrysch R.;Maneira J.;Mangeard P. S.;Manjavidze I. D.;Mann A.;Manning P. M.;Manousakis Katsikakis A.;Mansoulie B.;Mapelli A.;Mapelli L.;March L.;Marchand J. F.;Marchese F.;Marchiori G.;Marcisovsky M.;Marino C. P.;Marroquim F.;Marshall Z.;Marti Garcia S.;Martin A. J.;Martin B.;Martin B.;Martin F. F.;Martin J. P.;Martin T. A.;Latour B. Martin Dit;Martinez M.;Outschoorn V. Martinez;Martyniuk A. C.;Marzano F.;Marzin A.;Masetti L.;Mashimo T.;Mashinistov R.;Masik J.;Maslennikov A. L.;Massa I.;Massol N.;MASTROBERARDINO, Anna;Masubuchi T.;Matricon P.;Matsunaga H.;Matsushita T.;Mattravers C.;Maxfield S. J.;Mayne A.;Mazini R.;Mazur M.;Mc Kee S. P.;McCarn A.;McCarthy R. L.;McCubbin N. A.;McFarlane K. W.;McGlone H.;Mchedlidze G.;McMahon S. J.;McPherson R. A.;Meade A.;Mechnich J.;Mechtel M.;Medinnis M.;Meera Lebbai R.;Meguro T.;Mehlhase S.;Mehta A.;Meier K.;Meirose B.;Melachrinos C.;Garcia B. R. Mellado;Mendoza Navas L.;Meng Z.;Menke S.;Meoni E.;Mermod P.;Merola L.;Meronia C.;Merritt F. S.;Messina A. M.;Metcalfe J.;Mete A. S.;Meyer J. P.;Meyer J.;Meyer J.;Meyer T. C.;Meyer W. T.;Miao J.;Michal S.;Micu L.;Middleton R. P.;Migas S.;Mijovic L.;Mikenberg G.;Mikestikova M.;Mikuz M.;Miller D. W.;Mills W. J.;Mills C.;Milov A.;Milstead D. A.;Milstein D.;Minaenko A. A.;Minano M.;Minashvili I. A.;Mincer A. I.;Mindur B.;Mineev M.;Ming Y.;Mir L. M.;Mirabellia G.;Misawa S.;Misiejuk A.;Mitrevski J.;Mitsou V. A.;Mitsui S.;Miyagawa P. S.;Miyazaki K.;Mjornmark J. U.;Moa T.;Moeller V.;Moenig K.;Moeser N.;Mohr W.;Mohrdieck Moeck S.;Moles Valls R.;Molina Perez J.;Monk J.;Monnier E.;Montesano S.;Monticelli F.;Moore R. W.;Herrera C. Mora;Moraes A.;Morais A.;Morel J.;Morello G.;Moreno D.;Moreno Llacer M.;Morettinia P.;Morii M.;Morley A. K.;Mornacchi G.;Morris J. D.;Moser H. G.;Mosidze M.;Moss J.;Mount R.;Mountricha E.;Mouraviev S. V.;Moyse E. J. W.;Mudrinic M.;Mueller F.;Mueller J.;Mueller K.;Mueller T. A.;Muenstermann D.;Muir A.;Munwes Y.;Murray W. J.;Mussche I.;Musto E.;Myagkov A. G.;Myska M.;Nadal J.;Nagai K.;Nagano K.;Nagasaka Y.;Nairz A. M.;Nakamura K.;Nakano I.;Nanava G.;Napier A.;Nash M.;Nation N. R.;Nattermann T.;Naumann T.;Navarro G.;Nderitu S. K.;Neal H. A.;Nebot E.;Nechaeva P.;Negri A.;Negri G.;Nelson A.;Nelson S.;Nelson T. K.;Nemecek S.;Nemethy P.;Nepomuceno A. A.;Nessi M.;Neubauer M. S.;Neusiedl A.;Neves R. M.;Nevski P.;Nickerson R. B.;Nicolaidou R.;Nicolas L.;Nicoletti G.;Nicquevert B.;Niedercorn F.;Nielsen J.;Nikiforov A.;Nikolaev K.;Nikolic Audit I.;Nikolopoulos K.;Nilsen H.;Nilsson P.;Nisati A.;Nishiyama T.;Nisius R.;Nodulman L.;Nomachi M.;Nomidis I.;Nordberg M.;Nordkvist B.;Notz D.;Novakova J.;Nozaki M.;Nozicka M.;Nugent I. M.;Nuncio Quiroz A. E.;Hanninger G. Nunes;Nunnemann T.;Nurse E.;O'Neil D. C.;O'Shea V.;Oakham F. G.;Oberlack H.;Ochi A.;Oda S.;Odaka S.;Odier J.;Ogren H.;Oh A.;Oh S. H.;Ohm C. C.;Ohshima T.;Ohsugi T.;Okada S.;Okawa H.;Okumura Y.;Okuyama T.;Olchevski A. G.;Oliveira M.;Damazio D. Oliveira;Oliver Garcia E.;Olivito D.;Olszewski A.;Olszowska J.;Omachi C.;Onofre A.;Onyisi P. U. E.;Oram C. J.;Oreglia M. J.;Oren Y.;Orestano D.;Orlov I.;Barrera C. Oropeza;Orr R. S.;Ortega E. O.;Osculati B.;Ospanov R.;Osuna C.;Otero y. Garzon G.;Ottersbach J. P.;Ould Saada F.;Ouraou A.;Ouyang Q.;Owen M.;Owen S.;Oyarzun A.;Ozcan V. E.;Ozturk N.;Pacheco Pages A.;Padilla Aranda C.;Paganis E.;Paige F.;Pajchel K.;Palestini S.;Pallin D.;Palma A.;Palmer J. D.;Pan Y. B.;Panagiotopoulou E.;Panes B.;Panikashvili N.;Panitkin S.;Pantea D.;Panuskova M.;Paolone V.;Papadopoulou T.h. D.;Park S. J.;Park W.;Parker M. A.;Parodi F.;Parsons J. A.;Parzefall U.;Pasqualucci E.;Passeri A.;Pastore F.;Pastore F.r.;Pasztor G.;Pataraia S.;Patel N.;Pater J. R.;Patricelli S.;Pauly T.;Pecsy M.;Morales M. I. Pedraza;Peleganchuk S. V.;Peng H.;Penson A.;Penwell J.;Perantonia M.;Perez K.;Perez Codina E.;Perez Garcia Estan M. T.;Reale V. Perez;Perini L.;Pernegger H.;Perrino R.;Persembe S.;Perus P.;Peshekhonov V. D.;Petersen B. A.;Petersen T. C.;Petit E.;Petridou C.;Petrolo E.;Petrucci F.;Petschull D.;Petteni M.;Pezoa R.;Pfeifer B.;Phan A.;Phillips A. W.;Piacquadio G.;Piccaro E.;Piccinini M.;Piegaia R.;Pilcher J. E.;Pilkington A. D.;Pina J.;Pinamonti M.;Pinfold J. L.;Pinto B.;Pizio C.;Placakyte R.;Plamondon M.;Pleier M. A.;Poblaguev A.;Poddar S.;Podlyski F.;Poggioli L.;Pohl M.;Polci F.;Polesello G.;Policicchio A.;Polini A.;Poll J.;Polychronakos V.;Pomeroy D.;Pommes K.;Pontecorvo L.;Pope B. G.;Popeneciu G. A.;Popovic D. S.;Poppleton A.;Bueso X. Portell;Porter R.;Pospelov G. E.;Pospisil S.;Potekhin M.;Potrap I. N.;Potter C. J.;Potter C. T.;Potter K. P.;Poulard G.;Poveda J.;Prabhu R.;Pralavorio P.;Prasad S.;Pravahan R.;Pribyl L.;Price D.;Price L. E.;Prichard P. M.;Prieur D.;Primaveraa M.;Prokofiev K.;Prokoshin F.;Protopopescu S.;Proudfoot J.;Prudent X.;Przysiezniak H.;Psoroulas S.;Ptacek E.;Purdham J.;Purohit M.;Puzo P.;Pylypchenko Y.;Qian J.;Qian W.;Qin Z.;Quadt A.;Quarrie D. R.;Quayle W. B.;Quinonez F.;Raas M.;Radeka V.;Radescu V.;Radics B.;Rador T.;Ragusa F.;Rahal G.;Rahimi A. M.;Rajagopalan S.;Rammensee M.;Rammes M.;Rauscher F.;Rauter E.;Raymond M.;Read A. L.;Rebuzzi D. M.;Redelbach A.;Redlinger G.;Reece R.;Reeves K.;Reinherz Aronis E.;Reinsch A.;Reisinger I.;Reljic D.;Rembser C.;Ren Z. L.;Renkel P.;Rescia S.;Rescigno M.;Resconi S.;Resende B.;Reznicek P.;Rezvani R.;Richards A.;Richter R.;Richter Was E.;Ridel M.;Rijpstra M.;Rijssenbeek M.;Rimoldi A.;Rinaldi L.;Rios R. R.;Riu I.;Rizatdinova F.;Rizvi E.;Roa Romero D. A.;Robertson S. H.;Robichaud Veronneau A.;Robinson D.;Robinson J. E. M.;Robinson M.;Robson A.;de Lima J. G. Rocha;Roda C.;Dos Santos D. Roda;Rodriguez D.;Garcia Y. Rodriguez;Roe S.;Rohne O.;Rojo V.;Rolli S.;Romaniouk A.;Romanov V. M.;Romeo G.;Romero Maltranaa D.;Roos L.;Ros E.;Rosati S.;Rosenbaum G. A.;Rosselet L.;Rossetti V.;Rossi L. P.;Rotaru M.;Rothberg J.;Rousseau D.;Royon C. R.;Rozanov A.;Rozen Y.;Ruan X.;Ruckert B.;Ruckstuhl N.;Rud V. I.;Rudolph G.;Ruehr F.;Ruggieri F.;Ruiz Martinez A.;Rumyantsev L.;Rurikova Z.;Rusakovich N. A.;Rutherfoord J. P.;Ruwiedel C.;Ruzicka P.;Ryabov Y. F.;Ryan P.;Rybkin G.;Rzaeva S.;Saavedra A. F.;Sadrozinski H. F. W.;Sadykov R.;Tehrani F. Safai;Sakamoto H.;Salamanna G.;Salamon A.;Saleem M.;Salihagic D.;Salnikov A.;Salt J.;Ferrando B. M. Salvachua;Salvatore D.;Salvatore F.;Salvucci A.;Salzburger A.;Sampsonidis D.;Samset B. H.;Sandaker H.;Sander H. G.;Sanders M. P.;Sandhoff M.;Sandhu P.;Sandstroem R.;Sandvoss S.;Sankey D. P. C.;Sansoni A.;Rios C. Santamarina;Santoni C.;Santonico R.;Saraiva J. G.;Sarangi T.;Sarkisyan Grinbaum E.;Sarri F.;Sasaki O.;Sasao N.;Satsounkevitch I.;Sauvage G.;Savard P.;Savine A. Y.;Savinov V.;Sawyer L.;Saxon D. H.;Says L. P.;Sbarra C.;Sbrizzi A.;Scannicchio D. A.;Schaarschmidt J.;Schacht P.;Schaefer U.;Schaetzel S.;Schaffer A. C.;Schaile D.;Schamberger R. D.;Schamov A. G.;Scharf V.;Schegelsky V. A.;Scheirich D.;Schernau M.;Scherzer M. I.;Schiavi C.;Schieck J.;Schioppa M.;Schlenker S.;Schmidt E.;Schmieden K.;Schmitt C.;Schmitz M.;Schoening A.;Schott M.;Schouten D.;Schovancova J.;Schram M.;Schreiner A.;Schroeder C.;Schroer N.;Schroers M.;Schultes J.;Schultz Coulon H. C.;Schumacher J. W.;Schumacher M.;Schumm B. A.;Schune P.h.;Schwanenberger C.;Schwartzman A.;Schwemling P.h.;Schwienhorst R.;Schwierz R.;Schwindling J.;Scott W. G.;Searcy J.;Sedykh E.;Segura E.;Seidel S. C.;Seiden A.;Seifert F.;Seixas J. M.;Sekhniaidze G.;Seliverstov D. M.;Sellden B.;Semprini Cesari N.;Serfon C.;Serin L.;Seuster R.;Severini H.;Sevior M. E.;Sfyrla A.;Shabalina E.;Shamim M.;Shan L. Y.;Shank J. T.;Shao Q. T.;Shapiro M.;Shatalov P. B.;Shaw K.;Sherman D.;Sherwood P.;Shibata A.;Shimojima M.;Shin T.;Shmeleva A.;Shochet M. J.;Shupe M. A.;Sicho P.;Sidoti A.;Siegert F.;Siegrist J.;Sijacki D.j.;Silbert O.;Silver Y.;Silverstein D.;Silverstein S. B.;Simak V.;Simic L.j.;Simion S.;Simmons B.;Simonyan M.;Sinervo P.;Sinev N. B.;Sipica V.;Siragusa G.;Sisakyan A. N.;Sivoklokov S. Y.u.;Sjolin J.;Sjursen T. B.;Skovpen K.;Skubic P.;Slater M.;Slavicek T.;Sliwa K.;Sloper J.;Smakhtin V.;Smirnov S. Y.u.;Smirnov Y.;Smirnova L. N.;Smirnova O.;Smith B. C.;Smith D.;Smith K. M.;Smizanska M.;Smolek K.;Snesarev A. A.;Snow S. W.;Snow J.;Snuverink J.;Snyder S.;Soares M.;Sobie R.;Sodomka J.;Soffer A.;Solans C. A.;Solar M.;Solc J.;Camillocci E. Solfaroli;Solodkov A. A.;Solovyanov O. V.;Sondericker J.;Sopko V.;Sopko B.;Sosebee M.;Soukharev A.;Spagnolo S.;Spano F.;Spighi R.;Spigo G.;Spila F.;Spiwoks R.;Spousta M.;Spurlock B.;Denis R. D. S.t.;Stahl T.;Stahlman J.;Stamen R.;Stanecka E.;Stanek R. W.;Stanescu C.;Stapnes S.;Starchenko E. A.;Stark J.;Staroba P.;Starovoitov P.;Stavina P.;Steele G.;Steinbach P.;Steinberg P.;Stekl I.;Stelzer B.;Stelzer H. J.;Stelzer Chilton O.;Stenzel H.;Stevenson K.;Stewart G. A.;Stockton M. C.;Stoerig K.;Stoicea G.;Stonjek S.;Strachota P.;Stradling A. R.;Straessner A.;Strandberg J.;Strandberg S.;Strandlie A.;Strang M.;Strauss M.;Strizenec P.;Stroehmer R.;Strom D. M.;Stroynowski R.;Strube J.;Stugu B.;Sturm P.;Soh D. A.;Su D.;Sugaya Y.;Sugimoto T.;Suhr C.;Suita K.;Suk M.;Sulin V. V.;Sultansoy S.;Sumida T.;Sun X.;Sundermann J. E.;Suruliz K.;Sushkov S.;Susinno G.;Sutton M. R.;Suzuki Y.;Sykora I.;Sykora T.;Szymocha T.;Sanchez J.;Ta D.;Tackmann K.;Taffard A.;Tafirout R.;Taga A.;Takahashi Y.;Takai H.;Takashima R.;Takeda H.;Takeshita T.;Talby M.;Talyshev A.;Tamsett M. C.;Tanaka J.;Tanaka R.;Tanaka S.;Tanaka S.;Tani K.;Tapprogge S.;Tardif D.;Tarem S.;Tarrade F.;Tartarelli G. F.;Tas P.;Tasevsky M.;TASSI, Enrico;Tatarkhanov M.;Taylor C.;Taylor F. E.;Taylor G. N.;Taylorb W.;Castanheira M. Teixeira Dias;Teixeira Dias P.;TenKate H.;Teng P. K.;Tennenbaum Katan Y. D.;Terada S.;Terashi K.;Terron J.;Terwort M.;Testa M.;Teuscher R. J.;Therhaag J.;Thioye M.;Thoma S.;Thomas J. P.;Thompson E. N.;Thompson P. D.;Thompson P. D.;Thompson R. J.;Thompson A. S.;Thomson E.;Thun R. P.;Tic T.;Tikhomirov V. O.;Tikhonov Y. A.;Tipton P.;Viegas F. J. Tique Aires;Tisserant S.;Toczek B.;Todorov T.;Todorova Nova S.;Toggerson B.;Tojo J.;Tokar S.;Tokunaga K.;Tokushuku K.;Tollefson K.;Tomoto M.;Tompkins L.;Toms K.;Tonoyan A.;Topfel C.;Topilin N. D.;Torchiani I.;Torrence E.;Torro Pastor E.;Toth J.;Touchard F.;Tovey D. R.;Trefzger T.;Tremblet L.;Tricoli A.;Trigger I. M.;Trincaz Duvoid S.;Trinh T. N.;Tripiana M. F.;Triplett N.;Trischuk W.;Trivedi A.;Trocme B.;Troncon C.;Trzupek A.;Tsarouchas C.;Tseng J. C. L.;Tsiakiris M.;Tsiareshka P. V.;Tsionou D.;Tsipolitis G.;Tsiskaridze V.;Tskhadadze E. G.;Tsukerman I. I.;Tsulaia V.;Tsung J. W.;Tsuno S.;Tsybychev D.;Tuggle J. M.;Turecek D.;Cakire I. Turk;Turlay E.;Tuts P. M.;Twomey M. S.;Tylmad M.;Tyndel M.;Uchida K.;Ueda I.;Ueno R.;Ugland M.;Uhlenbrock M.;Uhrmacher M.;Ukegawa F.;Unal G.;Undrus A.;Unel G.;Unno Y.;Urbaniec D.;Urkovsky E.;Urquijo P.;Urrejola P.;Usai G.;Uslenghi M.;Vacavant L.;Vacek V.;Vachon B.;Vahsen S.;Valente P.;Valentinetti S.;Valkar S.;Valladolid Gallego E.;Vallecorsa S.;Valls Ferrer J. A.;van der Graaf H.;van der Kraaij E.;van der Poel E.;van der Ster D.;van Eldik N.;van Gemmeren P.;van Kesteren Z.;van Vulpen I.;Vandelli W.;Vaniachine A.;Vankov P.;Vannucci F.;Vari R.;Varnes E. W.;Varouchas D.;Vartapetian A.;Varvell K. E.;Vassilakopoulos V. I.;Vazeille F.;Vellidis C.;Veloso F.;Veneziano S.;Ventura A.;Ventura D.;Venturi M.;Venturi N.;Vercesi V.;Verducci M.;Verkerke W.;Vermeulen J. C.;Vetterli M. C.;Vichou I.;Vickey T.;Viehhauser G. H. A.;Villa M.;Villani E. G.;Villaplana Perez M.;Vilucchi E.;Vincter M. G.;Vinek E.;Vinogradov V. B.;Viret S.;Virzi J.;Vitale A.;Vitells O.;Vivarelli I.;Vives Vaque F.;Vlachos S.;Vlasak M.;Vlasov N.;Vogel A.;Vokac P.;Volpi M.;von der Schmitt H.;von Loeben J.;von Radziewski H.;von Toerne E.;Vorobel V.;Vorwerk V.;Vos M.;Voss R.;Voss T. T.;Vossebeld J. H.;Vranjes N.;Milosavljevic M. Vranjes;Vrba V.;Vreeswijk M.;Anh T. Vu;Vudragovic D.;Vuillermet R.;Vukotic I.;Wagner P.;Walbersloh J.;Walder J.;Walker R.;Walkowiak W.;Wall R.;Wang C.;Wang H.;Wang J.;Wang S. M.;Warburton A.;Ward C. P.;Warsinsky M.;Wastie R.;Watkins P. M.;Watson A. T.;Watson M. F.;Watts G.;Watts S.;Waugh A. T.;Waugh B. M.;Weber M. D.;Weber M.;Weber M. S.;Weber P.;Weidberg A. R.;Weingarten J.;Weiser C.;Wellenstein H.;Wells P. S.;Wenaus T.;Wendler S.;Weng Z.;Wengler T.;Wenig S.;Wermes N.;Werner M.;Werner P.;Werth M.;Werthenbach U.;Wessels M.;Whalen K.;White A.;White M. J.;White S.;Whitehead S. R.;Whiteson D.;Whittington D.;Wicek F.;Wicke D.;Wickens F. J.;Wiedenmann W.;Wielers M.;Wienemann P.;Wiglesworth C.;Wiik L. A. M.;Wildauer A.;Wildt M. A.;Wilkens H. G.;Williams E.;Williams H. H.;Willocq S.;Wilson J. A.;Wilson M. G.;Wilson A.;Wingerter Seez I.;Winklmeier F.;Wittgen M.;Wolter M. W.;Wolters H.;Wosiek B. K.;Wotschack J.;Woudstra M. J.;Wraight K.;Wright C.;Wright D.;Wrona B.;Wu S. L.;Wu X.;Wulf E.;Wynne B. M.;Xaplanteris L.;Xella S.;Xie S.;Xu D.;Yamada M.;Yamamoto A.;Yamamoto K.;Yamamoto S.;Yamamura T.;Yamaoka J.;Yamazaki T.;Yamazaki Y.;Yan Z.;Yang H.;Yang U. K.;Yang Z.;Yao W. M.;Yao Y.;Yasu Y.;Ye J.;Ye S.;Yilmaz M.;Yoosoofmiya R.;Yorita K.;Yoshida R.;Young C.;Youssef S. P.;Yu D.;Yu J.;Yuan L.;Yurkewicz A.;Zaidan R.;Zaitsev A. M.;Zajacova Z.;Zambrano V.;Zanello L.;Zaytsev A.;Zeitnitz C.;Zeller M.;Zemla A.;Zendler C.;Zenin O.;Zenis T.;Zenonos Z.;Zenz S.;Zerwas D.;della Porta G. Zevi;Zhan Z.;Zhang H.;Zhang J.;Zhang Q.;Zhang X.;Zhao L.;Zhao T.;Zhao Z.;Zhemchugov A.;Zhong J.;Zhou B.;Zhou N.;Zhou Y.;Zhu C. G.;Zhu H.;Zhu Y.;Zhuang X.;Zhuravlov V.;Zimmermann R.;Zimmermann S.;Zimmermann S.;Ziolkowski M.;Zivkovic L.;Zobernig G.;Zoccoli A.;Nedden M. Zur;Zutshi V.
Muons from cosmic-ray interactions in the atmosphere provide a high-statistics source of particles that can be used to study the performance and calibration of the ATLAS detector. Cosmic-ray muons can penetrate to the cavern and deposit energy in all detector subsystems. Such events have played an important role in the commissioning of the detector since the start of the installation phase in 2005 and were particularly important for understanding the detector performance in the time prior to the arrival of the first LHC beams. Global cosmic-ray runs were undertaken in both 2008 and 2009 and these data have been used through to the early phases of collision data-taking as a tool for calibration, alignment and detector monitoring. These large datasets have also been used for detector performance studies, including investigations that rely on the combined performance of different subsystems. This paper presents the results of performance studies related to combined tracking, lepton identification and the reconstruction of jets and missing transverse energy. Results are compared to expectations based on a cosmic-ray event generator and a full simulation of the detector response.
Muons from cosmic-ray interactions in the atmosphere provide a high-statistics source of particles that can be used to study the performance and calibration of the ATLAS detector. Cosmic-ray muons can penetrate to the cavern and deposit energy in all detector subsystems. Such events have played an important role in the commissioning of the detector since the start of the installation phase in 2005 and were particularly important for understanding the detector performance in the time prior to the arrival of the first LHC beams. Global cosmic-ray runs were undertaken in both 2008 and 2009 and these data have been used through to the early phases of collision data-taking as a tool for calibration, alignment and detector monitoring. These large datasets have also been used for detector performance studies, including investigations that rely on the combined performance of different subsystems. This paper presents the results of performance studies related to combined tracking, lepton identification and the reconstruction of jets and missing transverse energy. Results are compared to expectations based on a cosmic-ray event generator and a full simulation of the detector response. RI valente, paolo/A-6640-2010; Rescia, Sergio/D-8604-2011; Castro, Nuno/D-5260-2011; Doyle, Anthony/C-5889-2009; Andreazza, Attilio/E-5642-2011; Jakubek, Jan/E-6530-2011; Marti-Garcia, Salvador/F-3085-2011; Conde Muino, Patricia/F-7696-2011; Stoicea, Gabriel/B-6717-2011; Robson, Aidan/G-1087-2011; Kladiva, Eduard/G-6305-2011; Losada, Marta/B-2261-2010; Bauer, Florian/G-8816-2011; Jones, Roger/H-5578-2011; Gutierrez, Phillip/C-1161-2011; Ferrando, James/A-9192-2012; collins-tooth, christopher/A-9201-2012; Perrino, Roberto/B-4633-2010; De Cecco, Sandro/B-1016-2012; branchini, paolo/A-4857-2011; Wolter, Marcin/A-7412-2012; Rotaru, Marina/A-3097-2011; O'Shea, Val/G-1279-2010; Takai, Helio/C-3301-2012; Britton, David/F-2602-2010; Pina, Joao /C-4391-2012; Li, Xuefei/C-3861-2012; Smirnova, Lidia/D-8089-2012; Smirnov, Sergei/F-1014-2011; Gladilin, Leonid/B-5226-2011; Kramarenko, Victor/E-1781-2012; Prokoshin, Fedor/E-2795-2012; Alexa, Calin/F-6345-2010; Pacheco Pages, Andres/C-5353-2011; Livan, Michele/D-7531-2012; Petrucci, Fabrizio/G-8348-2012; Fabbri, Laura/H-3442-2012; Kurashige, Hisaya/H-4916-2012; Villa, Mauro/C-9883-2009; Delmastro, Marco/I-5599-2012
Muons from cosmic-ray interactions in the atmosphere provide a high-statistics source of particles that can be used to study the performance and calibration of the ATLAS detector. Cosmic-ray muons can penetrate to the cavern and deposit energy in all detector subsystems. Such events have played an important role in the commissioning of the detector since the start of the installation phase in 2005 and were particularly important for understanding the detector performance in the time prior to the arrival of the first LHC beams. Global cosmic-ray runs were undertaken in both 2008 and 2009 and these data have been used through to the early phases of collision data-taking as a tool for calibration, alignment and detector monitoring. These large datasets have also been used for detector performance studies, including investigations that rely on the combined performance of different subsystems. This paper presents the results of performance studies related to combined tracking, lepton identification and the reconstruction of jets and missing transverse energy. Results are compared to expectations based on a cosmic-ray event generator and a full simulation of the detector response.
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Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.