Being in need does not coincide with being in a state of need. The formerregards status civitatis, while the second damages the “minimum subsistence figure”, breaks the threshold of poverty, and does not distinguish between citizenand foreigner. The ordinary lawmaker has no power to deny the person the essentialcontent of the inviolable rights of humankind; the struggle against povertyand social exclusion draws no distinction between citizen and foreigner, betweenstateless and refugee, between the able-bodied and those unfit for work. The conceptof primum vivere deinde philosophari recognizes the primacy of the practicalreason of life. The illegal immigrant fit for work and indigent due to his stateof need, neither refugee nor recipient of subsidiary protection, benefits from theprerogatives of status personae. For the illegal immigrant, the statute to which thehuman person is entitled gives rise to juridical duties of social integration. Theseinclude assistance for work, education, care, food, and shelter.
Lo stato di bisogno non coincide con lo stato di necessità. Il primo attieneallo status civitatis il secondo lede il «minimo vitale», infrange la soglia di povertàe non distingue il cittadino dallo straniero. Il legislatore ordinario non hail potere di negare alla persona il contenuto essenziale dei diritti inviolabili dell’uomo;il contrasto alla povertà e all’esclusione sociale non distingue il cittadinodallo straniero, l’apolide dal rifugiato, l’abile dall’inabile al lavoro. Il primum viveredeinde philosophari riconosce primazia alla ragion pratica della vita. L’immigratoirregolare abile al lavoro e indigente per stato di necessità, né profugoné destinatario di protezione sussidiaria, beneficia delle prerogative dello statuspersonae. Lo statuto riconosciuto alla persona umana richiede per l’immigrato irregolarel’insorgenza dei doveri giuridici di integrazione sociale. Tra essi l’avvioal lavoro, all’istruzione, alle cure, al vitto e ricetto.
Il «minimo vitale», lo stato di necessità e il contrasto dell’esclusione sociale
Being in need does not coincide with being in a state of need. The formerregards status civitatis, while the second damages the “minimum subsistence figure”, breaks the threshold of poverty, and does not distinguish between citizenand foreigner. The ordinary lawmaker has no power to deny the person the essentialcontent of the inviolable rights of humankind; the struggle against povertyand social exclusion draws no distinction between citizen and foreigner, betweenstateless and refugee, between the able-bodied and those unfit for work. The conceptof primum vivere deinde philosophari recognizes the primacy of the practicalreason of life. The illegal immigrant fit for work and indigent due to his stateof need, neither refugee nor recipient of subsidiary protection, benefits from theprerogatives of status personae. For the illegal immigrant, the statute to which thehuman person is entitled gives rise to juridical duties of social integration. Theseinclude assistance for work, education, care, food, and shelter.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.