The professional educator, as the word implies, plays an educational role and organizes pedagogical and rehabilitative interventions, as part of a therapeutic project. Its task is therefore to recover, re-enter and restore dignity to disadvantaged people. He is a professional of the "social professions" who works in various sectors: juveniles, addiction, disability, the prison system, within families or the elderly, asylum seekers and victims of trafficking, etc. The greatest demand, in particular, is found within families that find themselves in difficulty, disabilities, conflicting separations, where mistreatment occurs, to organize paths with deviant or disadvantaged adolescents and with prisoners to establish rehabilitation and rehabilitation interventions inside prisons. Therefore, the purposes are the 2 recovery and autonomy of the person's daily life. This figure, little by little, has begun to assume an important professional competence as long as today it is also included in non - profit organizations (associations, committees, foundations, etc.), therefore it is moving away from its purely operational sphere (public service) to also go to private servi ces and work with other professionals: social workers, sociologists, psychologists, health professionals, etc. and mainly deals with psycho-pedagogical interventions to be established and organized for people at risk. The professional educator guides peopl e in the difficult and long process of growth and elaborates actions that have very specific purpose s by accompanying the person constantly and continuously in his rehabilitation process and monitoring any developments and changes.
L’educatore professionale, come dice la parola, svolge un ruolo educativo e organizza interventi pedagogici e riabilitativi, nell’ambito di un progetto terapeutico. Il suo compito perciò è quello di recuperare, reinserire e restituire dignità alle persone disagiate. Si tratta di un professionista delle "professioni sociali" che opera in diversi settori: minorile, della dipendenza, della disabilità, del sistema carcerario, all'interno delle famiglie o degli anziani, dei richiedenti asilo e delle vittime di tratta, etc. La richiesta maggiore, in particolare, la troviamo all'interno dei nuclei familiari che si trovano in difficoltà, nelle disabilità, nelle separazioni conflittuali, lì dove si manifestano i maltrattamenti, per organizzare percorsi con gli adolescenti devianti o disagiati e con i detenuti per stabilire interventi rieducativi e riabilitativi all'interno delle carceri. Le finalità perciò, sono il recupero e l’autonomia della vita quotidiana della persona. Questa figura, piano piano ha cominciato ad assumere un'importante competenza professionale fin tanto che oggi si trova inserita anche nelle organizzazioni non profit (associazioni, comitati, fondazioni etc.), perciò si sta allontanando dal suo ambito prettamente operativo (servizio pubblico) per andare anche verso i servizi privati e opera con altri professionisti: assistenti sociali, sociologi, psicologi, operatori sanitari, etc. e si occupa prevalentemente degli interventi psicopedagogici da stabilirsi ed organizzarsi per le persone a rischio. L'educatore professionale guida le persone nel difficile e lungo processo di crescita ed elabora azioni che hanno scopi ben precisi accompagnando la persona costantemente e continuativamente nel suo percorso riabilitativo e controllandone gli eventuali sviluppi e cambiamenti.
Il ruolo dell’educatore professionale in carcere
Costanzo S.
The professional educator, as the word implies, plays an educational role and organizes pedagogical and rehabilitative interventions, as part of a therapeutic project. Its task is therefore to recover, re-enter and restore dignity to disadvantaged people. He is a professional of the "social professions" who works in various sectors: juveniles, addiction, disability, the prison system, within families or the elderly, asylum seekers and victims of trafficking, etc. The greatest demand, in particular, is found within families that find themselves in difficulty, disabilities, conflicting separations, where mistreatment occurs, to organize paths with deviant or disadvantaged adolescents and with prisoners to establish rehabilitation and rehabilitation interventions inside prisons. Therefore, the purposes are the 2 recovery and autonomy of the person's daily life. This figure, little by little, has begun to assume an important professional competence as long as today it is also included in non - profit organizations (associations, committees, foundations, etc.), therefore it is moving away from its purely operational sphere (public service) to also go to private servi ces and work with other professionals: social workers, sociologists, psychologists, health professionals, etc. and mainly deals with psycho-pedagogical interventions to be established and organized for people at risk. The professional educator guides peopl e in the difficult and long process of growth and elaborates actions that have very specific purpose s by accompanying the person constantly and continuously in his rehabilitation process and monitoring any developments and changes.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.