This essay does not intend to deepen the psychological meaning of “evil”, a too long and demanding undertaking. The author wants to remember the authoritative contributions given to the analysis of the phenomenon by the psychologies of the depth, with particular reference to those of Jungian orientation, without however neglecting the position taken by authors of other psychological theories and other disciplines. The author wants to treat the wrong educational models – those that lead to the degeneration of the psycho-emotional behavior of children and adults, who become victims of this behavior – and to develop the specific function performed by the professional educator and his skills in borderline cases.
Il presente saggio non intende approfondire il significato psicologico del “male”, impresa troppo lunga e impegnativa. Si vogliono solo ricordare gli autorevoli contributi dati all’analisi del fenomeno dalle psicologie del profondo, con particolare riferimento a quelli di orientamento junghiano, senza tuttavia tralasciare la posizione assunta da Autori di altre teorie psicologiche e di altre discipline. Si vogliono anche trattare i modelli educativi errati, quelli che portano alla degenerazione del comportamento psico-emotivo dei ragazzi e degli adulti, che diventano vittime di tale condotta. Si vuole anche sviluppare la specifica funzione assolta dalla figura dall’educatore professionale e le sue competenze nei casi limite.
Il male nella società. Rieducare è possibile?
Costanzo Simonetta
This essay does not intend to deepen the psychological meaning of “evil”, a too long and demanding undertaking. The author wants to remember the authoritative contributions given to the analysis of the phenomenon by the psychologies of the depth, with particular reference to those of Jungian orientation, without however neglecting the position taken by authors of other psychological theories and other disciplines. The author wants to treat the wrong educational models – those that lead to the degeneration of the psycho-emotional behavior of children and adults, who become victims of this behavior – and to develop the specific function performed by the professional educator and his skills in borderline cases.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.