Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecologia e Scienze della Terra
A combined non-destructive and micro-destructive approach to solving the forensic problems in the field of cultural heritage: Two case studies
2021-01-01 Ricca, M.; Alberghina, M. F.; Randazzo, L.; Schiavone, S.; Donato, A.; Albanese, M. P.; La Russa, M. F.
A multi-analytical approach for the characterization of black crusts on the facade of an historical cathedral
2020-01-01 Comite, V.; Pozo-Antonio, J. S.; Cardell, C.; Randazzo, L.; La Russa, M. F.; Fermo, P.
An integrated analytical approach to define the compositional and textural features of mortars used in the underwater archaeological site of castrum novum (Santa marinella, rome, italy)
2019-01-01 Randazzo, L.; Ricca, M.; Ruffolo, S.; Aquino, Marco; Petriaggi, B. D.; Enei, F.; La Russa, M. F.
Anti-fouling additives for the consolidation of archaeological mortars in underwater environment: Efficacy tests performed on the apsidal fishpond of Castrum Novum (Rome, Italy)
2020-01-01 Randazzo, L.; Ricca, M.; Pellegrino, D.; La Russa, D.; Marrone, A.; Macchia, A.; Rivaroli, L.; Enei, F.; La Russa, M. F.
Archaeometric analysis of building ceramics and ‘dolia defossa’ from the Roman imperial estate of Vagnari (Gravina in Puglia, Italy)
2021-01-01 Montana, G.; Randazzo, L.; Barca, D.; Carroll, M.
Archaeometric characterisation of decorated pottery from the archaeological site of villa dei quintili (Rome, Italy): Preliminary study
2019-01-01 Ricca, Michela; Paladini, Giuseppe; Rovella, Natalia; Ruffolo, Silvestro Antonio; Randazzo, Luciana; Crupi, Vincenza; Fazio, Barbara; Majolino, Domenico; Venuti, Valentina; Galli, Giuliana; La Russa, Mauro Francesco
Archaeometric characterization of late Archaic ceramic from Erice (Sicily) aimed to provenance determination
2019-01-01 Montana, G.; Randazzo, L.; Fantauzzi, C. B.
Ceramic production at Selinunte (Sicily) during the 4th and 3rd century BCE: New archaeometric data through the analysis of kiln wastes
2018-01-01 Montana, G; Randazzo, L; Tsantini, E; Fourmont, M
Ceramics from Samshvilde (Georgia): A pilot archaeometric study
2020-01-01 Randazzo, L.; Gliozzo, E.; Ricca, M.; Rovella, N.; Berikashvili, D.; La Russa, M. F.
Consolidation of earthen building materials: a comparative study
2019-01-01 La Russa, M. F.; Rovella, N.; Ruffolo, S. A.; Scarciglia, F.; Macchia, A.; Licchelli, M.; Malagodi, M.; Khalilli, F.; Randazzo, L.
Damage indices and photogrammetry for decay assessment of stone-built cultural heritage: The case study of the san domenico church main entrance portal (South Calabria, Italy)
2020-01-01 Randazzo, L.; Collina, M.; Ricca, M.; Barbieri, L.; Bruno, F.; Arcudi, A.; La Russa, M. F.
Decay assessment of stone-built cultural heritage: The case study of the cosenza cathedral façade (south calabria, italy)
2021-01-01 Donato, A.; Randazzo, L.; Ricca, M.; Rovella, N.; Collina, M.; Ruggieri, N.; Dodaro, F.; Costanzo, A.; Alberghina, M. F.; Schiavone, S.; Buongiorno, M. F.; La Russa, M. F.
Environmental impact assessment on the Monza cathedral (Italy): A multi-analytical approach
2020-01-01 Comite, V.; Pozo-Antonio, J. S.; Cardell, C.; Rivas, T.; Randazzo, L.; La Russa, M. F.; Fermo, P.
Evaluating the protecting effects of two consolidants applied on Pietra di Lecce limestone: A neutronographic study
2020-01-01 Randazzo, L.; Venuti, V.; Paladini, G.; Crupi, V.; Majolino, D.; Ott, F.; Ricca, M.; Rovella, N.; La Russa, M. F.
Impact of hydrothermal alteration processes on element mobility and potential environmental implications at the Sousaki solfataric field (Corinthia - Greece)
2020-01-01 D'Alessandro, W.; Calabrese, S.; Bellomo, S.; Brusca, L.; Daskalopoulou, K.; Li Vigni, L.; Randazzo, L.; Kyriakopoulos, K.
2018-01-01 Randazzo, Luciana; Cusumano, A; Oliveri, G; Di Stefano, P; Renda, P; Perricone, M; Zarcone, G
Le postazioni militari cartaginesi della prima guerra punica su Monte Pellegrino (Palermo)
2019-01-01 Battaglia, G; Bechtold, B; De Simone, R; Vassallo, S; Montana, G; Randazzo, L; Canzonieri, E; Scopelliti, Gm
Metals distributions within black crusts sampled on the facade of an historical monument: The case study of the Cathedral of Monza (Milan, Italy)
2019-01-01 Comite, V.; Pozo-Antonio, J. S.; Cardell, C.; Rivas, T.; Randazzo, L.; la Russa, M. F.; Fermo, P.
Multi O- and S-isotopes as tracers of black crusts formation under volcanic and non-volcanic atmospheric conditions in Sicily (Italy)
2021-01-01 Aroskay, A.; Martin, E.; Bekki, S.; Montana, G.; Randazzo, L.; Cartigny, P.; Chabas, A.; Verney-Carron, A.
Multidisciplinary Approach for Evaluating the Geochemical Degradation of Building Stone Related to Pollution Sources in the Historical Center of Naples (Italy)
2020-01-01 Comite, Valeria; Ricca, Michela; Ruffolo, Silvestro Antonio; Graziano, Sossio Fabio; Rovella, Natalia; Rispoli, Concetta; Gallo, Chiara; Randazzo, Luciana; Barca, Donatella; Cappelletti, Piergiulio; La Russa, Mauro Francesco