TING, Yen-ling Teresa
TING, Yen-ling Teresa
Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
"Timothy Chadwick, Language Awareness in Teaching: A Toolkit for Content and Language Teachers
2015-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling
(Invited & Commissioned Review) CLIL in Spain: Implementation, Results and Teacher Training. D. Lasagabater and Y Ruiz de Zarobe (eds), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010, 299pp, ISBN 9781443818575.
2011-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling
2021-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling Teresa; Mazzei, Stefano
A brain-aware EFL teacher: can’t be more humanzing than that! (a case study).
2010-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling
A CLIL Handbook
2016-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling; Ciadamidaro, A.
A Concrete Directive Towards Literacy
2014-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling
A magnetic field affects meristem activity and cell differentiation in Zea mays roots"
2006-01-01 Bitonti, Maria Beatrice; Mazzuca, Silvia; Ting, T.; Innocenti, A. M.
A pluriliteracies approach to content and language integrated learning – mapping learner progressions in knowledge construction and meaning-making
2015-01-01 Coyle, D; Meyers, O; Halbach, A; Shcuck, K; Ting, Yen-ling
Assisting EFL research article writers: a sociolinguistic approach for EFL-teachers.
2010-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling
At the heart of CLIL: Equilibrating content and language cognitive demands
2017-01-01 Ting, Yen
Cambridge English Teacher (Cambridge University Press) Teaching Tasks for CLIL: • Teaching Task 1: Identifying and optimizing language moments. • Teaching Task 2: Identifying task difficulty and staying within our comfort zones. • Teaching Task 3: ‘Clozing in’ on content-specific language. • Teaching Task 4: Beyond terminology, into discourse • Teaching Task 5: Equilibrating between content and language.
2013-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling
Cambridge English Teacher_Webinar 1: How to CLIL (August 14 2013) Webinar 2: Why do CLIL (August 28 2013)
2013-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling
Chinese learners of Italian: bridging cultural gaps and linguistic abysses.
2009-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling
CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) per un apprendimento “learner-centred” della chimica: Part I. Un esempio
2011-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling
CLIL and Neuroscience: How are they related.
2011-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling
CLIL appeals to how the brain likes its information: examples from CLIL-(Neuro)Science. In Focus Article)
2010-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling
CLIL at upper secondary: strategizing foreign language for the deep reading of complex academic L1-text
2017-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling
CLIL Essentials for Secondary School Teachers: The Cambridge Teacher Series
2017-01-01 Mehisto, Peeter; Ting, Yen-ling Teresa
CLIL In Matematica (Zanichelli: Webinar Formazione Insegnanti)
2014-01-01 Ting, Yen-ling
CLIL Innovazione Metodologico-Didattica e Apprendimento Efficace
2015-01-01 Milito, D; Parise, G; Ting, Yen-ling