Dipartimento di Farmacia e Scienze della Salute e della Nutrizione
'INEFFECTIVE SPONTANEOUS VENTILATION (00033)' nursing diagnosis: a revision study
2024-01-01 Fazi, V.; Giusti, G. D.; Cozzolino, R.; Ramacciati, N.
118 e istruzioni pre arrivo dell'ambulanza: stato dell'arte in Italia
2002-01-01 Ramacciati, Nicola
[Constipation in cancer patients. Evidence for nursing interventions and promotion of physical activity]
2011-01-01 Ramacciati, N.
Aggressions on social networks: What are the implications for healthcare providers? an exploratory research
2021-01-01 La Regina, M.; Mancini, A.; Falli, F.; Fineschi, V.; Ramacciati, N.; Frati, P.; Tartaglia, R.
Approccio Globale alla Violenza verso gli Infermieri di Pronto Soccorso: linee di ricerca
2017-01-01 Ramacciati, Nicola; Rasero, Laura
Arresto Cardiaco Extraospedaliero: attività della centrale operativa 118 – Umbria Soccorso di Perugia
2001-01-01 Bussani, Fulvio; Bietta, Paolo; Bocciarelli, Giocondo; Cini, Luisella; Cruciani, Marta; De Bellis, Federica; Galletti, Franco; Margutti, Mara; Ramacciati, Nicola
Assistenza infermieristica nel fine vita in pronto soccorso: revisione narrativa della letteratura.
2017-01-01 Resta, Luca; Ramacciati, Nicola
Beyond the GCS: an integrative review of new tools for neurological assessment in the intensive care unit for adult patients
2024-01-01 Xhaferri, A.; Ramacciati, N.; Giusti, G. D.
Can a user-friendly system improve reporting of workplace violence towards emergency nurses? Findings of a multicenter study
2021-01-01 Ramacciati, N.; Guazzini, A.; Caldelli, R.; Rasero, L.
Care Technology: gauging, transmitting and recording vital signs in the ER. Wireless connections between the vital parameters, CVSM 6500® WELCH-ALLYN and software, FISTAID®DEDALUS.
2013-01-01 Ramacciati, Nicola; Chiocci, Alessandro; Taschini, Luca; Reali, Emma
Cenni storici sulla professione infermieristica
2002-01-01 Ramacciati, Nicola
Challenges and best practices of dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A scoping review protocol
2024-01-01 Imbriaco, G.; Ramacciati, N.
ChatGPT and Humanization of Care: Return to the Beauty of Little Things
2024-01-01 Giusti, G. D.; Ramacciati, N.
Combined use of the Clinical Reasoning Model by Herdman & Kamitsuru and NANDA-NOC-NIC standardized nursing languages to develop clinical decision making of nursing students: an Italian educational experience
2023-01-01 Ramacciati, Nicola; Domenico Giusti, Gian
Combined use of the Gordon's Functional Health Pattern Framework, and the Herdman & Kamitsuru Clinical Reasoning Model to develop planning and reasoning skills of nursing students: an Italian educational experience
2023-01-01 Ramacciati, Nicola; Domenico Giusti, Gian
Come migliorare i percorsi formativi per la segnala zione di sospette reazioni avverse a farmaci (ADR): una revisione della letteratura.
2013-01-01 De Angelis, Alessia; Ramacciati, Nicola; Vellone, Ercole; Alvario, Rosaria
Comment on: "Nurses' perceptions of the factors which cause violence and aggression in the emergency department: A qualitative study". Int. Emerg. Nurs. 22(3) (2014), 134-139 by Angland, S., et al
2014-01-01 Ramacciati, N.; Ceccagnoli, A.; Addey, B.; Giusti, G. D.
Commentary on Tan MF et al. "Nursing management of aggression in a Singapore emergency department: A qualitative study": Nursing and Health Sciences. 2015; 17: 307-312
2016-01-01 Ramacciati, N.; Ceccagnoli, A.; Addey, B.; Giusti, G. D.
Commentary on “Nurses’ perspectives of violence in emergency departments: A metasynthesis. Int Emerg Nurs. 2020; 52:100905 by Al-Qadi MM”
2021-01-01 Ramacciati, N.; Ceccagnoli, A.; Addey, B.; Giusti, G. D.
Commentary on “workplace violence against medical students in Shiraz,Iran”
2016-01-01 Ramacciati, N.; Rasero, L.