All are (not) equal for the crowd: Social groups moderate the effects of human density on willingness to stay and vice-virtue choices
2019-01-01 Cardamone, Ernesto; Miceli, Gaetano; Raimondo, Maria Antonietta
Art and Science talk different. The effect of language concreteness-abstractness on TED Talks liking
2023-01-01 Miceli, G.; Cardamone, E.; Raimondo, M. A.
Better abstract or concrete, narrating or not: optimal strategies for the communication of innovation
2024-01-01 Cardamone, Ernesto; Miceli, Gaetano; Raimondo, Maria Antonietta
Co-creating Through Win and Quick: the Role of Type of Contest and Constraints on Creativity
2022-01-01 Cardamone, Ernesto; Marozzo, Veronica; Miceli, Gaetano; Raimondo, Maria Antonietta
Consumers' identity signaling towards social groups: The effects of dissociative desire on brand prominence preferences
2022-01-01 Raimondo, M. A.; Cardamone, E.; Miceli, G.; Bagozzi, R. P.
Dissociative desire and conspicuous consumption: the mediating role of brand self-verification
2021-01-01 Raimondo, M. A.; Cardamone, E.; Miceli, G.; Muleo, S.
How should we podcast? Valence moderates the impact of discourse concentration on podcast episode engagement
2023-01-01 Serafini, Ludovica; Miceli, Gaetano; Cardamone, Ernesto; Raimondo, Maria Antonietta
Innovazioni vincenti: Il ruolo del tipo di contest e dei vincoli temporali sulla creatività
2021-01-01 Cardamone, Ernesto; Marozzo, Veronica; Miceli, Gaetano; Raimondo, Maria Antonietta
L’influenza dei gruppi sociali nelle scelte dei segni di marca: evidenze empiriche da studi sperimentali
2020-01-01 Raimondo, Maria Antonietta; Cardamone, Ernesto; Miceli, Gaetano
Not that ad again! When exposure to post-purchase ads produces regret
2022-01-01 Miceli, Gaetano; Raimondo, Maria Antonietta; Cardamone, Ernesto
Repurchasing, but only with those like me: Similarity with others moderates the effect of human density on repurchase behavior
2019-01-01 Cardamone, Ernesto; Miceli, Gaetano; Raimondo, Maria Antonietta
Stay in the Virtue, Go in the Vice: Social groups moderate the effect of human density on willingness to stay and vice-virtue choices
2018-01-01 Cardamone, Ernesto; Miceli, G.; Raimondo, M. A.
Subtle o loud? Gli effetti dei gruppi sociali sulle preferenze dei segni di marca
2019-01-01 Raimondo, Maria Antonietta; Cardamone, Ernesto; Miceli, Gaetano
Tipi di narrative sulla creatività ed engagement: evidenze da una text analysis dei TED talks
2019-01-01 Miceli, Gaetano; Raimondo, Maria Antonietta; Cardamone, Ernesto; Marozzo, Veronica