FORTINO, Giancarlo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 16.013
EU - Europa 9.510
AS - Asia 4.071
AF - Africa 426
SA - Sud America 97
OC - Oceania 45
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 36
Totale 30.198
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 14.956
UA - Ucraina 3.524
DE - Germania 1.981
CN - Cina 1.601
IT - Italia 1.540
SG - Singapore 1.466
CA - Canada 1.048
SE - Svezia 894
AT - Austria 509
TR - Turchia 451
SN - Senegal 388
FI - Finlandia 271
FR - Francia 161
IN - India 123
NL - Olanda 118
BE - Belgio 95
GB - Regno Unito 91
GR - Grecia 78
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 75
KR - Corea 74
HK - Hong Kong 62
BR - Brasile 59
BD - Bangladesh 57
AU - Australia 42
PK - Pakistan 40
RU - Federazione Russa 40
JP - Giappone 38
ES - Italia 36
EU - Europa 36
IR - Iran 29
SA - Arabia Saudita 27
CO - Colombia 19
TW - Taiwan 17
MY - Malesia 15
RO - Romania 15
EG - Egitto 13
IE - Irlanda 11
VN - Vietnam 10
LK - Sri Lanka 9
TH - Thailandia 9
ID - Indonesia 8
PT - Portogallo 8
AR - Argentina 6
CH - Svizzera 6
LT - Lituania 6
LU - Lussemburgo 6
LV - Lettonia 6
NG - Nigeria 6
PL - Polonia 6
EE - Estonia 5
IQ - Iraq 5
MA - Marocco 5
SI - Slovenia 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
DZ - Algeria 4
HR - Croazia 4
HU - Ungheria 4
IL - Israele 4
PE - Perù 4
PH - Filippine 4
TN - Tunisia 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
CL - Cile 3
CY - Cipro 3
DK - Danimarca 3
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
AM - Armenia 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
EC - Ecuador 2
JM - Giamaica 2
JO - Giordania 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
PA - Panama 2
PY - Paraguay 2
UG - Uganda 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AO - Angola 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
GT - Guatemala 1
IS - Islanda 1
KE - Kenya 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KH - Cambogia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MX - Messico 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NP - Nepal 1
RS - Serbia 1
RW - Ruanda 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 30.198
Città #
Chandler 2.628
Jacksonville 2.184
Boardman 1.551
Dearborn 1.109
Singapore 1.085
San Mateo 839
Montréal 675
Lawrence 578
Roxbury 575
Shanghai 490
Ashburn 452
Vienna 415
Izmir 411
Rende 410
Dakar 388
Des Moines 377
Ottawa 309
Cambridge 299
Helsinki 253
Ogden 200
Beijing 197
New York 196
Wilmington 169
Ann Arbor 166
Inglewood 162
Bremen 146
Brooklyn 139
Munich 105
Strasbourg 99
Catanzaro 98
Los Angeles 93
Brussels 92
Florence 91
Grafing 89
Redwood City 74
Guangzhou 69
Seoul 64
Washington 63
Paola 56
Seattle 56
San Francisco 55
Rome 51
Hong Kong 49
Chicago 45
Norwalk 44
Toronto 41
Wuhan 39
Dhaka 38
Brno 35
Olomouc 32
Milan 31
Pune 30
Cosenza 29
Jinan 26
Jiaxing 25
Falls Church 24
Kocaeli 24
Nanjing 24
Redmond 22
Wuxi 20
Canberra 18
Tokyo 18
Lappeenranta 16
Ningbo 16
Santa Clara 16
Seelze 16
Amsterdam 15
Riyadh 15
Volos 15
Chengdu 14
Haikou 14
Houston 14
London 14
West Jordan 14
Athens 13
Bogotá 13
Catania 13
Changsha 13
Chennai 13
Hangzhou 13
Kunming 13
Lamezia Terme 13
Naples 13
St Petersburg 13
Yiwu 13
Bari 12
Berlin 12
Clifton 12
Dalian 12
Nanchang 12
Sydney 12
Frankfurt am Main 11
Fremont 11
Hefei 11
Jinhua 11
Nuremberg 11
Pisa 11
Shenzhen 11
Zhengzhou 11
Andover 10
Totale 18.664
Nome #
Supervised feature selection techniques in network intrusion detection: A critical review 712
SPINE: Signal Processing In Node Environment 139
BMF: Building Management Framework 124
10th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks, BODYNETS 2015, Sydney, Australia, September 28-30, 2015 122
An Edge-based Architecture to Support Efficient Applications for Healthcare Industry 4.0 119
Simulators for system dataset generation in the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum 118
AirGround: a mission-oriented coordination framework for teams of mobile aerial and terrestrial smart objects 115
A collaborative task-oriented scheduling driven routing approach for industrial IoT based on mobile devices 115
Multi-sensor information fusion based on machine learning for real applications in human activity recognition: State-of-the-art and research challenges 114
14th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC 2017 112
Cloud-based Activity-aaService cyber-physical framework for human activity monitoring in mobility 108
A Smartphone-based Gateway to Support Mobile IoT interoperability 107
Agent-Oriented Cooperative Smart Objects: From IoT System Design to Implementation 103
Enabling IoT interoperability through opportunistic smartphone-based mobile gateways 102
An Embedded Risk Prediction System for Wheelchair Safety Driving 101
Modelling and simulation of Opportunistic IoT Services with Aggregate Computing 101
A Java Middleware for the Development of Actor-based Multimedia Systems over Internet MBone 100
A Customizable Active Middleware Architecture for Dynamic Deployment and Management of Internet-based Multimedia Services 100
BodyCloud: A Cloud-assisted Software Platform for Pervasive and Continuous Monitoring of Assisted Livings using Wearable and Mobile Devices 99
ACOSO:Agent-based COoperating Smart Objects 99
Activity level assessment of wheelchair users using smart cushion 99
An agent-based signal processing in-node environment for real-time human activity monitoring based on wireless body sensor networks 98
A Discrete-Event Simulation Framework for the Validation of Agent-based and Multi-Agent Systems 97
Actors and Coloured Petri Nets in the development life cycle of distributed real time Systems 97
A mobile multi-technology gateway to enable IoT interoperability 96
Credibility in Online Social Networks: A Survey 96
An Analysis of Java-based Mobile Agent Platforms for Wireless Sensor Networks 95
Including cyberphysical smart objects into digital libraries 95
Agent-based Development of Wireless Sensor Network Applications 95
Activity-aaService: Cloud-assisted, BSN-based system for physical activity monitoring 94
A development approach for collective opportunistic Edge-of-Things services 94
Activity Level Assessment Using a Smart Cushion for People with a Sedentary Lifestyle 93
Enhancing content networks with P2P, Grid and Agent technologies 92
Agent-oriented Integration of Body Sensor Networks and Building Sensor Networks 92
Special Section: Content management and delivery through P2P-based content networks 91
A methodology for integrating internet of things platforms 91
Achieving Mobile Agent Systems Interoperability through Software Layering 91
Development of Body Sensor Network Applications using SPINE 90
A framework for anomaly detection and classification in Multiple IoT scenarios 89
A utility-oriented routing scheme for interest-driven community-based opportunistic networks 88
Agent-based distributed execution of Coloured Petri Nets 87
Agent-based computing in the internet of things: a survey 87
Re-engineering IoT systems through ACOSO-Meth: The IETF CoRE based agent framework case study 86
ELDAMeth: Event-driven Lightweight Distilled StateCharts-based Agents Methodology 85
Towards multi-layer interoperability of heterogeneous IoT platforms: The INTER-IoT approach 85
Automatic Methods for the Detection of Accelerative Cardiac Defense Response 85
A metamodel framework for edge-based smart environments 84
A Mission-Oriented Coordination Framework for Teams of Mobile Aerial and Terrestrial Smart Objects 84
A cloud-assisted wearable system for physical rehabilitation 83
Agent-oriented Modeling and Simulation of IoT Networks 83
An Integrated Approach for the Development and Validation of Multi Agent Systems 83
Advances in Multi-Sensor Fusion for Body Sensor Networks: Algorithms, Architectures, and Applications: Guest Editorial 82
A framework for collaborative computing and multi-sensor data fusion in body sensor networks 81
A Java-Based Adaptive Media Streaming On-Demand Platform 81
E-ALPHA: Edge-based Assisted Living Platform for Home cAre 81
Engineering Multi-Agent Systems through Statecharts-based JADE agents and tools 80
An agent-based signal processing in-node environment for real-time human activity monitoring based on wireless body sensor networks 80
An evaluation framework for buildings-oriented wireless sensor networks 80
A Scalable Agent-Based Smart Environment for Edge-Based Urban IoT Systems 80
An approach to compute the scope of a social object in a Multi-IoT scenario 80
Agent-oriented Smart Objects Development 79
Integration of agent-based and Cloud Computing for the smart objects-oriented IoT 79
2015 IEEE 19th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD) 79
A Java-based Agent Platform for Programming Wireless Sensor Networks 79
Cost efficient edge intelligence framework using docker containers 79
An Advanced Boundary Protection Control for the Smart Water Network using Semi Supervised and Deep Learning Approaches 79
E-Commerce Services based on Mobile Agents 78
An Agent-based Middleware for Cooperating Smart Objects 78
Activity recognition of wheelchair users based on sequence feature in time-series 78
Swarm Intelligence and IoT-Based Smart Cities: A Review 78
Opportunistic cyberphysical services: A novel paradigm for the future Internet of Things 78
Swarm intelligence-based algorithms within IoT-based systems: A review 78
Gossiping-based AODV for Wireless Sensor Networks 77
Exploiting the sem framework for modeling smart cities 76
A Task-based Architecture for Autonomic Body Sensor Networks 75
A neuro-fuzzy system for classifying fatigue degree of wheelchair user 75
Discovery of hidden correlations between heterogeneous wireless sensor data streams 75
A hierarchical control protocol for group-oriented playbacks supported by content distribution networks 74
Agent-based Modeling and Simulation of Cooperative Content Distribution Networks 74
On the Classification of cyberphysical Smart Objects in the Internet of Things 73
An application-level framework for UAV/rover communication and coordination 73
Edge enabled development of Smart Cyber-Physical Environments 73
Short-long term anomaly detection in wireless sensor networks based on machine learning and multi-parameterized edit distance 72
Next generation content networks: Trends and challenges 72
Gait-based identification for elderly users in wearable healthcare systems 72
Preface 71
IoT-HC: a novel IoT architecture for the hybrid cloud 71
Engineering Large-Scale Body Area Networks Applications 71
An agent-based approach for the design and analysis of content delivery networks 70
Towards Cyberphysical Digital Libraries: Integrating IoT Smart Objects into Digital Libraries 70
Hierarchical Communicating Real-Time State Machines 70
Human emotion recognition using deep belief network architecture 70
A Decision-Level Fusion Method for COVID-19 Patient Health Prediction 70
Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation (guest editorial) 69
A data analytics schema for activity recognition in smart home environments 69
9th International Conference on Body Area Networks, BODYNETS 2014, London, Great Britain, September 29 - October 1, 2014 69
Lightweight Reinforcement Learning for Energy Efficient Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks 69
Simulation-driven platform for Edge-based AAL systems 69
A blockchain-based group formation strategy for optimizing the social reputation capital of an IoT scenario 69
A Neuro-Fuzzy Fatigue-Tracking and Classification System for Wheelchair Users 68
Totale 9.288
Categoria #
all - tutte 233.909
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 233.909

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.921 0 0 0 0 0 1.162 293 554 113 57 505 237
2020/20214.657 586 54 501 559 67 520 95 528 712 597 45 393
2021/20225.503 58 831 33 277 443 201 61 1.009 85 130 837 1.538
2022/20236.107 860 663 281 728 730 584 32 713 738 183 302 293
2023/20244.554 462 261 365 204 276 492 163 295 406 278 295 1.057
2024/20253.523 537 1.533 355 458 587 53 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 31.289