Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.254
EU - Europa 605
AS - Asia 314
AF - Africa 52
SA - Sud America 8
OC - Oceania 5
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 2.239
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.227
UA - Ucraina 174
IT - Italia 168
SG - Singapore 144
DE - Germania 108
CN - Cina 100
FI - Finlandia 56
SE - Svezia 49
SN - Senegal 46
CA - Canada 25
IN - India 16
TR - Turchia 16
KR - Corea 13
NL - Olanda 10
BE - Belgio 9
HK - Hong Kong 9
GB - Regno Unito 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
AU - Australia 4
BR - Brasile 4
EG - Egitto 4
IR - Iran 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
EC - Ecuador 3
RO - Romania 3
FR - Francia 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
LT - Lituania 2
PL - Polonia 2
PT - Portogallo 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AM - Armenia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EE - Estonia 1
EU - Europa 1
IE - Irlanda 1
JO - Giordania 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PH - Filippine 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 2.239
Città #
Chandler 336
Singapore 117
Boardman 89
Jacksonville 77
San Mateo 71
Helsinki 55
Dakar 46
Dearborn 45
Rende 37
Shanghai 34
New York 32
Brooklyn 31
Lawrence 30
Roxbury 30
Ashburn 23
Falkenstein 19
Des Moines 18
Ottawa 18
Cambridge 16
Izmir 14
Ann Arbor 13
Seoul 13
Cosenza 10
Arcavacata 9
Brussels 9
Milan 9
Munich 9
Ogden 9
Florence 8
Inglewood 8
Pune 8
Wilmington 8
Guangzhou 7
Hong Kong 7
Los Angeles 7
Beijing 6
Nanto 6
Cirò Marina 5
Santa Clara 5
Brno 4
Jinan 4
Norwalk 4
Toronto 4
Ahmedabad 3
Amsterdam 3
Bengaluru 3
Brescia 3
Grafing 3
London 3
Palermo 3
Redwood City 3
Rome 3
San Francisco 3
St Petersburg 3
Terranova Da Síbari 3
Atlanta 2
Bangkok 2
Bitonto 2
Bremen 2
Catania 2
Como 2
Cuenca 2
Dalian 2
Haikou 2
Hefei 2
Kilburn 2
Lecce 2
Lisbon 2
Londrina 2
Melbourne 2
Melfi 2
Minya 2
Modugno 2
Montreal 2
Morrisville 2
Naples 2
Qom 2
Seattle 2
Shenzhen 2
Taichung 2
Tehran 2
Warsaw 2
Xuzhou 2
Acquaviva delle Fonti 1
Al Minya 1
Amman 1
Andover 1
Auckland 1
Barinas 1
Bishkek 1
Bologna 1
Boydton 1
Cabuyao 1
Cairo 1
Canberra 1
Catanzaro 1
Cervignano del Friuli 1
Chaoyang 1
Chongqing 1
Cinto Caomaggiore 1
Totale 1.419
Nome #
A combined fracture-ALE formulation to predict dynamic behavior of FRP strengthened concrete beams 94
Dynamic Behavior of Tied-Arch Bridges under the Action of Moving Loads 87
Instability design analysis in tied-arch bridges 82
A moving mesh FE methodology for vehicle–bridge interaction modeling 80
Dynamic analysis of cable-stayed bridges affected by accidental failure mechanisms under moving loads 78
A detailed micro-model for brick masonry structures based on a diffuse cohesive-frictional interface fracture approach 78
An optimization model for the design of network arch bridges 71
Defect-tolerance in adhesive joints with patterned interfaces 70
Crack growth propagation modeling based on moving mesh method and interaction integral approach 70
A Practical Method for the Elastic Buckling Design of Network Arch Bridges 69
Strategies to improve the structural integrity of tied-arch bridges affected by instability phenomena 69
Structural and seismic vulnerability assessment of the Santa Maria Assunta Cathedral in Catanzaro (Italy): classical and advanced approaches for the analysis of local and global failure mechanisms 66
Dynamic Behavior of Cable Supported Bridges Affected by Corrosion Mechanisms under Moving Loads 65
Dynamic analysis of long span cable-stayed bridges under the action of moving loads 63
Vulnerability and failure analysis of hybrid cable-stayed suspension bridges subjected to damage mechanisms 63
Crack propagation modeling in functionally graded materials using Moving Mesh technique and interaction integral approach 63
An investigation on the structural integrity of network arch bridges subjected to cable loss under the action of moving loads 59
Optimum design analysis of hybrid cable-stayed suspension bridges 59
Structural integrity of tied arch bridges affected by instability phenomena 58
Investigation of mesh dependency issues in the simulation of crack propagation in quasi-brittle materials by using a diffuse interface modeling approach 57
An effective modeling approach based on the ALE and M-integral for simulating crack propagation under thermo-mechanical loadings 54
On the combination of Moving Mesh technique and M-integral method for predicting crack propagation mechanisms in Functionally Graded Materials 52
A numerical study on the structural integrity of self-anchored cable-stayed suspension bridges 52
Structural optimization and design analysis of long span cable supported bridges. International colloquium of mechanics 51
Crack propagation under thermo-mechanical loadings based on moving mesh strategy 50
Dynamic fracture analysis in quasi-brittle materials via a finite element approach based on the combination of the ALE formulation and M−integral method 48
Crack propagation analysis in masonry structures via an inter-element cohesive fracture approach: Assessment of mesh dependency issues 47
Simulation of dynamic fracture in quasi-brittle materials using a finite element modeling approach enhanced by moving mesh technique and interaction integral method 44
Comparative finite element modelling approaches for the seismic vulnerability analysis of historical masonry structures: the case study of the Cathedral of Catanzaro (Italy) 41
Structural optimization and design analysis of long span cable supported bridges 41
An interface-based detailed micro-model for the failure simulation of masonry structures 41
On the effect of interfacial patterns on energy dissipation in plastically deforming adhesive bonded ductile sheets 37
A hybrid cohesive/volumetric multiscale finite element model for the failure analysis of fiber-reinforced composite structures 32
Numerical modeling of dynamic crack propagation mechanisms using a moving mesh technique based on the ALE formulation 32
A moving mesh-based numerical investigation of the failure response of nano-filled ultra-high-performance concrete structures 26
A numerical failure analysis of nano-filled ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete structures via a moving mesh approach 26
Multiscale failure analysis of fiber-reinforced composite structures via a hybrid cohesive/volumetric nonlinear homogenization strategy 23
An Analysis of the Dynamic Behavior of Damaged Reinforced Concrete Bridges under Moving Vehicle Loads by Using the Moving Mesh Technique 17
A stress-driven model incorporating surface energy effects for the bending analysis of functionally graded nanobeams with loading discontinuities 15
An interface-based microscopic model for the failure analysis of masonry structures reinforced with timber retrofit solutions 12
Fatigue crack growth simulation using the moving mesh technique 12
An efficient moving-mesh strategy for predicting crack propagation in unidirectional composites: Application to materials reinforced with aligned CNTs 8
A numerical model based on moving mesh FE for vehicle bridge interaction 6
Totale 2.303
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.498
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 18.498

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202084 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 21 4 9 20 14
2020/2021178 26 4 20 31 0 20 3 32 6 21 2 13
2021/2022413 0 73 13 9 38 10 7 78 4 4 77 100
2022/2023708 46 82 17 78 68 101 1 79 115 44 47 30
2023/2024361 41 29 33 25 18 59 4 26 23 32 20 51
2024/2025419 27 128 55 61 39 97 12 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.303