Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.174
EU - Europa 3.756
AS - Asia 1.522
AF - Africa 152
OC - Oceania 22
SA - Sud America 10
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
Totale 10.643
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.040
UA - Ucraina 1.222
IT - Italia 876
DE - Germania 765
CN - Cina 629
SG - Singapore 554
SE - Svezia 258
TR - Turchia 169
SN - Senegal 144
AT - Austria 137
CA - Canada 131
FR - Francia 117
NL - Olanda 106
FI - Finlandia 101
KR - Corea 52
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 37
RU - Federazione Russa 35
GB - Regno Unito 32
HK - Hong Kong 30
IN - India 30
BE - Belgio 23
AU - Australia 18
IE - Irlanda 8
IL - Israele 8
EU - Europa 7
LT - Lituania 7
MY - Malesia 6
RO - Romania 6
ES - Italia 5
ID - Indonesia 5
IR - Iran 5
JP - Giappone 5
TH - Thailandia 5
BR - Brasile 4
EG - Egitto 4
GR - Grecia 4
HU - Ungheria 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
DZ - Algeria 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 3
LV - Lettonia 3
PE - Perù 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
BO - Bolivia 2
IQ - Iraq 2
JO - Giordania 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
PA - Panama 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
RS - Serbia 2
AL - Albania 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CL - Cile 1
EE - Estonia 1
GL - Groenlandia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PL - Polonia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 10.643
Città #
Chandler 831
Jacksonville 733
San Mateo 447
Boardman 418
Singapore 405
Dearborn 344
New York 233
Roxbury 163
Lawrence 156
Shanghai 147
Dakar 144
Izmir 142
Vienna 116
Rende 114
Beijing 110
Des Moines 106
Ashburn 103
Ottawa 97
Grafing 96
Helsinki 96
Cambridge 79
Ann Arbor 78
Wilmington 70
Florence 67
Bremen 63
Cosenza 59
Inglewood 58
Ogden 46
Seattle 46
Brooklyn 44
Seoul 42
Brno 37
Rome 31
Los Angeles 28
Munich 28
Toronto 28
Falls Church 27
Guangzhou 27
Hong Kong 25
Brussels 21
Pune 21
Wuhan 20
Bari 18
Milan 17
Düsseldorf 16
Redwood City 16
Nanjing 14
Lecce 13
Messina 13
San Francisco 13
Reggio Calabria 12
Wuxi 11
Chicago 10
Dongjak-gu 10
Houston 9
Portland 9
Catanzaro 8
Dublin 8
Falkenstein 8
London 8
Naples 8
Norwalk 8
Pisa 8
Amsterdam 7
Haikou 7
Jiaxing 7
Kilburn 7
Kunming 7
Leawood 7
Melbourne 7
Amaroni 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Jinhua 6
Monmouth Junction 6
Rho 6
San Ferdinando 6
St Louis 6
Sydney 6
Ardabil 5
Barletta 5
Berlin 5
Canberra 5
Carbonera 5
Castrolibero 5
Gesuiti 5
Heze 5
Mendicino 5
Napoli 5
Palermo 5
Pollena Trocchia 5
Samsun 5
Sha Tin Wai 5
Augusta 4
Chiang Mai 4
Colmenar Viejo 4
Dalian 4
Jinan 4
Lappeenranta 4
Newcastle upon Tyne 4
Phoenix 4
Totale 6.382
Nome #
La Geologia dell'Italia meridionale: un Convegno in Memoria di Antonino Ietto. 11-dicembre 2015 - Arcavacata di Rende (CS) 128
Asbestos and other fibrous minerals contained in the serpentinites of the Gimigliano-Mount Reventino Unit (Calabria, S-Italy) 124
Analysis of groundwater pollution in the sant'Eufemia plain (Calabria - South Italy) 115
Hydrogeological and isotopic study of the multi-aquifer system of the Sibari plain (Calabria, southern Italy) 110
Mineralogical and geochemical study of serpentinite and related soils in the area of San Severino Lucano (Basilicata, Southern Italy): an example of N.O.A. occurrence and impact on population 109
Characterization of granitoid profiles in the Sila Massif (Calabria, southern Italy) and reconstruction of weathering processes by mineralogy, chemistry, and reaction path modeling 106
Effect of the interaction between transplants of the epiphytic lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea L. (Zopf) and rainfall on the variation of element concentrations associated with the water-soluble part of atmospheric depositions 101
Analisi micromorfologica di alcuni profili di suolo nell’area di Muravera (Sardegna) 100
First compositional evidences on the local production of Dressel 2–4 amphorae in Calabria (Southern Italy): characterization and mixing simulations 99
Assessment of naturally occurring asbestos in the area of Episcopia (Lucania, Southern Italy) 99
A multidisciplinary approach to investigate weathering processes affecting gneissic rocks (Calabria, southern Italy) 99
Microtomography investigation of asbestos and fibrous minerals bearing ophiolites 98
Arsenic removal from natural contaminated groundwaters 97
Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of tremolite asbestos contained in the Gimigliano-Mount Reventino Unit (Calabria, south Italy) 97
A petro-chemical study of ancient mortars from the archaeological site of Kyme (Turkey) 96
Use of mean residence time of water, flowrate, and equilibrium temperature indicated by water geothermometers to rank geothermal resources. Application to the thermal water circuits of Northern Calabria 95
Analysis of marble statues from the San Bruno Church (Serra San Bruno, Southern Italy): provenance and degradation 94
Arsenic-contaminated groundwaters remediation by nanofiltration 93
A multidisciplinary approach for sustainable management of a complex coastal plain: The case of Sibari Plain (Southern Italy) 92
Caratterizzazione idrogeochimica e qualità delle acque di un acquifero ospitato entro rocce metamorfiche nella Calabria nord occidentale 91
Geochemical modeling of chromium release in natural waters and treatment by RO/NF membrane processes 91
A multivariate non-parametric approach for estimating probability of exceeding the local natural background level of arsenic in the aquifers of Calabria region (Southern Italy) 91
Amphibole asbestos and other fibrous minerals in the meta-basalt of the Gimigliano-Mount Reventino Unit (Calabria, South-Italy) 90
Archaeometric Analysis of Archaeological Mortars and Plasters From Kyme (Turkey) 89
Chemical and isotopic characteristics of the warm and cold waters of the Luigiane Spa near Guardia Piemontese (Calabria, Italy) in a complex faulted geological framework 87
Fluid geochemistry in a low-enthalpy geothermal field along a sector of southern Apennines chain (Italy) 87
Modelling seasonal variations of natural radioactivity in soils: a case study in southern Italy 86
Geochemical and hydrogeological characterization of the metamorphic-serpentinitic multi-aquifer of the Scala catchment, Amantea (Calabria, south Italy) 86
Ultra-trace determination of total mercury in Italian bottled waters 86
Arsenic polluted waters: Application of geochemical modelling as a tool to understand the release and fate of the pollutant in crystalline aquifers 85
Hydrogeochemical study of  the multi-aquifer system of the Sibari Plain (Calabria, Southern Italy) 84
Comparative geochemical study between the tap waters and the bottled mineral waters in Calabria (Southern Italy)by compositional data analysis (CoDA)developments 84
Arsenic Removal from natural contaminated groundwaters in Calabria Region (Italy) by Nanofiltration 84
Chemical and minero-petrographical changes on granulite rocks affected by weathering processes 84
Asbestos and other fibrous minerals contained in the Gimigliano-Mount Reventino Unit (Calabria Region, Southern Italy). 83
Characterisation of archaeological mortars and plasters from Kyme (Turkey) 82
Geochemical and hydrogeological characterization of the metamorphic-serpentinitic multi-aquifer of the Scala catchment, Amantea (Calabria, south Italy) 81
Asbestos and other fibrous minerals contained in the Gimigliano-Mount Reventino Unit (Calabria, S-Italy) 80
Preliminary geochemical characterization of the thermal waters of the Grotta delle Ninfe near Cerchiara di Calabria (South Italy) 80
Gli studi archeometrici sulla malte e gli intonaci nel sito archeologico di Kyme eolica 79
A preliminary study of the Cassano allo Ionio thermal system, Calabria, Italy 78
Fast Measurements under natural and polarized light of mortars using image analysis free-software 78
Todorokite, Ranciéite and Birnessite from Serra D’Aiello (Southern-Italy): New mineralogical and geochemical data 78
Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of Asbestiform Todorokite, Birnessite, and Ranciéite, and Their host Mn-Rich Deposits from Serra D’Aiello (Southern Italy) 78
Synthesis of Fe-doped chrysotile and characterization of the resulting chrysotile fibers 76
Archaeometric analysis of archaeological mortars and plasters from Kyme (Turkey) 76
Naturally occurring asbestos: potential for human exposure, San Severino Lucano (Basilicata, Southern Italy) 76
Treatment of arsenic contaminated groundwater: a case study in the south of Sila Massif (Calabria, Italy) 76
Effects of milling : a possible factor influencing the durability of historical mortars 74
Caratterizzazione idrogeochimica delle acque prossime alla Miniera di Salgemma di Valle Neto (Crotone - Calabria) 74
Geochemical modeling as a tool to investigate the release and fate of Cr in the ophiolitic aquifers of Northern Calabria (S-Italy) 74
Chemical, isotopic and geotectonic relations of the warm and cold waters of the Cotronei (Ponte Coniglio), Bruciarello and Repole thermal areas, (Calabria - Southern Italy) 74
Preliminary study of Holocenic geological evolution of the lower Crati valley 73
Chemical and isotopic characterization of the thermomineral water of Terme Sibarite springs (Northern Calabria, Italy) 73
Chemical, isotopic and geotectonic relations of the warm and cold waters of the Galatro and Antonimina thermal areas, southern Calabria, Italy 73
Natural polluted waters in Calabria Region (Italy): preliminary data on arsenic contamination and treatment 73
Preliminary study of asbestos minerals in the area of Episcopia (Lucania, S-Italy). 72
Gli studi archeometrici sulle malte e gli intonaci nel sito archeologico di Kyme eolica (Turchia) 72
Effects of source rocks, soil features and climate on natural gamma radioactivity in the Crati valley (Calabria, Southern Italy). 71
Release and fate of Cr(VI) in the ophiolitic aquifers of Italy: the role of Fe(III) as a potential oxidant of Cr(III) supported by reaction path modelling 70
Nanofiltration for Arsenic Removal From Natural Contaminated Grounwaters in Calabria Region (Italy) 70
Serpentinite-derived soils in southern Italy: Potential for hazardous exposure 68
Using gamma-ray spectrometry and geostatistics for assessing geochemical behaviour of radioactive elements in the Lese catchment (southern Italy) 67
Different Ground Subsidence Contributions Revealed by Integrated Discussion of Sentinel-1 Datasets, Well Discharge, Stratigraphical and Geomorphological Data: The Case of the Gioia Tauro Coastal Plain (Southern Italy) 66
Hydrogeochemical study of an ophiolitic aquifer: a case study of Lago (Southern Italy, Calabria) 66
Il geosuolo del Lago Cecita: un marker pedostratigrafico nell’evoluzione geomorfologia tardo-quaternaria del massiccio della Sila (Calabria) 66
asbestos and other fibrous minerals in the serpentinites of the Gimigliano-Mount Reventino Unit (Calabria, South-Italy) 66
Hydrogeological model of a complex coastal aquifers: the case of Sibari Plain (Southern Italy) 66
Replicating the chemical composition of the binder for restoration of historic mortars as an optimization problem 65
Modelling of the impact of dolomite and biotite dissolution on vermiculite composition in a gneissic shallow aquifer of the Sila Massif (Calabria, Italy) 65
Synthesis of ludwigite along the Mg2FeBO5 – Mg2AlBO5 join 65
Geochemical Modeling of Water-Rock Interaction Processes in the Pollino National Park 65
Caratteri micromorfologici di alcuni profili di suolo nell’area di Muravera (Sardegna sud-orientale, Italia): dati preliminari 64
A multidisciplinary geochemical approach to geothermal resource exploration: The Spezzano Albanese thermal system, southern Italy 64
Flux growth and characterization of Ti-doped and Ni-doped forsterite single crystals 63
The Roman mortars of the archeological site of Hierapolis (Turkey): Petrographic- mineralogical and chemical characterization 63
Preliminary geochemical characterization of a carbonate aquifer: The case of Pollino massif (Calabria, South Italy) 62
Modern carbonate formation in a fresh water stream (Corvino valley, NW Calabria) 62
Mobility of REE from a hyperacid brine to secondary minerals precipitated in a volcanic hydrothermal system: Kawah Ijen crater lake (Java, Indonesia) 62
Hydrothermal Alteration of Glass to Chrysotile 61
Preliminary geochemical and geological characterization of the thermal site of Spezzano Albanese (Calabria, south Italy) 61
Hydrothermal alteration of Ti-doped forsterite to chrysotile and characterization of the resulting chrysotile fibers 60
Preliminary geochemical characterization of the thermal waters of Caronte SPA springs (Calabria, South Italy) 60
Influence of particle-size on geochemical distribution of stream sediments in the Lese river catchment, southern Italy 60
Geochemical features of rocks, stream sediments, soils and waters of the Fiume Grande Valley (CZ, Italy) and simulation of water-rock interaction 59
Caratterizzazione di malte ed intonaci romani e bizantini provenienti dal sito archeologico di Hierapolis (Turchia) 59
Caratteri micromorfologici di alcuni profili di suolo nell’area di Muravera (Sardegna sud-orientale, Italia): dati preliminari 57
Provenance of volcanic rocks from archaeological area of Kyme (Turkey) 57
Reaction path modeling as a tool to investigate the water rock interaction in a crystalline aquifer in the Sila massif (Calabria). 56
Weathering processes affecting granitoid profiles of Capo Vaticano (Calabria, southern Italy) based on petrographic, mineralogic and reaction path modelling approaches 56
Volcanic soil formation in Calabria (southern Italy): the Cecita Lake geosol in the late Quaternary geomorphological evolution of the Sila uplands 55
The Small Spring Method (SSM) for the definition of stable isotope - elevation relationships in Northern Calabria (Southern Italy) 54
Hydrogeochemical characteristics of a stratified aquifer and groundwater quality degradation, Sila Massif, Italy 53
Preliminary hydro-geochemical and geological characterization of the thermal aquifer in the Guardia Piemontese area (Calabria, south Italy) 52
Use of reaction path modeling to predict the chemistry of stream water and groundwater: a case study from the Fiume Grande valley (Calabria, Italy) 51
Caratteristiche mineralogiche, geochimiche e geochimico-isotopiche dei suoli di Muravera 50
Reaction path modeling as a tool to study the water rock interaction in a granitic aquifer (Calabria, Italy). 50
Totale 7.686
Categoria #
all - tutte 69.268
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 69.268

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.056 0 0 0 0 0 359 102 197 35 71 202 90
2020/20211.336 206 4 164 166 7 180 50 169 75 169 8 138
2021/20222.117 13 377 19 164 184 118 17 420 30 27 238 510
2022/20232.068 250 200 48 254 253 162 26 245 240 105 160 125
2023/20241.681 163 100 135 64 111 357 112 75 106 78 73 307
2024/20251.529 239 479 238 137 204 232 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.908