NOBILE, Carmelo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.830
EU - Europa 1.210
AS - Asia 808
AF - Africa 24
SA - Sud America 14
OC - Oceania 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
Totale 4.900
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.740
UA - Ucraina 578
SG - Singapore 360
DE - Germania 321
CN - Cina 249
TR - Turchia 157
SE - Svezia 119
IT - Italia 99
CA - Canada 86
FI - Finlandia 27
SN - Senegal 22
BE - Belgio 18
IN - India 18
GB - Regno Unito 16
BR - Brasile 11
AU - Australia 8
CH - Svizzera 6
EU - Europa 6
FR - Francia 5
KR - Corea 5
AM - Armenia 4
BD - Bangladesh 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
NL - Olanda 3
PE - Perù 3
PL - Polonia 3
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
EE - Estonia 2
EG - Egitto 2
IL - Israele 2
MX - Messico 2
AT - Austria 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JM - Giamaica 1
JP - Giappone 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
PA - Panama 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
Totale 4.900
Città #
Jacksonville 470
Chandler 455
Singapore 278
Boardman 240
Dearborn 238
San Mateo 236
Ashburn 124
Lawrence 103
Roxbury 103
Izmir 89
Shanghai 86
Ottawa 76
Ann Arbor 62
Des Moines 61
Kocaeli 58
Houston 43
Wilmington 43
Inglewood 42
Beijing 38
Helsinki 27
Ogden 27
Dakar 22
Brussels 18
Los Angeles 17
Cambridge 16
Catanzaro 15
Seattle 15
Brooklyn 14
Pune 14
Grafing 12
Rende 12
Wuhan 12
Guangzhou 11
New York 10
San Francisco 10
Toronto 9
Washington 7
Hefei 6
Milan 6
Munich 6
Africo 5
Melbourne 5
Redmond 5
Rome 5
Shenzhen 5
St Louis 5
Birmingham 4
Cinisello Balsamo 4
Jiaxing 4
Norwalk 4
Bussolengo 3
Castiglione Cosentino 3
Dhaka 3
La Verne 3
Nanjing 3
Quanzhou 3
Redwood City 3
Santa Clara 3
Yerevan 3
Yuseong-gu 3
Zhengzhou 3
Amsterdam 2
Berlin 2
Brno 2
Cairo 2
Central 2
Cosenza 2
Falls Church 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Hyderabad 2
Krakow 2
Lima 2
Mexico City 2
Misterbianco 2
Montefiascone 2
Qingdao 2
Reggio Calabria 2
Rosarno 2
Sarajevo 2
Seoul 2
Stockholm 2
Sydney 2
Tallinn 2
Woodbridge 2
Wuxi 2
Xi'an 2
Almaty 1
Baku 1
Baoding 1
Bragança Paulista 1
Bremen 1
Campinas 1
Campo Grande 1
Canberra 1
Changchun 1
Charlotte 1
Chicago 1
Colorno 1
Conselheiro Lafaiete 1
Cornwall 1
Totale 3.274
Nome #
Prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) carriage and pattern of antibiotic resistance among sheep farmers from Southern Italy 83
Prevalence of staphylococcus aureus carriage and pattern of antibiotic resistance, including methicillin resistance, among contact sport athletes in Italy 79
Efficacy of pneumococcal vaccination in children younger than 24 months: a meta-analysis 77
Alcohol use in early adolescence: Findings from a survey among middle school students in Italy 73
Epidemiological study on the respiratory pathologies and pulmonary cancer in the Crotone city 73
AIDS e tossicodipendenti: primi risultati sulle attitudini, comportamenti e conoscenze in Calabria. 71
Determinants of Erectile Dysfunction Risk in a Large Series of Italian Men Attending Andrology Clinics 69
Antibodies to the E2 protein of GB virus C/hepatitis G virus: prevalence and risk factors in different populations in Italy 68
Adherence to evidence-based recommendations for surgical site infection prevention: Results among Italian surgical ward nurses 68
Cigarette smoking and alcohol behaviour among adolescents in Italy 67
A survey of knowledge, attitude and behavior of Italian dentists toward immunization 67
Association between fruit and vegetable consumption and oral cancer: meta-analysis of observational studies 65
Cigarette smoking: knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in an adult population in Italy 64
Blood pressure and related cardiovascular disease risk factors in 6-18 year-old students in Italy 64
Premature ejaculation: Prevalence and associated conditions in a sample of 12,558 men attending the andrology prevention week 2001 - A study of the Italian Society of Andrology (SIA) 62
Cervical and breast cancer screening participation and utilisation of maternal health services: A cross-sectional study among immigrant women in Southern Italy 61
Fattori di rischio e principali microrganismi responsabili delle infezioni vaginali 60
La contaminazione microbica dei molluschi eduli lamellibranchi in Calabria 60
Epidemiological study on the respiratory pathologies and pulmonary cancer in the Crotone City. South of Italy 60
Guidelines for venous thromboembolism and clinical practice in Italy: a nationwide survey 60
Are primary care physicians prepared to assist patients for smoking cessation? Results of a national Italian cross-sectional web survey. 59
Assessing the effects of environmental exposures on human health: the role of meta-analysis of published studies. 57
Appraising Hospital Performance by Using the JCHAO/CMS Quality Measures in Southern Italy 57
Adolescents and sexually transmitted infections: knowledge and behavior in Italy 57
Healthcare personnel and hand decontamination in intensive care units: knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour in Italy. The Journal of Hospital Infection 2002;51:226-232. 56
Batteriemia da Pantoea spp. in una Unità Operativa di Oncologia Medica: descrizione di un focolaio epidemico. 56
Utilization of health care services among immigrants recruited through non-profit organizations in Southern Italy. 55
La contaminazione microbiologica dell'aria e delle superfici in locali adibiti alla preparazione di alimenti 55
Parents seeking health-related information on the Internet: cross-sectional study. 55
Vaccination against Human Papilloma Virus infection in male adolescents: knowledge, attitudes, and acceptability among parents in Italy. 55
Air contamination in the sclerosing foam for the treatment of varicose veins. 54
Consumption of energy drinks, alcohol, and alcohol-mixed energy drinks among Italian adolescents. 53
Prevalence of dental caries in schoolchildren in Italy 52
Caries and fluorosis prevalence in communities with different concentrations of fluoride in the water 52
Cigarette smoking behaviour among adolescents in Italy. 52
The reduction of risk in central line-associated bloodstream infections: knowledge, attitudes and evidence-based practices in healthcare workers 51
Relationship between chronic short sleep duration and childhood body mass index: a school-based cross-sectional study. 51
Occupational injuries among minors in Italy: 1994-1998 51
SySQ: A web-based system for survey and questionnaire management in medicine 51
Utilizzo della bioluminescenza nel settore alimentare e valutazione delle interferenze con le soluzioni sanificanti 50
Chemical risk and safety awareness, perception, and practices among research laboratories workers in Italy 50
Gynecologists and human papillomavirus DNA testing: exploring knowledge, attitudes, and practice in Italy. 50
Oral health status of male prisoners in Italy 49
Determinants of patient and health system delay among Italian and foreign-born patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: A multicentre cross-sectional study 49
Vancomycin resistance and antibiotic susceptibility of enterococci in raw meat 48
Meta-analysis of local tetracycline in treating chronic periodontitis 47
Influence of maternal and social factors as predictors of low birth weight in Italy 47
Knowledge and perceptions of the health effects of environmental hazards in the general population in Italy 46
Pattern and severity of early childhood caries in Southern Italy: a preschool-based cross-sectional study. 46
Survey of reasons for extractions of permanent teeth in Italy 46
Preventable pediatric hospitalizations and access to primary health care in Italy 46
Quality of care in one Italian nursing home measured by ACOVE process indicators. 45
Information about management of chronic drug therapies prescribed at hospital discharge: Does it affect patients' knowledge and self-confidence? 45
Hospital readmission prevalence and analysis of those potentially avoidable in Southern Italy 45
Is HPV DNA testing specificity comparable to that of cytological testing in primary cervical cancer screening? Results of a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. 45
Knowledge, attitude and practices of pediatricians regarding the prevention of oral diseases in Italy 44
Influenza vaccination coverage among medical residents: An Italian multicenter survey. 44
Prevalence and factors related to malocclusion and orthodontic treatment need in children and adolescents in Italy 44
Meta-analysis of local metronidazole use in the treatment of chronic adult periodontitis 44
Oral health status and treatment needs in immigrants and refugees in Italy 43
Intravenous drug users and AIDS: knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in Calabria (Italy) 43
Evaluation of the efficacy of glutaraldehyde and peroxygen for disinfection of dental instruments 43
Prevalence and determinants of oral impacts on daily performance: results from a survey among school children in Italy 42
Risky behaviors among motorcycling adolescents in Italy 42
Ventilator bundle and its effects on mortality among ICU patients: A meta-analysis 42
Immunogenicity and safety of intradermal influenza vaccine in the elderly: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. 41
Female sex street workers and sexually transmitted infections: their knowledge and behaviour in Italy 41
La salute dentaria in immigrati extracomunitari in Calabria. 41
Prevalence and pattern of antibiotic resistance of Campylobacter spp. in poultry meat in Southern Italy. 41
Prevalenza di portatori ospedalieri e comunitari di enterococchi resistenti ai glicopeptidi 40
Work-related injuries in young workers: an Italian multicentric epidemiological survey 40
Environmental history taking in clinical practice: knowledge, attitudes and practice of primary care physicians in Italy 39
Il ruolo della meta-analisi nella valutazione di efficacia e di efficienza degli interventi in odontoiatria. 39
La sorveglianza delle infezioni correlate alle pratiche assistenziali (ICPA) in cardiochirurgia (CCH): risultati di due anni di attività. 39
The association between HMGA1 rs146052672 variant and type 2 diabetes: a transethnic meta-analysis. 38
Prevalence of hepatitis A antibodies in food handlers in Italy 38
Indicatori di qualità dell’assistenza ospedaliera: primi risultati. 38
La diffusione della carie precoce nella popolazione infantile in Calabria: primi risultati. 38
Le infezioni correlate all’assistenza sanitaria nei pazienti cardiochirurgici: risultati di uno studio di sorveglianza condotto presso il Policlinico Universitario di Catanzaro 37
Prevalenza di malocclusioni e necessità di trattamento nella popolazione adolescenziale in Calabria: primi risultati. 37
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a pre-brushing rinse in plaque removal: a meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical 36
The quality of preventive health care delivered to adults: results from a cross-sectional study in Southern Italy 36
Prevenzione delle polmoniti ventilatore-associate (VAP) in unità di terapia intensiva (UTI): primi risultati di una meta-analisi sull’efficacia della decontaminazione topica del cavo orale. 36
Dental health and treatment needs in institutionalized psychiatric patients in Italy 36
Self-reported health status and access to health services in a sample of prisoners in Italy 36
Validity and reliability of a tool for determining appropriateness of days of stay: an observational study in the orthopedic intensive rehabilitation facilities in Italy 35
Physicians' knowledge, attitudes and professional use of RCTs and meta-analyses: a cross-sectional survey 35
Satisfaction with care in outpatient clinics in Italy 35
The role of education in improving physicians' professional use of economic evaluations of health interventions: some evidence from a cross-sectional survey in Italy 34
Descrizione di un focolaio epidemico da Burkholderia cepacia in pazienti cardiochirurgici. 34
Prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia, mortality and all intensive care unit acquired infections by topically applied antimicrobial or antiseptic agents: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in intensive care units 33
Oral health status and the impact on oral health-related quality of life among the institutionalized elderly population: A cross-sectional study in an area of southern italy 33
Healthcare workers and prevention of hepatitis C virus transmission: exploring knowledge, attitudes and evidence-based practices in hemodialysis units in Italy. 32
Stato dell’arte sui vaccini anticarie. 32
The role and working conditions of Movement Science students employed in sport and recreational facilities: An Italian multicenter study. Work 2015;52:385–392 DOI:10.3233/WOR-152116 IOS Press 32
L’impatto della salute orale sulla qualità della vita negli adolescenti in Calabria. 31
Immunogenicity and safety of intradermal influenza vaccine in immunocompromized patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 31
Prevalence of livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) among farm and slaughterhouse workers in Italy 31
Extended anticoagulation and mortality in venous thromboembolism. A meta-analysis of six randomized trials. 29
Postdischarge surveillance following delivery: the incidence of infections and associated factors. 27
Totale 4.816
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.636
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 37.636

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020632 0 0 0 0 0 269 56 96 43 13 100 55
2020/2021836 139 5 97 106 2 95 3 111 18 160 6 94
2021/2022834 4 9 0 45 71 19 6 279 11 6 144 240
2022/2023839 135 61 13 137 95 110 4 98 123 25 16 22
2023/2024618 49 34 43 20 56 102 19 36 58 19 35 147
2024/2025636 48 260 51 37 190 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.947