TALIA, Domenico
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.154
EU - Europa 5.596
AS - Asia 2.257
AF - Africa 240
OC - Oceania 27
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 22
SA - Sud America 13
AN - Antartide 1
Totale 17.310
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.888
UA - Ucraina 2.435
DE - Germania 1.586
CN - Cina 877
SG - Singapore 869
SE - Svezia 646
IT - Italia 383
TR - Turchia 375
CA - Canada 263
SN - Senegal 227
FI - Finlandia 195
AT - Austria 99
FR - Francia 51
GB - Regno Unito 37
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 36
HK - Hong Kong 34
KR - Corea 32
IN - India 29
BE - Belgio 28
NL - Olanda 26
AU - Australia 24
EU - Europa 22
RU - Federazione Russa 20
PL - Polonia 13
ES - Italia 10
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 6
BR - Brasile 6
ID - Indonesia 5
IE - Irlanda 5
PT - Portogallo 5
IR - Iran 4
CY - Cipro 3
DZ - Algeria 3
EG - Egitto 3
IL - Israele 3
KG - Kirghizistan 3
LV - Lettonia 3
MA - Marocco 3
NO - Norvegia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PE - Perù 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
AR - Argentina 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
JP - Giappone 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MY - Malesia 2
RO - Romania 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
AL - Albania 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
BZ - Belize 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CL - Cile 1
CU - Cuba 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
GE - Georgia 1
GR - Grecia 1
GS - Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich Australi 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LT - Lituania 1
MK - Macedonia 1
PH - Filippine 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SL - Sierra Leone 1
TH - Thailandia 1
UG - Uganda 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 17.310
Città #
Jacksonville 1.820
Chandler 1.116
Boardman 920
Dearborn 877
San Mateo 730
Singapore 674
Lawrence 390
Roxbury 390
Izmir 361
Cambridge 266
Shanghai 263
Des Moines 237
Dakar 227
Grafing 216
Ottawa 214
Helsinki 190
Beijing 144
Bremen 134
Wilmington 131
Ashburn 124
Brooklyn 123
Florence 118
Ogden 115
New York 114
Inglewood 113
Vienna 87
Ann Arbor 76
Rende 71
Los Angeles 54
Guangzhou 39
San Francisco 39
Falkenstein 32
Seoul 29
Brussels 28
Hong Kong 28
Cosenza 26
Norwalk 26
Toronto 26
Seattle 25
Santa Clara 23
Munich 21
Brno 20
Jinan 19
Falls Church 17
Nanjing 16
Rome 16
Hamilton 15
Kunming 15
Jiaxing 13
Milan 13
Olomouc 13
Hefei 12
Houston 12
Redwood City 12
Wuhan 12
Haikou 11
Nanchang 11
Melbourne 10
Shenzhen 10
Zhengzhou 10
Amsterdam 9
Shenyang 9
Warsaw 9
Frankfurt am Main 8
Hangzhou 8
Hebei 8
Jinhua 8
London 8
Pune 8
Taizhou 8
Berlin 7
Catanzaro 7
Naaldwijk 7
Canberra 6
Changsha 6
Hyderabad 6
Kilburn 6
L’Aquila 6
Ningbo 6
Sydney 6
Wuxi 6
Augusta 5
Bologna 5
Castrovillari 5
Chicago 5
Dubai 5
Leawood 5
Naples 5
Paris 5
Bari 4
Dalian 4
Lappeenranta 4
Mascalucia 4
Messina 4
Monmouth Junction 4
Nuremberg 4
Polska 4
Redmond 4
São Paulo 4
Tianjin 4
Totale 11.130
Nome #
A Data Mining-based Framework for GridWorkflow Management 93
A Model of Efficient Asynchronous Parallel Algorithms on Multicomputer Systems 90
Spatio-Temporal Crime Predictions in Smart Cities: A Data-driven Approach and Experiments 89
G-RoI: Automatic Region-of-Interest detection driven by geotagged social media data (accept. date: 2-10-2017) 88
A Framework for Composing Knowledge Discovery Workflows in Grids 88
A Data-aware Scheduling Strategy for Workflow Execution in Clouds 87
A Consistency Checker for verifying the knowledge encoded into clinical DSSs 85
A General Architecture for Grid-Based PSE Toolkits 84
A microscopic freeway traffic simulator on a highly parallel system 83
A Cloud Framework for Parameter Sweeping Data Mining Applications 83
A Distributed Architecture for Energy-Efficient Data Mining over Mobile Devices 83
A DHT-Based Semantic Overlay Network for Service Discovery 82
A Cloud Framework for Big Data Analytics Workflows on Azure 81
A Failure Handling Framework for Distributed Data Mining Services on the Grid 80
A distributed selectivity-driven search strategy for semi-structured data over DHT-based networks 79
A Parallel Cellular Automata Environment for Modeling Complex Systems 77
A Parallel Cellular Automata Enviroment on Multicomputers for Computational Science 76
A framework for distributed knowledge management: Design and implementation 75
A Parallel Cellular Environment for High Performance Scientific Computing 74
A Framework for Managing MapReduce Applications in Dynamic Distributed Environments 74
Appraising SPARK on Large-Scale Social Media Analysis 74
A Parallel Cellular Automata Environment for High Performance Scientific Computing 73
SMA4TD: A social media analysis methodology for trajectory discovery in large-scale events 73
G-RoI: Automatic Region-of-Interest detection driven by geotagged social media data 73
Cloud Services for Distributed Knowledge Discovery 72
A Peer-to-Peer Framework for Resource Discovery in Large-Scale Grids 72
Big Data and the Computable Society - Algorithms and People in the Digital World 72
P2P-MapReduce: Parallel data processing in dynamic Cloud environments 71
Distributed data mining services leveraging WSRF 71
A Parallel Cellular Simulator for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soils 71
A data mining toolset for distributed high-performance platforms 71
A Concurrent Programming Support for Distributed Systems 71
Designing Grid services for distributed knowledge discovery 69
A Framework for Managing MapReduce Applications in Dynamic Distributed Environments 69
BitTorrentSW: A sleep-and-wake approach to reduce energy consumption in bittorrent networks 69
A High-Level Programming Library for Mining Social Media on HPC Systems 69
A Workflow-oriented Language for Scalable Data Analytics 68
Toward a Synergy between P2P and Grids 67
A distributed allocation strategy for data mining tasks in mobile environments 67
A Logic Approach to Virtual Sensor Networks 67
A Distributed Implementation of OR-Parallel Interpretation of Logic Programs 67
Distributed data mining on grids: services, tools, and applications 67
A Multi-Domain Architecture for Mining Frequent Items and Itemsets from Distributed Data Streams 66
Analyzing Social Media Data to Discover Mobility Patterns at EXPO 2015: Methodology and Results 66
Trajectory Pattern Mining for Urban Computing in the Cloud 66
SECCO: On Building Semantic Links in Peer to Peer Networks 65
A Parallel Library for Social Media Analytics 65
UFOme: An ontology mapping system with strategy prediction capabilities 65
A data-driven approach for spatio-Temporal crime predictions in smart cities 65
Big Data Analysis on Clouds 64
A Peer-to-Peer Infrastructure for Sharing Electronic Patient Records 64
Peer-to-Peer resource discovery in Grids: Models and systems 64
High performance scientific computing by a parallel cellular environment 64
Metadata for Managing Grid Resources in Data Mining Applications 63
Exploiting in-memory storage for improving workflow executions in cloud platforms 62
SIGMCC: a System for Sharing Meta Patient Records in a Peer-to-peer Environment 62
A Peer-to-Peer Framework for Supporting MapReduce Applications in Dynamic Cloud Environments 62
Application-Oriented Scheduling in the Knowledge Grid: A Model and Architecture 62
ParSoDA: High-Level Parallel Programming for Social Data Mining 62
P2P schema-mapping over network-bound XML data 61
Adapting MapReduce for Dynamic Environments Using a Peer-to-Peer Model 61
P-AutoClass: Scalable parallel clustering for mining large data sets 61
Using Scalable Data Mining for Predicting Flight Delays 61
A Comprehensive Validation Methodology for Trajectory Pattern Mining of GPS Data 61
P2P computing and interaction with grids 60
The open grid services architecture: Where the grid meets the Web 60
Programming Knowledge Discovery Workflows in Service-Oriented Distributed Systems 60
Exascale machines require new programming paradigms and runtimes 60
A dynamic load balancing strategy for massively parallel computers 60
Data Analysis in the Cloud: Models, Techniques and Applications 60
A parallel cellular tool for interactive modeling and simulation 60
A data-aware scheduling strategy for executing large-scale distributed workflows 60
Parallel computers revisited 59
Service-Oriented Middleware for Distributed Data Mining on the Grid 59
A Visual Environment for Designing and Running Data Mining Workflows in the Knowledge Grid 59
A Novel Data-Centric Programming Model for Large-Scale Parallel Systems 59
Parallel computation still not ready for the mainstream 58
Scheduling Data Mining Applications in Mobile Computing Environments 58
Programmazione Logica Concorrente: PARLOG e Concurrent Prolog 58
A Data-Aware Scheduling Strategy for DMCF workflows over Hercules 58
A High-Level Cellular Programming Model for Massively Parallel Processing 58
Architecture, Metadata and Ontologies in the Knowledge Grid 58
Cellular processing tools for high-performance simulation 57
A Sketch-based Architecture for Mining Frequent Items and Itemsets from Distributed Data Streams 57
A Divisive Initialization Method for Clustering Algorithms 57
A P2P Grid Services-Based Protocol: Design and Evaluation 57
La Società Calcolabile e i Big Data 57
A view of programming scalable data analysis: from clouds to exascale 57
Data Analysis Services in the Knowledge Grid 57
Models and languages for parallel computation 55
NERECO: un Ambiente per lo Sviluppo di Programmi Distribuiti 55
A Service-Oriented Framework for Executing Data Mining Workflows on Grids 55
Large-Scale Data Analysis on Cloud Systems 55
Evaluating a Data-Aware Scheduling Approach to Reduce Processing Costs of DMCF Workflows 55
Learning political polarization on social media using neural networks 55
Distributed data mining on the grid 54
Grid Middleware and Services 54
Totale 6.664
Categoria #
all - tutte 141.091
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 141.091

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.415 0 0 0 0 0 936 215 435 52 69 402 306
2020/20212.762 443 3 377 381 8 369 9 383 7 394 36 352
2021/20223.826 12 234 9 205 321 245 302 875 29 27 596 971
2022/20232.685 459 234 38 283 395 249 12 378 272 79 204 82
2023/20241.843 145 86 87 65 130 191 55 142 218 110 133 481
2024/20252.132 232 1.002 140 198 293 267 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.856