Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.745
EU - Europa 1.987
AS - Asia 882
AF - Africa 136
SA - Sud America 23
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
OC - Oceania 6
Totale 5.786
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.670
UA - Ucraina 591
IT - Italia 415
DE - Germania 371
SG - Singapore 334
CN - Cina 323
SE - Svezia 193
FR - Francia 159
SN - Senegal 124
TR - Turchia 105
CA - Canada 75
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 49
FI - Finlandia 42
IN - India 40
AT - Austria 39
KR - Corea 36
GB - Regno Unito 35
BE - Belgio 26
ES - Italia 20
BR - Brasile 15
LT - Lituania 13
PH - Filippine 9
DZ - Algeria 8
EU - Europa 7
NL - Olanda 7
RU - Federazione Russa 7
AU - Australia 5
CL - Cile 5
ID - Indonesia 5
TW - Taiwan 5
HK - Hong Kong 4
PL - Polonia 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
GR - Grecia 3
JP - Giappone 3
PE - Perù 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EE - Estonia 2
AL - Albania 1
AM - Armenia 1
BW - Botswana 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CY - Cipro 1
EG - Egitto 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
IR - Iran 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MA - Marocco 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MY - Malesia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RO - Romania 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TH - Thailandia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 5.786
Città #
Chandler 440
Jacksonville 432
Singapore 261
Dearborn 239
Boardman 206
San Mateo 187
Dakar 124
Ashburn 112
Roxbury 95
Lawrence 94
Izmir 83
Shanghai 83
Des Moines 67
Florence 64
Ottawa 59
Cambridge 58
Rende 58
Beijing 50
Brno 47
Inglewood 44
Brooklyn 43
Helsinki 42
Rome 37
Seoul 34
Vienna 34
Ogden 33
Ann Arbor 32
Pune 30
Wilmington 29
Munich 26
Brussels 25
New York 20
Grafing 18
Redwood City 18
Guangzhou 17
Seelze 17
Toronto 16
Frankfurt am Main 14
London 14
San Francisco 13
Wuhan 11
Los Angeles 9
Madrid 9
Batna City 8
Ibiza Town 8
Milan 8
San Bartolomeo in Galdo 8
Turin 8
Istanbul 7
Seattle 7
Hefei 6
Lamezia Terme 6
Chicago 5
Cosenza 5
Dipignano 5
Houston 5
Kilburn 5
Knoxville 5
Santa Clara 5
Yiwu 5
Bais City 4
Bari 4
Bengaluru 4
Cagliari 4
Genoa 4
Jiaxing 4
Poggibonsi 4
Portomaggiore 4
Trebisacce 4
Trento 4
Bagno a Ripoli 3
Burleson 3
Cologno Monzese 3
Concepción 3
Falkenstein 3
Glyka Nera 3
Hong Kong 3
Kunming 3
Köseköy 3
Lima 3
L’Aquila 3
Merano 3
Mileto 3
Molfetta 3
Nanchang 3
Surabaya 3
São Paulo 3
Tokyo 3
Wuxi 3
Amalfi 2
Bacolod City 2
Baku 2
Berlin 2
Bremen 2
Caronno Pertusella 2
Caserta 2
Castelletto sopra Ticino 2
Cebu City 2
Cesenatico 2
Changsha 2
Totale 3.569
Nome #
Analysis of a Concentrating Solar Power Tower Operating with a Closed Joule Brayton Cycle and Thermal Storage 145
Engineering design study of an innovative hydrokinetic turbine with on shore foundation 117
Modello di Calcolo delle Prestazioni di Pompe Centrifughe Utilizzate come Turbine 117
A numerical analysis of energetic performances of active and passive aftertreatment systems 115
NOx emissions for oxy-mild combustion of pulverized coal in high temperature pre-heated oxygen 110
Analisi delle prestazioni di cicli Rankine a fluido organico (ORC) per la valorizzazione energetica dei residui colturali nella piana di Sibari 93
Analysis of the equilibrium conditions of a double rotor turbine prototype designed for the exploitation of the tidal currents. 92
Design Procedure of an innovative turbine with rotors rotating in opposite directions for the exploitation of the tidal currents. 91
Analys of ICE LDV data: influence of engine speed and measurement location on the separation between turbulence and mean flow 88
A comparative energetic analysis of active and passive emission control systems adopting standard emission test cycles 82
Preliminary performance assessment of a novel on-shore system recovering energy from tidal currents 79
Study of the Shape of a Vertical Axis Micro Wind Turbine With Wooden Blades 79
Procedura di Dimensionamento di una Turbina Innovativa a Due Rotori Controrotanti per lo Sfruttamento delle Correnti di Marea 78
Turbina Innovativa per il Recupero di Energia dalle Correnti di Marea con Deflettore Centrale e Braccio Meccanico Collegato al Litorale 77
Analisi numerica dell’efficienza energetica di sistemi di post-trattamento per motori diesel 76
Active and Passive Aftertreatment Systems: A Numerical Analysis of Energetic Performances 75
Comparison of Biomass Energy Conversion Systems 75
Design of heliostat field for an unfired solarized micro gas turbine in a closed cycle with mass flow control regulation 73
Analisi Energetica ed Economica di un Impianto di Tri-Generazione 72
Analysis of the Equilibrium Conditions of a Double Rotor Turbine Prototype Designed for the Exploitation of the Tidal Currents 72
A detonation model in spark-ignition engines: Preliminary results on engine octane requirement 72
Design procedure of an innovative turbine with rotors rotating in opposite directions for the exploitation of the tidal currents 70
A one-dimensional numerical model for calculating the efficiency of Pumps As Turbines for implementation in micro-hydro power plants 68
Experimental activity at test rig validating correlations to select pumps running as turbines in microhydro plants 68
Design and analysis of a new wave energy converter based on a point absorber and a hydraulic system harvesting energy from waves near the shore in calm seas 68
A Preliminary Study of Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed containing Sand Particle using CFD 67
Transients analysis of a tidal currents self-balancing kinetic turbine with floating stabilizer 67
Feasibility analysis of a solar field for a closed unfired Joule-Brayton cycle 67
Waste Energy Recovering in Water Pipelines by Using Pumps Running as Turbines 66
An Externally Fired Micro Combined-Cycle, with Largely Adjustable Steam Turbine, in a CHP System 66
Integrated gasification gas combined cycle plant with membrane reactors: Technological and economical analysis 65
Predictive model estimating the performances of centrifugal pumps used as turbines 65
An evaluation of the performance of an integrated solar combined cycle plant provided with air-linear parabolic collectors 65
Modello termofluidodinamico per lo studio delle prestazioni di un ossidatore termico rigenerativo (O.T.R.) a tre torri 65
Comparison between the performances of an IGCC (Integrated Gasification Gas Combined Cycle) plant with the capture of CO2 and an IGCC with membrane reactors: exergetic analysis 65
Lcoe Evaluation for a Tidal Kinetic Self Balancing Turbine: Case Study and Comparison 63
The influence of rotary valve distribution systems on the energetic efficiency of regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTO) 63
Energetic Performances of Monolith and Random Packed Beds Aftertreatment Systems 62
Possibility of employing a small power tangential flow turbine prototype in a micro solar concentration plant 62
Using a Statistical-Numerical Procedure for the Selection of Pumps running as Turbines to be applied in Water Pipelines: Study Cases 61
Flexible electricity dispatch for CSP plant using un-fired closed air Brayton cycle with particles based thermal energy storage system 61
Modelling process characteristics and performance of fixed and fluidized bed Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) 60
Exploitation of Moderate Wind Resources by Autonomous Wind Electric Pumping Systems 59
An Advanced Model for Biomass Steam Gasification Processes 59
Impianto solare comprendente un impianto di trasformazione termodinamica dell’energia termica solare. 59
Optimization of Heliostat Field in a Thermal Solar Power Plant with an Unfired Closed Joule-Brayton Cycle 59
Performance analysis of a solar-only gas micro turbine, with mass flow control 58
Innovative on-Shore System recovering Energy from Tidal Currents 58
Numerical simulations on Oxy-MILD combustion of pulverized coal in an industrial boiler 58
Energy Efficiency Analysis of Monolith and Pellet Emission Control Systems in Unidirectional and Reverse-Flow Designs 57
Study of a hydraulic system converting energy from sea waves near the coast 56
Transient Analysis of a Tidal Currents Self-balancing Kinetic Turbine with on Shore Basement. 54
Sistema Innovativo On-Shore per il Recupero di Energia dalle Correnti Marine 53
Hybrid biomass and natural gas combined cycles: Energy analysis and comparison between different plant configurations 52
Ricostruzione Virtuale, in Ambiente Cad, di Giranti di Pompe-Turbine, per una più accurata Computazione delle Perdite Fluidodinamiche 52
Energy Efficiency Comparison Between Active and Passive Emission Control Systems Adopting Standard Emission Test Cycles 52
Fattibilità di Interventi di Recupero Energetico in Condotte Idriche comprendenti Valvole di Laminazione 52
Primi risultati del Banco per la Prova di Pompe-Turbine dell'Università della Calabria 52
Innovative Tidal Turbine with Central Deflector for the Exploitation of River and Sea Currents in On-Shore Installations 52
Energetic Analysis of the Performances of Innovative Aftertreatment Systems 51
Simulazione dello Scambio Termico e delle Perdite di Carico all' Interno di Rigeneratori ad Impaccamento Casuale in Ossidatori Termici Rigenerativi 50
Numerical evaluation of the Energetic Performances of Structured and Random Packed Beds in regenerative thermal oxidizers 50
Levelized Cost of Energy: a first evaluation for a self balancing kinetic turbine 49
LDA Flow field Characterization in a Motored Reciprocating Engine 48
Rigeneratori termici a flusso continuo 48
Procedure for the Selection of Pumps Running as Turbines in Micro Hydro Plants 48
Hydraulic on-shore system recovering energy from sea waves 48
Influence of the Seeding Characteristics on LDA Measurements at the Intake Entrance of an ICE 47
Influence of the Synchronous Generator Field Voltage on the Performance of an Autonomous WEPS 47
Membranes in gas separation: theoretical background and numerical simulation 46
Influenza delle caratteristiche del seeding in rilievi LDA del flusso all'ingresso del condotto di aspirazione di un MCI 46
Global and LDA Steady Flow Measurements in two High-Performance I.C.E. Head Configurations 46
Possibilità di impiego di una Turbina a Vapore a Flusso Tangenziale in un Micro Impianto Solare a Concentrazione 45
Procedure Selecting Pumps Running as Turbines in Micro Hydro Plants 45
The Separation between Turbulence and Mean Flow in ICE LDV data: the complementary point-of-view of different investigation tools 45
Influenza della Qualità del Recupero Termico nel Dimensionamento Ottimale di Impianti Cogenerativi di Piccola Taglia 44
Verifiche numeriche e sperimentali dell’efficacia di un sistema di tenuta basato su una barriera d’aria 44
Revisione di un modello di calcolo delle prestazioni delle pompe centrifughe usate come turbine con il computo di ulteriori perdite nella girante 41
Experimental Investigation on an ICE Cooling System under Nucleate Boiling Conditions - SAE paper n. 2001 01 1795 41
Innovative tidal turbine with central deflector for the exploitation of river and sea currents in on-shore installations 41
Sistema di valvole rotanti cilindriche con tenuta fluidodinamica 40
Maximisation of Water Delivery of an isolated Wind Electric Pumping System 40
Optimisation of WEPS Performance by means of Alternator Field Voltage 40
Messa a punto di un sistema per misure LDA in un monocilindro ad accesso ottico 38
LDA Investigation on Valve – Wall and Valve – Valve Flow Interaction in High-Performance 4-Valve I.C.E 38
Experimental and simulation aspects of Pd-based membrane reactors 38
Integrated Gasification Gas Combined Cycle plant with Membrane Reactors: A technological and Economical Analysis 36
Dynamic simulation of the temperature inlet turbine control system for an unfired micro gas turbine in a concentrating solar tower 36
Numerical Simulation of MILD (Moderate or Intense Low-Oxygen Dilution) Combustion of Coal in a Furnace with Different Coal Gun Positions 33
A preliminary study of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in a bubbling fluidized bed containing sand particle using CFD 28
Review of Methods Used for Selecting Pumps as Turbines (PATs) and Predicting Their Characteristic Curves 25
Residential cogeneration and trigeneration 18
Numerical simulation of MILD (moderate or intense low-oxygen dilution) combustion of coal in a furnace with different coal gun positions 11
Numerical investigation of oxy-mild combustion of pulverized coal in a pilot furnace 9
Totale 5.893
Categoria #
all - tutte 36.805
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 36.805

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020681 0 0 0 0 0 241 73 97 13 84 129 44
2020/2021770 107 7 94 96 15 108 19 100 25 106 6 87
2021/2022992 3 68 26 61 128 35 5 217 8 2 165 274
2022/20231.080 156 115 17 129 102 101 18 183 103 34 92 30
2023/2024770 60 45 43 44 31 122 44 35 63 59 46 178
2024/2025873 126 265 92 78 170 142 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.893