COSTANZO, Carmelina
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.079
EU - Europa 1.500
AS - Asia 696
AF - Africa 101
SA - Sud America 35
OC - Oceania 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 4.421
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.029
UA - Ucraina 520
IT - Italia 449
SG - Singapore 374
DE - Germania 269
CN - Cina 209
SE - Svezia 112
SN - Senegal 98
TR - Turchia 54
CA - Canada 43
FI - Finlandia 41
BR - Brasile 28
BE - Belgio 24
IN - India 24
AT - Austria 19
GB - Regno Unito 16
FR - Francia 15
HK - Hong Kong 14
NL - Olanda 10
AU - Australia 7
MX - Messico 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
EC - Ecuador 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
EU - Europa 3
GR - Grecia 3
IR - Iran 3
LT - Lituania 3
PL - Polonia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
AM - Armenia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
EG - Egitto 2
ES - Italia 2
IL - Israele 2
IQ - Iraq 2
KR - Corea 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
PH - Filippine 2
AR - Argentina 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
IS - Islanda 1
JO - Giordania 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MA - Marocco 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
RO - Romania 1
RS - Serbia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
UY - Uruguay 1
Totale 4.421
Città #
Chandler 379
Jacksonville 293
Singapore 264
Boardman 167
Dearborn 137
San Mateo 111
Dakar 98
Florence 80
Lawrence 74
Roxbury 73
Shanghai 63
Rende 58
Cambridge 54
New York 54
Inglewood 53
Ashburn 52
Izmir 49
Des Moines 41
Helsinki 39
Ottawa 32
Wilmington 30
Beijing 28
Bremen 26
Milan 22
Brussels 21
Ogden 21
Ann Arbor 20
Vienna 18
Seattle 16
Bari 15
Catanzaro 13
San Francisco 13
Los Angeles 12
Redwood City 12
Catania 11
Hong Kong 11
Brooklyn 10
Grafing 10
Cosenza 9
Fuzhou 9
Guangzhou 9
Palermo 9
Pune 9
Munich 8
Naples 8
Council Bluffs 7
Rome 7
Shenzhen 7
Toronto 7
Frankfurt am Main 6
Norwalk 6
Padova 6
Paris 6
Santa Clara 6
Turin 6
Athens 5
Chicago 5
Falls Church 5
Monmouth Junction 5
Mumbai 5
Newcastle upon Tyne 5
Taranto 5
Terranova da Sibari 5
Vignate 5
Wuhan 5
Falkenstein 4
Leawood 4
Rivoli 4
Sydney 4
Ahmedabad 3
Amsterdam 3
Ascoli Piceno 3
Betim 3
Cuenca 3
Harbin 3
Hefei 3
Jinan 3
London 3
Melbourne 3
Nanjing 3
Pavia 3
Perugia 3
Riyadh 3
Sciara 3
Sofia 3
Spoltore 3
Warsaw 3
Almaty 2
Augusta 2
Barcelona 2
Berlin 2
Brescia 2
Cairo 2
Cassino 2
Cavallirio 2
Chongqing 2
Esslingen am Neckar 2
Gunzenhausen 2
Houston 2
Lappeenranta 2
Totale 2.751
Nome #
Applicazione delle Shallow Water Equations per la simulazione dello scorrimento superficiale su un bacino reale: influenza della risoluzione del dominio di calcolo 142
A new a priori methodology to define the best 2D mesh resolution for overland flow models. 105
Modello idraulico per l'analisi a scala di bacino della pericolosità delle piene impulsive. 86
Fully-hydrodynamic modelling supportingflood hazard assessment and communication: A reference framework 85
A storm event watershed model for surface runoff based on 2D fully dynamic wave equations 84
1D model of flood propagation in a compound channel 83
Dam breach modelling: influence on downstream water levels and a proposal of a physically based module for flood propagation software 81
A comparative analysis of 3-D representations of urban flood map in virtual environments for hazard communication purposes 79
Comparative Analysis of Overland Flow Models Using Finite Volume Schemes 76
Miglioramento della comunicazione del rischio idraulico mediante la visualizzazione 3.D delle mappe di pericolosità. 76
Hydraulic Characterization of River Networks Based on Flow Patterns Simulated by 2-D Shallow Water Modeling: Scaling Properties, Multifractal Interpretation, and Perspectives for Channel Heads Detection 76
A Spectral analysis approach for the a-priori generation of computational grids in the 2-D hydrodynamic -based runoff simulations at a basin scale 74
Extracting quantitative data from non-conventional information for the hydraulic reconstruction of past urban flood events. A case study 74
A new framework for defining a priori grids in 2D runoff models at basin scale 74
Un nuovo approccio basato sull'analisi spettrale per la generazione a priori di una griglia di calcolo accurata nella modellistica idrodinamica 2D a scala di bacino. 72
Is local flood hazard assessment in urban areas significantly influenced by the physical complexity of the hydrodynamic inundation model? 71
Performances and limitations of the diffusive approximation of the 2-d shallow water equations for flood simulation in urban and rural areas 70
Criteri di costruzione dei domini di calcolo per la perimetrazione delle aree inondabili 69
Performances of the new HEC-RAS version 5 for 2-D hydrodynamic-based rainfall-runoff simulations at basin scale: Comparison with a state-of-the art model 67
Analysis of the hydrometeorological chain performances on a real basin 65
Coupling Meteorological and Hydraulic Modelling to Develop a Hydro-Meteorological Chain: Simulation of a Test Case 65
Is HEC-RAS 2D accurate enough for storm-event hazard assessment? Lessons learnt from a benchmarking study based on rain-on-grid modelling 65
Comparison of two-dimensional finite volume schemes for dam break problem on an irregular geometry 62
Visual Risk Communication of Urban Flooding in 3D Environments Based on Terrestrial Laser Scanning 62
Estensione della modellistica delle onde di sommersione alle colate 60
Final document on the third year first activity: “Numerical techniques for preventing computational instability problems to simulate floods due to low-intensity rainfall”.Progetto di riferimento: Modellistica idraulica delle alluvioni conseguenti ad eventi meteorologici intensi - Linea di ricerca 5 “Valutazione e diagnostica degli impatti” - “Impatti sul suolo e sulle coste "-Centro Euro Mediterraneo Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) 60
Numerical Simulation of 2D Dam Break Wave on Erodible Sediment Bed 60
Two-dimensional model for overland flow simulations: a case study 59
Rappresentazione tridimensionale di alluvioni attraverso scenari virtuali 59
Final document on the third year second activity: “General Methodologies and Hydrological-Hydraulic Parameters Supporting the Definition of a Climate Index for Changing Flood Risk Assessment”. Progetto di riferimento: Modellistica idraulica delle alluvioni conseguenti ad eventi meteorologici intensi - Linea di ricerca 5 “Valutazione e diagnostica degli impatti” - “Impatti sul suolo e sulle coste " - Centro Euro Mediterraneo Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) 58
Moving to 3-D flood hazard maps for enhancing risk communication 58
2D Hydrodynamic approach supporting evaluations of hydrological response in small watersheds: implications for lag time estimation 57
Computation of a mud flow propagation for predictive purposes 54
Tempi di evoluzione di eventi alluvionali rapidi 52
Terrestrial and airborne laser scanning and 2-D modelling for 3-D flood hazard maps in urban areas: new opportunities and perspectives 52
Discharge coefficients for specific grated inlets. Influence of the Froude number 51
The influence of source terms treatment in computing two dimensional flood propagation 50
Ricostruzione numerica dell'evento di piena generato dalla rottura della diga di Big Bay 50
A 2D-SWEs framework for efficient catchment-scale simulations: Hydrodynamic scaling properties of river networks and implications for non-uniform grids generation 50
Two-dimensional model for overland flow simulations: a case study 49
Simulazione numerica della colata di Val di Stava 49
Modello numerico dello scorrimento superficiale a scala di bacino basato sulle equazioni complete 2D del moto vario 48
Two-dimensional numerical simulation of flood propagation in presence of buildings 48
Integrazione ai volumi finiti delle equazioni bidimensionali del moto vario applicate ad un’area a topografia complessa 47
Two-dimensional numerical models for overland flow simulations 47
Modelli di simulazione dei fenomeni di allagamento in zona urbana: applicazione ad un caso reale 47
RP0042-Final document on the second year, second activity: "Preliminary results obtained by using the 2D numerical propagation model and sensitivity analysis with respect to the parameters". , 2008, Progetto di riferimento: Modellistica idraulica delle alluvioni conseguenti ad eventi meteorologici intensi - Linea di ricerca 5 “Valutazione e diagnostica degli impatti” - Linea di ricerca 5 “Impatti sul suolo e sulle coste " - Centro Euro Mediterraneo Cambiamenti Climatici 47
Influenza della risoluzione dei domini di calcolo sull'analisi della pericolosità idraulica a scala di bacino 47
Tecniche numeriche per la simulazione della propagazione di piene su fondo irregolare 45
Modellistica idraulica delle alluvioni conseguenti ad eventi meteorologici intensi. Secondo Rapporto semestrale 45
Water Hammer in water distribution systems 45
Benchmarking 2D Shallow Water Models in complex case studies: the 2017 Mandra (Greece) flood 44
Modellistica idraulica delle alluvioni conseguenti ad eventi meteorologici intensi. Primo rapporto semestrale 44
RP0035-Final Document related to the second year first activity:"DEM generation and interface with the 2D numerical model of flood propagation 44
Final document on the third year, third activity: “Coupling Meteorological and Hydraulic Modelling to Develop a Hydro-Meteorological Chain: Simulation of a Test Case”. Progetto di riferimento: Modellistica idraulica delle alluvioni conseguenti ad eventi meteorologici intensi - Linea di ricerca 5 “Valutazione e diagnostica degli impatti” - “Impatti sul suolo e sulle coste” - Centro Euro Mediterraneo Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) 43
Simulazioni numeriche bidimensionali di fenomeni di dam break 42
Numerical aspects in simulating overland flow events 42
Preliminary results obtained by using the 2D numerical propagation model and sensitivity analysis with respect to the parameters 42
RP0042-Final document on the second year, second activity: "Preliminary results obtained by using the 2D numerical propagation model and sensitivity analysis with respect to the parameters" 42
Prestazioni di alcuni schemi bidimensionali ai volumi finiti per problemi di dam break 42
Metodo 1D per il calcolo delle correnti in moto vario in corsi d'acqua a sezione composita 41
Tecniche numeriche nella simulazione idraulica dello scorrimento superficiale su topografie naturali 41
RP0035-Final Document related to the second year first activity:"DEM generation and interface with the 2D numerical model of flood propagation. Progetto di riferimento: Modellistica idraulica delle alluvioni conseguenti ad eventi meteorologici intensi - Linea di ricerca 5 “Valutazione e diagnostica degli impatti” - Linea di ricerca 5 “Impatti sul suolo e sulle coste " - Centro Euro Mediterraneo Cambiamenti Climatici 41
General Methodologies and Hydrological-Hydraulic Parameters Supporting the Definition of a Climate Index for Changing Flood Risk Assessment 41
Effects of DEM Depression Filling on River Drainage Patterns and Surface Runoff Generated by 2D Rain-on-Grid Scenarios 38
Numerical aspects in simulating overland flow events 38
RP0059-Final document on the second year third activity : "Analysis of the hydrometeorological chain performances on a real basin" 38
Modello bidimensionale finalizzato allo studio delle inondazioni in aree a fondo erodibile 36
RP0059-Final document on the second year third activity : "Analysis of the hydrometeorological chain performances on a real basin". Progetto di riferimento: Modellistica idraulica delle alluvioni conseguenti ad eventi meteorologici intensi - Linea di ricerca 5 “Valutazione e diagnostica degli impatti” - Linea di ricerca 5 “Impatti sul suolo e sulle coste " - Centro Euro Mediterraneo Cambiamenti Climatici 36
Application of a new methodology based on the spectral analysis for the a priori generation of computational grids for 2D runoff simulations at basin scale 28
Propagation of variability in climate projections within urban flood modelling: A multi-purpose impact analysis 24
High-resolution 2D modelling for simulating and improving the management of border irrigation 23
Using the present to estimate the future: A simplified approach for the quantification of climate change effects on urban flooding by scenario analysis 22
Comparing Different Modelling Strategies for the Estimation of Climate Change Effects on Urban Pluvial Flooding 20
Unravelling spatial heterogeneity of inundation pattern domains for 2D analysis of fluvial landscapes and drainage networks 17
Toward Street-Level Nowcasting of Flash Floods Impacts Based on HPC Hydrodynamic Modeling at the Watershed Scale and High-Resolution Weather Radar Data 13
Evaluation of 2D hydrodynamic-based rainfall/runoff modelling for soil erosion assessment at a seasonal scale 11
Promoting precision surface irrigation through hydrodynamic modelling and microtopographic survey 11
Predictive capabilities, robustness and limitations of two event-based approaches for lag time estimation in heterogeneous watersheds 4
Nowcasting Floods in Detailed Scales Considering the Uncertainties Associated with impact-based Practical Applications 4
Advances in Flow Modeling for Water Resources and Hydrological Engineering 1
Totale 4.553
Categoria #
all - tutte 32.247
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 32.247

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 12 8 71 28
2020/2021546 71 1 68 82 11 55 12 80 19 72 22 53
2021/2022885 4 178 2 37 87 16 12 147 24 14 119 245
2022/2023921 149 160 33 101 102 75 7 81 83 20 96 14
2023/2024526 52 31 31 42 25 102 21 29 41 31 24 97
2024/2025867 89 219 71 68 190 94 95 41 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.553