CARBONE, Vincenzo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 12.465
EU - Europa 6.990
AS - Asia 3.333
AF - Africa 172
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 41
SA - Sud America 40
OC - Oceania 28
Totale 23.069
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 12.114
UA - Ucraina 3.345
DE - Germania 1.873
CN - Cina 1.299
SG - Singapore 1.096
SE - Svezia 775
IT - Italia 500
TR - Turchia 491
CA - Canada 343
HK - Hong Kong 261
SN - Senegal 165
FI - Finlandia 126
GB - Regno Unito 84
BE - Belgio 76
FR - Francia 56
KR - Corea 56
IN - India 47
EU - Europa 41
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 40
AT - Austria 32
JP - Giappone 28
AU - Australia 24
BR - Brasile 20
IR - Iran 14
LT - Lituania 12
NL - Olanda 12
SA - Arabia Saudita 10
BG - Bulgaria 7
ES - Italia 7
RU - Federazione Russa 7
CL - Cile 6
EC - Ecuador 6
IE - Irlanda 5
IL - Israele 5
PL - Polonia 5
AZ - Azerbaigian 4
EE - Estonia 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
PK - Pakistan 4
AR - Argentina 3
HU - Ungheria 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
MA - Marocco 3
MX - Messico 3
PA - Panama 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
AL - Albania 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
BZ - Belize 2
EG - Egitto 2
GR - Grecia 2
IS - Islanda 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PE - Perù 2
RO - Romania 2
TH - Thailandia 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
CH - Svizzera 1
CO - Colombia 1
FK - Isole Falkland (Malvinas) 1
ID - Indonesia 1
JO - Giordania 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KW - Kuwait 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PY - Paraguay 1
RS - Serbia 1
VN - Vietnam 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 23.069
Città #
Jacksonville 2.439
Chandler 1.742
Dearborn 1.311
Boardman 1.153
Singapore 811
San Mateo 728
Roxbury 510
Lawrence 506
Izmir 477
Shanghai 354
Des Moines 347
Ottawa 296
New York 282
Ashburn 221
Cambridge 216
Beijing 194
Dakar 165
Ann Arbor 163
Ogden 160
Wilmington 160
Florence 156
Inglewood 136
Bremen 126
Helsinki 122
Grafing 118
Brooklyn 83
Rende 80
Brussels 76
Los Angeles 59
San Francisco 59
Seoul 51
Guangzhou 46
Hong Kong 44
Toronto 43
Nanjing 39
Seattle 39
Brno 38
Norwalk 33
Jinan 31
Vienna 31
Rome 29
Strasbourg 27
Wuhan 27
Jiaxing 21
Hefei 20
Santa Clara 20
Frankfurt am Main 19
Munich 19
Ningbo 19
Zhengzhou 19
Changsha 17
Pune 17
Redwood City 17
Kilburn 16
Kunming 16
London 16
Catania 15
Redmond 15
Shenyang 15
Houston 14
Shenzhen 14
Haikou 13
Nanchang 13
Taizhou 12
Yiwu 12
Hangzhou 11
Jinhua 11
Woodbridge 11
Bari 10
Berlin 10
Mumbai 10
Riyadh 10
Canberra 9
Falkenstein 9
Hebei 9
Milan 9
Tianjin 9
Ardabil 8
Falls Church 8
Melbourne 8
Monmouth Junction 8
Seelze 8
Washington 8
Wuxi 8
Amsterdam 7
Hanover 7
Mascalucia 7
Paris 7
Sofia 7
Sydney 7
Central 6
Latina 6
São Paulo 6
Tokyo 6
Chicago 5
Dublin 5
Fuzhou 5
Leawood 5
Mainz 5
Warsaw 5
Totale 14.357
Nome #
Yaglom law for electrostatic turbulence in laboratory magnetized plasmas 269
[Plasma 2020 Decadal] The essential role of multi-point measurements in turbulence investigations: the solar wind beyond single scale and beyond the Taylor Hypothesis 114
Analysis of cancellation exponents in two-dimensional Vlasov turbulence 105
Turbulence-Driven Ion Beams in the Magnetospheric Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability 97
A modified fermi model for wave-particle interactions in plasmas 96
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of solar photospheric motions 92
Sea level fluctuation in the Mediterranean after the March 11th, 2011 Japan tsunami from Italian tidal records 90
An attempt to physical science basis of climate changes in early Seventeenth century and the influence of the Little Ice Age in south Italy 88
Double Averaging Method and Turbulence Statistics for a Rough-Bed Flow 88
Turbulence laws in natural bed flows 87
Behavior of dielectric testing particles in electro-convective turbulence 87
Compressible turbulence in Hall Magnetohydrodynamics 83
Cancellation analysis of current density in solar active region NOAA10019 83
A model for two-dimensional bursty turbulence in magnetized plasmas 83
Timescale separation in the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling during St. Patrick's Day storms in 2013 and 2015 81
A coronal loop RMHD shell model for turbulence generated nanoflares 81
A simple model for the solar cycle 80
An analysis of the solar flare waiting time distribution 80
Comprehensive Analysis of the Geoeffective Solar Event of 21 June 2015: Effects on the Magnetosphere, Plasmasphere, and Ionosphere Systems 80
Erratum: ``Multifractal Scaling and Intermittency in Hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell Simulations of Plasma Turbulence' [Phys. Plasmas 23, 022307 (2016)] 79
A simple model for the wave–particle interactions 78
A POD analysis of vertical photospheric flow observed by THEMIS 78
A simple model for the solar cycle 76
A statistical analysis of polarity reversals of the geomagnetic field 76
Optically induced chaotic behaviour in nematic liquid crystal films 74
Competition among Nonlinear Effects in Tearing Instability Saturation 74
Periodic behaviour and stochastic fluctuations of solar activity: Proper Orthogonal Decomposition analysis 73
A dynamical model for the spatio-temporal intermittency of the turbulent energy cascade: first results and possible applications to coronal loops 73
Analysis of the dynamical regimes induced by a laser beam in nematic liquid crystal films 72
Properties of the magnetohydrodynamic turbulent cascade in high latitude solar wind 72
Anisotropy of Magnetohydrodynamic Alfvénic Fluctuations in the Interplanetary Space 72
Cancellation properties in Hall magnetohydrodynamics with a strong guide magnetic field 72
On the probability distribution function of small-scale interplanetary magnetic field fluctuations 72
Ion diffusion and acceleration in plasma turbulence 71
An analysis of the vertical photospheric velocity field as observed by Themis 71
A model for the three-dimensional magnetic field correlation spectra of low frequency Solar Wind fluctuations during Alfvénic periods 71
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of solar photospheric motions, Art. 061102 71
Barriers for transport in turbulent plasmas 70
A possible truncated-Levy-flight statistics recovered from interplanetary solar-wind velocity and magnetic-field fluctuations 70
Reduced magnetic helicity behavior in different plasma regions of near‐Earth space 69
A Simplified Cascade Model for M.H.D. Turbulence 69
A toy-model devoted to scale-dependent effects of magnetic turbulence anisotropy 69
V International Topical Meeting on Optics in Liquid Crystals 69
Nonlinear processes in heliospheric plasma: models and observations 68
Multifractal scaling and intermittency in hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell simulations of plasma turbulence 68
Effect of Vegetation on the Temperatures of TRAPPIST-1 Planets 68
Ergodicity of ideal Galerkin three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics and Hall magnetohydrodynamics models 67
Simplified model for an alpha(2)-omega dynamo fed by dynamical evolution of the zonal shear 67
Sign singularity and flares in solar active region NOAA 11158 67
Turbulent energy dissipation rate in a tilting flume with a highly rough bed 67
A Model for the Theree-Dimensional Magnetic Field Correlation Spectra of Low–Frequency Solar Wind Fluctuations During Alfvenic Periods 67
Solar neutrino flux modulated by solar activity 67
On the stability of a climate model for an Earth-like planet with land-ocean coverage 67
Power laws in solar flares: Self-Organized Criticality or Turbulence? 67
A bridge between research, education and communication 67
Beamlest from stochastic acceleration 66
Comment on ‘‘Effect of Current Sheets on the Solar Wind Magnetic Field Power Spectrum from the Ulysses Observation: From Kraichnan to Kolmogorov Scaling’’ 66
A simple model for the solar cycle 65
Anisotropy in the Spectra of Alfvénic MHD Fluctuations in the Solar Wind 65
Analysis of small-scale anisotropy with the high resolution Cluster data 65
Analysis of velocity fluctuations in the solar atmosphere: relation between intermittency and chromospheric magnetic topology 65
Photopolarimetric characterisation of the electro-hydrodynamic turbulrnce in a nematic liquid crystal film 65
Does the photospheric current take part in the flaring process? 64
Recurrent flares in active region NOAA 11283 64
A note on shell models for MHD turbulence 64
Complex nonlinear optical phenomena in nematic liquid crystals 64
Turbulence in a Coronal Loop Excited by Photospheric Motions 64
The approach to statistical equilibrium in collisionless wave-particle interactions 63
Human performances: scaling in athletic world records 63
Synthetic 3D turbulence 63
An analysis of magnetohydrodynamic invariants of magnetic fluctuations within interplanetary flux ropes 63
Dispersive cascade and dissipation in collisionless space plasma turbulence – observations and simulations 63
Dynamical properties of test particles in stochastic electromagnetic fields 63
Overview of and first observations from the TILDAE High-Altitude Balloon Mission 63
Analysis of the two-dimensional turbulence in pure electron plasmas by means of advanced statistical techniques 63
Influence of Hall effect on reconnection in turbulence 62
Wave-particle interaction and nonlinear Landau damping in collisionless electron plasmas 62
Comparative Climates of the Trappist-1 Planetary System: Results from a Simple Climate-vegetation Model 62
How spin-off companies can play a role in science communication 62
A Shell Model for Anisotropic Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence 61
Anisotropy of Magnetohydrodinamic Alfvenic Fluctuations in the Interplanetary Space 60
Magnetic reconnection as an element of turbulence 60
Characterization of magnetic turbulence in the Heliosphere 60
Accelerated climate changes in Weddell sea region of Antarctica detected by Extreme Values Theory 60
Linear and nonlinear regimes of bump-on-tail instability through Vlasov and toy model simulations 59
Stochasticity and persistence of solar coronal mass ejection 59
Waiting time distributions of the volatility in the Italian MIB30 index: Clustering or Poisson functions? 59
ADAHELI+: exploring the fast, dynamic Sun in the x-ray, optical, and near-infrared 59
A simple model to describe the solar cycle periodicities below 11 years 59
Solar activity cycles and grand minima occurrence 59
Magnetic Neutral Points Stretching and Coalescence in Tearing-generated M.H.D. Structures 58
Nanoflares and MHD Turbulence in Coronal Loops: A Hybrid Shell Model 58
Drift effects on the galactic cosmic ray modulation 58
Multifractal Structure and Intermittency of Laser-Generated Turbulence in Nematic Liquid Crystals 58
Statistical properties of dissipation bursts within turbulence: Solar flares and geomagnetic activity 57
A statistical analysis of polarity reversals of the geomagnetic field 57
Totale 7.220
Categoria #
all - tutte 168.198
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 168.198

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.175 0 0 0 0 0 1.330 387 591 60 89 514 204
2020/20213.849 609 7 494 511 16 504 31 528 62 532 82 473
2021/20224.104 17 375 15 196 399 235 39 884 53 36 666 1.189
2022/20233.974 652 267 88 507 543 380 14 625 462 97 240 99
2023/20242.550 245 120 139 65 123 425 61 133 287 110 118 724
2024/20252.503 267 1.233 204 193 433 173 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 23.267