PAPA, Alessandro
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.047
EU - Europa 2.779
AS - Asia 1.352
AF - Africa 38
OC - Oceania 19
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 13
SA - Sud America 12
Totale 9.260
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.892
UA - Ucraina 1.096
DE - Germania 674
CN - Cina 508
SG - Singapore 409
SE - Svezia 275
FR - Francia 234
HK - Hong Kong 217
IT - Italia 213
TR - Turchia 165
CA - Canada 153
FI - Finlandia 142
GB - Regno Unito 39
BE - Belgio 35
SN - Senegal 34
IN - India 18
AU - Australia 17
NL - Olanda 14
EU - Europa 13
RU - Federazione Russa 10
ES - Italia 7
JP - Giappone 7
CH - Svizzera 6
CL - Cile 6
KR - Corea 6
LI - Liechtenstein 6
AT - Austria 5
IL - Israele 5
LT - Lituania 5
BR - Brasile 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
PL - Polonia 4
IE - Irlanda 3
BY - Bielorussia 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
MA - Marocco 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PK - Pakistan 2
QA - Qatar 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AL - Albania 1
AM - Armenia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
ID - Indonesia 1
JM - Giamaica 1
JO - Giordania 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MM - Myanmar 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
RO - Romania 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 9.260
Città #
Chandler 846
Jacksonville 841
Boardman 452
Dearborn 423
San Mateo 335
Singapore 305
Lawrence 187
Roxbury 186
Shanghai 166
Izmir 159
Helsinki 136
Ottawa 127
Des Moines 120
Ann Arbor 86
Ashburn 84
New York 83
Cambridge 77
Beijing 70
Wilmington 66
Inglewood 48
Bremen 43
Ogden 42
Brooklyn 35
Brussels 35
Redmond 35
Dakar 34
San Francisco 32
Los Angeles 31
Guangzhou 30
Rende 29
Grafing 28
Falkenstein 25
Florence 24
Toronto 24
Seattle 21
Milan 16
Santa Clara 16
Hefei 14
Melbourne 12
Redwood City 10
Washington 10
Jiaxing 9
London 9
Norwalk 9
Amsterdam 8
Hong Kong 8
Nanjing 8
Pune 8
Berlin 7
Jinan 7
Shenzhen 7
Celico 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Jinhua 6
Lappeenranta 6
Paris 6
Rossano 6
Zurich 6
Cagliari 5
Mendicino 5
Taizhou 5
Tokyo 5
Vienna 5
Wuhan 5
Yiwu 5
Brno 4
Chicago 4
Hangzhou 4
Munich 4
Nanchang 4
Ningbo 4
Santiago 4
Scilla 4
Seoul 4
Shenyang 4
Tel Aviv 4
Woodbridge 4
Wuxi 4
Xi'an 4
Canberra 3
Catanzaro 3
Coltainville 3
Dublin 3
Fuzhou 3
Haikou 3
Lessolo 3
Moscow 3
Mountain View 3
Phoenix 3
Quanzhou 3
Roncadelle 3
Tianjin 3
Wuhu 3
Alcalá de Henares 2
Auckland 2
Baotou 2
Bolzano 2
Bova Marina 2
Chengdu 2
Cleveland 2
Totale 5.612
Nome #
QED(3) on a space-time lattice: a comparison between compact and noncompact formulation 266
Analytical and cellular automaton approach to a generalized SEIR model for infection spread in an open crowded space 94
Inclusive production of two rapidity-separated heavy quarks as a probe of BFKL dynamics 85
Photoinjector Emittance Measurement at STAR 80
Diffraction 2016 79
High-energy effects in forward inclusive dijet and hadron-jet production 75
QED3 on a space-time lattice: compact versus noncompact formulation 74
BFKL effects and central rapidity dependence in Mueller-Navelet jet production at 13 TeV LHC 73
Analytic model of Regge trajectories 72
BFKL resummation effects in the gamma* gamma* total hadronic cross section 71
Asymptotic neutrino-nucleon cross section and saturation effects 71
Analytic continuation from imaginary to real chemical potential in two-color QCD 71
Analytic model of a Regge trajectory in the space-like and time-like regions 70
Analytical continuation from imaginary to real chemical potential in 2-color QCD under scrutiny 70
BKT phase transitions in strongly coupled 3D Z(N) LGT at finite temperature 69
Hadron-jet correlations in high-energy hadronic collisions at the LHC 69
The confining color field in SU(3) gauge theory 69
Analytic continuation of the critical line: Suggestions for QCD 68
Anatomy of SU(3) flux tubes at finite temperature 67
ρ-meson leptoproduction as testfield for the unintegrated gluon distribution in the proton 67
Inclusive hadron-jet production at the LHC 67
Leptoproduction of rho mesons as discriminator for the unintegrated gluon distribution in the proton 67
LHC Forward Physics 67
Diffraction and Low-x 2018 66
Analytic continuation of the critical line in 2-color QCD at nonzero temperature and density 65
Analytic continuation in QCD-like theories at finite density and finite isospin 65
Higgs-plus-jet inclusive production as stabilizer of the high-energy resummation 64
A proof of fulfillment of the strong bootstrap condition 64
Inclusive dihadron production at the LHC in NLA BFKL 64
Isolating the confining color field in the SU(3) flux tube 64
SU(3) surface tension from the lattice with the fixed point action 63
Unintegrated gluon distribution from forward polarized ρ-electroproduction 63
Behavior near theta = pi of the mass gap in the two-dimensional O(3) nonlinear sigma model 62
2D O(3) sigma model with a theta-term: construction of a positive Boltzmann weight 62
Analytic continuation in two-color QCD: new results on the critical line 62
Spatial structure of the color field in the SU(3) flux tube 60
One-loop Reggeon-Reggeon-gluon vertex at arbitrary space-time dimension 59
Real and imaginary chemical potential in 2-color QCD 59
Instanton classical solutions of SU(3) fixed point actions on open lattices 59
Analytical evolution of nucleon structure functions with power corrections at twist-4 and predictions for ultra-high energy neutrino-nucleon cross section 59
Three-quark potentials in an SU(3) effective Polyakov loop model 59
The spectrum of screening masses near T_c: predictions from universality 58
The critical line from imaginary to real baryonic chemical potentials in two-color QCD 57
Finite-size scaling and the deconfinement transition in gauge theories 56
Flux tubes in the QCD vacuum 55
Ultra-high energy neutrino-nucleon interactions 55
High-energy resummation in heavy-quark pair hadroproduction 55
Critical line of two-flavor QCD at finite isospin or baryon densities from imaginary chemical potentials 54
High energy resummation in dihadron production at the LHC 54
Critical line of 2+1 flavor QCD: Toward the continuum limit 54
Inclusive production of a heavy-light dijet system in hybrid high-energy and collinear factorization 54
Strong bootstrap conditions 53
Topology in 2D CP(N-1) models on the lattice: A critical comparison of different cooling techniques 53
Screening masses in the SU(3) pure gauge theory and universality 53
Flux tubes at finite temperature 52
BKT phase transitions in two-dimensional non-Abelian spin models 52
Quark impact factors 52
Connection between complete and Moebius forms of gauge invariant operators 51
The dipole form of the quark part of the BFKL kernel 50
Electroproduction of two light vector mesons in the next-to-leading BFKL: study of systematic effects 50
Mass gap in the 2D O(3) non--linear sigma model with a theta=pi term 50
Moebius invariant BFKL equation for the adjoint representation in N=4 SUSY 50
Mueller–Navelet jets at LHC: BFKL versus high-energy DGLAP 50
NLO BFKL at work: the electroproduction of two light vector mesons 50
High-energy resummation in heavy-quark pair photoproduction 50
Screening masses in the SU(3) pure gauge theory and universality 50
QCD flux tubes across the deconfinement phase transition 50
The topological susceptibility of the 2D O(3) sigma model 50
Fixed point actions and on-shell tree-level Symanzik improvement 49
Renormalization group flow and fixed point of the lattice topological charge in the 2D O(3) sigma model 49
A new approach to the two-dimensional sigma-model with a topological charge 49
SU(3) thermodynamics on small lattices 49
Finite size scaling and deconfinement transition: the case of 4D SU(2) pure gauge theory 48
Mueller–Navelet jets in next-to-leading order BFKL: theory versus experiment 48
Heating and small-size instantons in the O(3) sigma model on the lattice 48
Phase diagram of QCD with four degenerate quarks 48
Heavy-flavored emissions in hybrid collinear/high-energy factorization 47
Quark part of the non-forward BFKL kernel and the "bootstrap" for the gluon Reggeization 47
Topological charge on the lattice. The 2D CP(N-1) model 47
Two-flavor QCD at finite quark or isospin density 47
The next-to-leading order forward jet vertex in the small-cone approximation 46
Chromoelectric flux tubes and coherence length in QCD 46
Difference between standard and quasi-conformal BFKL kernels 45
Critical behavior of 3D Z(N) lattice gauge theories at zero temperature 45
Phase transitions in strongly coupled three-dimensional Z(N) lattice gauge theories at finite temperature 45
Chromoelectric flux tubes in QCD 45
High-energy resummation in Lambda_c baryon production 45
Higgs production in the high-energy limit of pQCD 44
QCD in the Regge limit: From gluon Reggeization to physical amplitudes 44
The gamma* gamma* total cross section in next-to-leading order BFKL and LEP2 data 44
High-energy resummed distributions for the inclusive Higgs-plus-jet production at the LHC 44
Numerical study of the phase transitions in the two-dimensional Z(5) vector model 43
The next-to-leading order Higgs impact factor in the infinite top-mass limit 42
Non-compact QED_3 at finite temperature: the confinement-deconfinement transition 42
Phase structure of 3D Z(N) lattice gauge theories at finite temperature: Large-N and continuum limits 42
Traffic models and traffic-jam transition in quantum (N+1)-level systems 42
BFKL phenomenology: resummation of high-energy logs in inclusive processes 41
On the coordinate representation of NLO BFKL 41
Phase structure of 3D Z(N) lattice gauge theories at finite temperature 41
Totale 5.849
Categoria #
all - tutte 79.174
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 79.174

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020802 0 0 0 0 0 0 133 212 22 127 226 82
2020/20211.426 224 8 175 183 13 203 17 205 42 186 10 160
2021/20221.617 14 74 18 86 117 45 22 401 19 44 244 533
2022/20231.873 250 144 42 242 225 161 8 395 223 65 64 54
2023/20241.032 90 58 69 55 54 158 31 76 88 55 49 249
2024/20251.144 68 510 77 138 80 270 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.492